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Everything posted by highmay

  1. The NB meetup at Platinum...and of course the first question you ask me is about me being the messageboard poster child for draper bashing... ahhhhh...memories
  2. i know EXACTLY what you're talkin about... totally forgot about the breaks...and the tribal they dropped was some intense shit... cant wait for the 13th as well...ill PM you, let's meetup...
  3. nah...i never needed it to have a good time...drugs, to me, are for people to take themselves to another level..all i needed was the music...
  4. well not only do i miss you but scot project's music made me love electronica to the point my tastes are now...i gotta pay homage when i have the opportunity... (and being that I get in for free with White Room access and Boo 6 the next day, itll be pointless for me to rot in DC that weekend...) come and say hi...me and DJScotphreak will banging our heads off the speakers...
  5. just changedmy plans...ill be there!!! derrick, man...its gonna be you and me in the middle of that dance floor!!
  6. highmay


  7. highmay


    ahhhh damn...the 5th ill be in daytona for cheerleading nationals...wish i could have checked that out... no worries ... ill see you when im down there celebrating my bday in DC... peace...
  8. highmay


    Let me get this straight... you're telling me Nation sucked so badly that you couldn't bear going up to check out S&D in Philly?? you wanna kick yourself now, or are you gonna let me and ravermania do that for you??
  9. Aight just to specify everything: Scopa is where I'm going to have the party. I'm going to have my own section reserved. Ladies are free all night. Paris is spinning. I've got my own bday cake, as well... So I hope everyone can make it out...peace and love...
  10. it's the Panoz Esperante... i got inspired to post that because the area I'm in near Philly is very, shall we say, affluent. Everytime I get the opportunity to drive through the Main Line, I get to see so many foriegn beauties, and the Esperante was the one that graced my eyes today
  11. I arrived at the Electric Factory as soon as the place opened. It was 8pm and a local Philly DJ named Vincent Wonder opened up for the first 90 minutes, setting the mood with very nice, ambient and light d'n'b. My Philly peoples didn't arrive until around 10, which was when the crowd arrived. I didn't really chill with them because most of the venue was blocked off for the 21 crowd to drink. Now Jimmy Van M was the one start out the beats; very light, but it got people dancing. He finished his set with deep house and light tribal, and then John Digweed takes the tables. By this time, I realized I was by myself and dancing nonstop for a while. I check my cell phone and it was only 11. Time went so slow throughout the entire night. Digweed took me on this trip, and it seemed like I was feeling every second of every song he dropped. His track selection and programming were simply amazing. It seemed that the track he played subtly built upon the previous record he dropped, and he and Sasha kept doing this until they closed at around 2:15. I was only able to ID one track...ONE (James Holden vs Ben Pound - Kaern Turned). Sasha was a little bit too trancy for my taste, and it seemed like Digweed controlled the programming throughout the night because he was at the helm for most of it. The expeirience is what I'll never forget about last night. What I felt listening to that music was something I never felt before. Take the music (this subtle, smooth, and damn good music). Now combine the loud, clear sound with the body heat of everyone dancing around me, the hypnotic lights, and the fact that I was wearing ear plugs (which allows you think straight and just concentrate on the music), and I was thrown into this other dimension. I felt they took me on this journey. I wasn't in Philly. I was somewhere completely different. I was so out of it, John Digweed himself walked through the crowd and near me, and all I could do was tap him on the shoulder, and not stop him and shake his hand like I would have done if I was in my right mindstate. One time during the night, a girl who was part of my group took my hand and dragged me out of the middle of the floor so I can chill with them. The only thing I could say was "they're amazing" because I was so out of it. The wierd thing about all of this was that I don't take drugs. So I'm guessing that was as close to rolling as I'm ever going to get. Simply put, Sasha and John Digweed are mindfuckers. Last night was the biggest mindfuck I've ever went through. So I've been there, done that, and bought the shirt to prove it. Peace.
  12. For now, worship these men... Details later when I have the time...
  13. Uh-oh...you and juice just fucked up... Let me tell you about me: I used to be a diehard factory head for the better part of 2K1. Since that summer, I closed out SF on a regular basis: getting home at 2, 3, 5 in the afternoon, loving the vibe, the people, the music there. I loved the Factory Circles, the dancers in that circle, the breakdancers, and yes, knowing that you're part of a family. Now mind you, I've never taken a drug in my life. I was running completely on the club nap I had before getting there. Everyone around me took drugs. From the staff, to the dancers, to every regular I knew. The drugs drive that party. I loved listening to JP, but I had a craving to listen to every DJ that was considered "internationally reknown." After listening to their sets, then coming back and listening to JP, I started questioning about why he mixed certain songs the same way, why he selected the same songs, and why he played 3 year old songs on a regular basis. Then I also started wondering why the SF regulars got all hyped up that JP played, say, Deep Kemical or his gub of a Garth Brooks song he had remixed when a) it is so easy to get it off of AG, and he played it the previous week anyway. Closing SF at 7:30pm on Halloween really opened my eyes. To me, it was completely pointless staying there at such a time of day. It was completely pointless partying with these crackheads who made it seem that everything JP touched turned to gold. It was completely pointless going on a regular basis anymore, because the place lost its luster. The SF culture is run by the drugs. The drugs are so apparent in that place, it's ridiculous. And since everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, around you is fucked up, a person under the same hallucination would feel right at home. That is why you consider it a "family". So I'm sorry if you think we're elitist, but make sure you get the story behind certain members who voice their opinions first. Any first-timer could go to SF afterhours and I'm sure they'll totally enjoy themselves, but they would never understand until they go on a regular basis like I did. Sorry, but this is how I feel.
  14. Cellar bar is the VIP and EZDreamer Meetup... and yes...that thursday is scopa...d&t got it all hooked up... OJ...we gotta discuss this running back situation man...it's all about JIM BROWN!!
  15. ehhh...i see it in a different light... i was never respected on ST because they thought i had a "holier than thou" attitude because I party sober...something they never could accomplish... i got the imposter because of the cheerleading thing...
  16. yeah...it's the IRS ...and that crowd fits right in with Vinyl on fridays... makes total sense for him to spin there...because those things from jersey called "clubbers" have infiltrated that once great club... makes total sense that he spin there...
  17. just do us all a favor: take JPs dick out your fucking mouth, register on SickTracks and leave this board full of "complainers".... ...youll fit RIGHT IN with those morons...
  18. the party is from 8-2 at Efactory the after party at shampoo is from 2-6 IM me if you need anything else... ill be around for like 20 more minutes
  19. Check the sig...Hope everyone can make it out to Scopa and the meetup at the Cellar Bar... Peace and Love...
  20. The meetup is at 11pm and 1am on the balcony, the right wall, way up front overlooking the stage .... hope everyone who's coming can show up...see you there tonight...
  21. The meetup is at 11pm and 1am on the balcony, the right wall, way up front overlooking the stage .... hope everyone who's coming can show up...see you there tonight...
  22. thank you...you seem pretty intelligent yourself... I'll post the dates and venues when I know....hope to see you there...
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