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Everything posted by highmay

  1. ahhh...Thanks for the pickup my friend! Make sure you come through...
  2. Jose Rodriguez...hmmmm... ill bring the Desert Eagle next time I'm down here...
  3. yup...we beat GMU (and by the way, Playboy was NOT bullshitting when they named them the country's hottest campus...hotties galore) and we're going to Indiana, but I'm staying in NYC and writing up a 10 page moral philosophy paper due the first day I come back from vacation.
  4. understanding my rationality, i wouldnt call it two faced at all... if you went back to that thread and totally comprehended what i said (which you obviously didn't), my point was that Vicious at the time was aweful at Roxy, but Nero kept the music good and the crowd into it...it made sense that Nero could replace Vicious...but i never said he was better than those 4 DJs that CVE mentioned... please, Nero doesnt have the track record that those 4 have...so yes...HE DOESNT DESERVE TO BE IN THE SAME 10 MILE RADIUS AS THOSE 4 DJs.... PS. Nero PMed me about how I shouldnt had started that thread up...another example of people taking a messageboard WAY too seriously...it's a free country, and a board such as this is something to place YOUR OPINIONS ON. WHO THE FUCK IS ANYONE TO TELL ME WHAT I COULD WRITE AND CAN'T WRITE? now bebby, im sure your job @ dunkin donuts gets you bored and makes you ignite idiotic board drama over an ignorant conclusion such as the one you came to, but i'm going to stop right here and move on with my life, since I have things that take priority in my life...
  5. the intelligence level of world promoters is right down there with intelligence level of their crowd...
  6. Well I have to claim ignorance about that symantics of that party. I really didn't know what I was getting myself into. But now, actually expeiriencing it for myself, I know what you people are talking about. Thank god I turn 21 in a few. Offers me to ponder some sobering thoughts...like what the hell happened after leaving the club, because I really don't remember jack shit (although I did give my sober cousin the keys to my car, so rest assured that I'm not posting this from beyond my grave ). Speaking of my 21st, everyone should come out and celebrate it when I hit DC. I spoke with my cousin and we drew out a preliminary plan of the clubs we're hitting. Thursday will either be Red or Andalou's, Friday & Saturday are up in the air, and Sunday: Sam "The Man" Burns...
  7. anthony nero doesnt deserve to be in the same 10 mile radius within the DJs you mentioned, INCLUDING JP... (now watch me get another PM telling me i shouldnt have said that...fucking moron...) it's junior vasquez...it will always be junior vasquez.... Chris Von Erik: you seem like a nice guy...we spoke a few times, but threads like this will only start drama 'round these parts...
  8. this is EXACTLY what i would do when my neighbor's house is on fire: post about it as it's on fire...instead of helping out
  9. listen...the only people who would go to draper are the people FORCED to be there.. Tony Draper has less skill than ME, and I don't DJ. Wanna see? Go here --------------->http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=75440&perpage=20&pagenumber=1 Tony Draper is the essense of shit. In recent studies, results show HE SUCKS... Why you ask? Simple. Too much commercial, same repititive songs, same trainwrecking (meaning he mixes terribly, since i know youre an amateur and dont know what that type of DJ lingo means), and same awefully moronic style makes me wanna pull a Lee Harvey Oswald on his ass... if you think im a dickhead, listen to other DJs. or else, youll be stuck in the same downward spiral as some waste of life peice of shit whose dreams and aspirations are working up to middle management of midget bowling... i guess what im really tryin to say is: dont bring some weak game like that here on CP...youll regret it...and im sure you are... you imbecile...
  10. i dontundrestand why utterly hot chicks go there.. nothing but cheese bullshit and ugly smelly arabic taliban wannabe pussy arabian knights more insecure than a pathological liar... the trend there seemed to be the hottest chicks gettin with the oldest, richest, and grey balding fucks with money up the wahzooo to spend on some trophy... hmmmmmmmmmmmm...makes a brotha think how much insecurity can you fill up in one nightclub in DC.... if anyone can hook up the name of the DJ so i can give him death threats...please, by all means, inform me...ill tell him, in the most elusive way possible, that ill bomb his halfway house if he plays horseshit like tthatt againa... i want frosted flaskes...gye
  11. highmay

    Clean Slates

    awwww thanks hun!
  12. YO HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO!!! next drink is on me next time...
  13. Game's tuesday night at 7pm at george mason I'll be at 1223 that night after the game... contact me for info...
  14. highmay

    Clean Slates

    Gotta disagree with your POV... It depends on the type of after affect your action produced. If I'm seeing a girl and I kill her parents, you can pretty much kiss that second chance goodbye. If it's something like worthless gossip gets in-between the two parties, you have to be able to give it time, forgive, and forget DEPENDING ON YOUR PERSONAL ASSESSMENT OF THAT PERSON. If you think the other is a good person, by all means forgive and forget. Generally good people have the ability to understand their actions, learn from them, and discipline themselves never to repeat it. On the other hand, I was friendly with someone over the summer that, shall we say, led off a pretty negative vibes with the actions that he did that I was forced to be involved in due to association. He fucked up one too many times, so I cut that person off when the opportunity presented itself. If YOU fuck up and are sorry to someone you care for, wouldn't YOU want to wipe the slate clean? You have to understand that NO ONE IS PERFECT. People will fuck up. It always happens. That's why we have drama in the world. So stay positive and learn to forgive and forget. I've been on both sides of the spectrum (forgiving and forgivee), and I have a good idea about what emotions people deal with on each side. Like to know what you think.
  15. It's all good babydoll... And if no one can make it, I totally understand. I've got my cousins, and since this was totally unplanned until this morning, we're gonna make sure we party together the way we always do. If anyone's at 1223 tomorrow night, just come up and say what's up. I don't bite. Peace.
  16. I just found out from my cheerleading coach that our team is going to play in the NIT. Down in VA. We're playing George Mason @ George Mason. So I'll be in DC until Wednesday, and depending the outcome, I might have to stay with them until they lose. So to all who made plans with for this weekend coming up, they are postponed indefinitely. Sorry I won't be on TV for this opening round (unless you're in Philly or DC/VA), but I'll let you know if we are if we get past to the later rounds. Take care everyone.
  17. As I was packing my clothes this morning to head back home to NYC for my spring break, I received a call from my cheerleading coach. My bball team was selected to go to the NIT. We're playing George Mason. At George Mason. And I was one of the cheerleaders selected to go. So I'm heading down to DC in a few hours, and this will give me time to see my fam and my cousin Sami (who's also on his spring break), but I'm going to make plans to go to MCCXXIII tomorrow night. If anybody wants tickets to the game, I'll see if I can get a few. If anybody wants to chill with me and my cousin at the club tomorrow night, PM me, IM me, or call my cell if you know it, and we'll conversate and enjoy the scene. Hope to hear from you! Take care.
  18. what a fine set of priorities...
  19. do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
  20. oh no no no ....i dont hold petty things such as this against people... youll see how i operate on these boards...and ill do the same for you... for now...godspeed
  21. ehhh...looks like im going overboard (mental note).... take it back, forgive me, Miss Guidette from Jersey... but i wont forget this....
  22. i dont have a problem with him personally since i dont know him... i have a problem that a person with an image like his would chill out at a place such as vinyl... how many more references should i take in to officially acknowledge that vinyl has gone commercial?
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