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Everything posted by highmay

  1. thanks j...ill keep that one in mind... anyone else have any other ideas?
  2. Well how about filling your butthole up with the 1 million unsold CDs of Rhthym Ready, tieing you up to a lampost naked, and have pigeons shit on you for a good week...then when you want no more, throw you in Neptunes ALL WEEKEND LONG...let you party with long islanders 3 nights straight... even HIGHMAY cringes at the thought....
  3. ever see the exorcist?? it's possible buddy...
  4. http://www.robpromotions.com/parties/subliminal/index.html
  5. You dumb piece of shit...ill give you the small amount of respect for taking the time to come back on me...but again, ill prove that it is flawed and a waste of mine and everyone else's time... I don't give two flying shits about your accomplishments, but you are flawed in telling me that you don't find cheerleading a sport...come to one of my practices, try and toss a girl up (even if i spot you a week), try and hold a pyramid, and as a matter of fact, why don't you keep doing that for 2 minutes and 15 seconds straight in clean formation...then you can tell me that you don't consider cheerleading a sport...if you dont want to and pussy out as i expect you to, then STFU™, because people in the know just look at you with disgust and laughter... hypocritical? cmon...telling me that you have more pull and friends, and then calling that "middle school shit" seems to clash doesnt it? cmon kid...i attack with hatred and comeback with logic... my board personality is also apart of me as a person...dont ever get that twisted, eunuch...if im at a party, though, where social interaction is wanted in a positive direction, then starting arguments and shit-talking will be looked upon as unwanted, so i dont do it...if you want to argue like men in person, give me the time and place and ill be there... the board sucks for other reasons other than my ranting...i go nowhere near the top of why this board sucks...this isnt the time nor the place, but placing me up there overlooks the main reasons why people leave and join other boards... and another thing, kid...I also earned my name, they don't call me MUTHAFUCKINHIGHMAY for nothing...so please, this will get pointless once you start to repeat yourself...comeback with something pertinent, if not, go waste your life watching wrestling...
  6. theres a difference between watching wrestling and cheerleading...HUGE DIFFERENCE...so your line of thinking is WAY MUTHAFUCKING OFF...piece of shit...
  7. i have just the prescription for you! go to filter 14 on a teusday night and scream out in the middle of the dance floor "I love Draper!" You fuckin waste of life London lover...
  8. Congradulations, Eunuch38! You've just fucked up! You fall into the category of immature and insecure kids you try and put down people on the activities they participate in. Intelligence is something you lack, and your watching wrestling and participation with Exit heads is an obvious by-product of that. For the exeption of your other waste of life friends going "it's gay, yo," please give me one shred of evidence that shows cheerleading isn't a real sport. You have no evidence supporting an ignorant and moronic claim like that...but then again, your empty words merely look like a forgetful peice of cow dung. I actually have respect for Helen, unlike someone who calls themself "Larry the Legend" when absolutely no one outside some useless town of Johnson, NY knows who the fuck you are... If you need help with slitting your wrists, I'm always here to help. NEXT!
  9. yeah i was!! muthafucka why didnt you say anything???
  10. we have converted another one, folks... too bad ive killed you too...
  11. Well why don't you guys see for yourself?? Shelter and West End Records has already booked her...she's doing a show in Central Park at the end of the month... go to www.clubshelter.com to the exact muthafuckin info...
  12. ::drops giant exit disco ball on hitoriki's head:: try and do your little fag steve lawler tribal dance now you fucking fro wearing freak! DONE! NEXT! Xpand THIS, muthafucka!! ::ties Xpander up in a chair and locks headphones to his ears and plays Xpander 24/7:: DONE! NEXT! please...this muthafucka is already a goner.... NEXT! ...and you thought i was muthafuckin playin huh??....fucking tools....
  13. Goodbye everyone! Time to meet your muthafuckin maker!!
  14. Yo Jon...tell Vic, Kuro, Spinsaikel, and the rest of the DC heads that HIGHMAY SAYS WHATS UP!!
  15. Yes! I'll be there! And remember, everybody!! Aly's list!! :D
  16. Mr. MuthafuckinHighmay will make a brief, albeit memorable, stop in DC for the 12th and 13th of this month... I ask you, my DC brethren: WHAT THE FLYIN FUCK IS THERE TO DO ON THE 12TH AND 13TH???!!! I need a place to go out to celebrate my cousin's high school graduation (she's not coming out with us, but that doesn't mean we're not partying FOR HER ) So spill the muthafuckin goya beans... Mr. Highmay signing off...
  17. ahhh..good one! one point for helen...now you better not post tomorrow...
  18. Have you considered suing your brains for non-support? Seriously man, if I ever needed a blueprint to build an idiot, I'd email you in a nanosecond...
  19. WOW YAY!! THIS EFFECTS MY LIFE DRAMATICALLY!!! Slit your wrists please...i gave a shit about wrestling when i was 9...
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