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Everything posted by highmay

  1. wow...since the cheerleading angle didnt work, you're going to the namecalling to rank on me... cocksucker, mutherfocker, bitchass, cunt. ...the originality is simply oozing from your fingers onto the keyboard, isnt it?? your rep isnt helping you at all with the weak comebacks...mr smokesum, you are getting SMOKED...
  2. oh please, people definitly gotta get off the cheerleading bid...its sooooo unoriginal at this point.... tell me something different...cmon...you know, surprise me...
  3. thats what YOU think... sometimes, im soooo jealous of the ignorantly blissful...
  4. yup...because, god forbid, you actually go to vinyl for the MUSIC.
  5. weak, very weak... ...ill let you try again...
  6. I'm sorry mr. Pop'n'fresh, but I believe I called QUOTH out, not you... Go drink Guiness with your only friends those stray English boxers and spank off on Abbey Road...
  7. It doesn't make you more of a hard-ass, just less tolerant of people's bullshit. Dealing with so many different people from different backgrounds makes you more aware of how general society operates within a larger scale.
  8. maybe the weekend b4...not sure... last week of march and first week of april im in philly gettin ready for cheerleading nationals, but my sasha and digweed pre-party is still on....march 30th, ill give everyone the 411 regarding that next week...
  9. ...can be applied to any type of dealings, and not just drug dealings? It makes total sense if you listen to the lyrics. Just a random thought that came to my head.
  10. Ahhh I wish I could, but I need to take care of things back in NYC, including doc appts and the like. I'll be going down for a few days in March. I'll let you know when the time comes and we'll chill. Take care.
  11. why thank you that's the best compliment i've gotten in a while...
  12. not by ANY stretch of the imagination....
  13. gives you such a unique perspective on life and how you view society as a whole. I am so grateful for living in a place as unique as this. With all the diverse cultures packed into such a condense area, you develop a tolerance, appreciation, and eventual love for all things diverse. That diversity has shaped me as a person and made me grow in so many ways. If I lived anywhere else, I really don't think I would be the person I am today. Anyone else from bklyn agree?
  14. hmmmmmmm... interesting thought... though last night was just especially eye opening...and i have no clue why so...
  15. bro, THANK YOU!! That line made my morning!! :laugh2:
  16. talk to me lata playa...
  17. ...can be caused by a lot of deep reflection...a lot...
  18. do it on thursday ..... if the day is right...ill be there...
  19. ...just like every other club... Now I'm not into the nightlife industry, but let me play devil's advocate. (If anyone notices an error in my argument, please correct me.) In regards to not getting your money back, any business holds the right not to return your money. You essentially entered the club at your own risk and were willing to give up your money in order to participate in the events. Unless it was contractually obligated to include Scumfrog as the opening DJ in the flyer, the promoters can withold that info because you eventually got what you paid for, and that was Roger spinning. This also justifies why you can't receive your money back (since they delivered what they promised). And remember, The World Nightclub, owned by the WWF, is located in the heart of Times Square. How can you NOT see the tourist trap? Now the mistreatment is a legit beef. Customer service is a matter of competence. I think that promoters forget that they are providing a service for people, and their customers-- in the party which they throw for them-- should be treated as if they are the most important people in the world. If those promoters operate as a single entity, then you're able to file a formal complaint to the BBB of NYC. If you feel so strongly about the other customers in your exact shoes, then maybe you should take some legal action and file one. You may never know what might come about it. . . . Remember, my friend: EVERY expeirience is a learning expeirience. Learn from this and move on to, hopefully, more positive nights out in the future. Take care.
  20. ahhh, the carlinisms. George Carlin used about 50 of these paradoxes in a skit. They go around in fowarded emails all the time.
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