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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by markus23

  1. hey, if a man has to touch it to put it up, a woman can touch it to put it down! lol..or is that faulty logic??? no, really, in people's apartments i normally keep it up if it's a guys apartment or put it down if it's a female friend's...or leave it how it was when i went in...but what to do in a co-ed club situation..hmm...good question.
  2. i'm sick now too..probably caught it from all of you any clues how to get better? i'm stacking my vitamin-c.
  3. congrats everyone! i can only imagine...
  4. grad skool at nyu..here i come baby.
  5. whooohoooo..i thought it would never come. enjoy it people.
  6. yeah..i agree with blue angel... love always knocks you on your ass when you aren't looking.
  7. yeah..dancing if definitely style and talent oriented..but i've talked with lots of people who just drown on the dance floor...and it seems that they are just too self-conscious about 'trying' to be a good dancer that they can't connect to the music. so i give props to anyone who really gets out there, enjoys him/herself, and lets loose on the floor.
  8. any way to convert the mp3's to regular audio trax so i can play them in my stereo? i know there's a way to do it on the pc...but i'm using a mac. anyone know what the conversion program is called?
  9. 23 and a libra -- glad to see there's a good range here! would start to worry if there were too many people with the same age.
  10. yeah...what's up with that? i wish we could designate what our taxes got used for!... i was walking home saturday night and there was this stray taxi sitting on the corner. i thought it was odd cause i don't see parked cabs too often...and as i got closer i realized there were just3 cops sitting inside (driver's side and everything!)..bet they were waiting to bust something!
  11. ok...so i'm totally down with PLUR...but where does the 'unity' fit into the whole picture? is it just the unity of all coming together with the music?
  12. i hear ya - i have to take my own taxes out ... and it kills me every week. and i envy your 401k.
  13. i've been reading a lot of the posts about tunnel saturday's and exit and other clubs...and was just wondering what all your opinions were about what makes a crowd good? what makes the night fun? and do you actually meet new people when you go out clubbing? it's only happened a few times with me...between dancing and just chillin in a dark corner somewhere...i don't really find clubs too conducive to chatting.' thoughts?
  14. when i was in second grade i wanted to be a punk rocker really bad ... and when i was really little i wanted to be a dancer (see what flash dance does even to guys?)...and my parents thought it was perfect because i couldn't seem to keep my clothes on when i was young. thinking back, it's a wonder i never became a stripper... and writing this...i'm just remembering that one of my college goals was to learn to weld...so maybe flashdance had more of an impact on me than i realize!
  15. yeah...sorry to hear about your breakup...they're always hard. i just got finished with a breakup situation that was tough and it was no where NEAR a 5 yr relationship...so i hope that things work out for you -- do you live with your ex? cause that sounds like it makes a tough situation even tougher...chin up and know that happiness is lurking somewhere around the corner
  16. i was at tunnel about 3 friday's back and made the horrible mistake of getting there at 11:30...the club was almost completely empty (and i discovered the joys of dancing in a huge empty room with cool lights)...but by 1 it was pretty damn crowded. tough to tell who came through tunnel and who was from fag/hag...but that was part of the fun. not sure when it got crowded or emptied out...but ended up being a really fun night. hopefully it will start to pick up after their 'grand opening' tonight and fridays will get publicized a bit more. any other fun spots on friday nights?
  17. yeah..i think the tunnel 'opening' is going to be cool and pretty damn big. don't know too much about what they have planned, but it's really been picking up...and i've been hearing pretty good things about it. only checked it out a few times recently - totally love all of the different spaces that they have inside. if you end up going, let us know how it was.
  18. what's BLU like? only been to the boiler room and the larger clubs. any other fun e.village places besides the phoenix and the cock? the cock actually looks like a lot of fun, but i've always been a bit intimidated by the name -- should i just bite the bullet and try it? m
  19. my first car was an 84 black jeep with mirrored side windows. it was definitely really cool...although i stalled across 3 landes of traffic on the garden state parkway (not fun pushing that mother off) and eventually just exploded when i was driving down the highway one day. still gotta love your first car.
  20. wow! lots of midtowners around...41st and madison here. and boy is it midtown. still haven't made up my mind if i like it or not.
  21. what time does twilo pick up on fridays? want to get there before the line gets too insane (which i've seen quite a few times)..but don't want to get there so early that it's boring..any ideas?
  22. my parents are ultra cool..but i don't tell them anything. i have a feeling my mom would want me to bring her along just for the experience. she's a rad dancer herself.but that'd still be really odd..don't you think? lol...although i think it would be fun to go clubbing with my mom at least once! don't clue them in too much though. i like to keep my social life as something that's solely mine to control and not discuss, cause i don't want to have to explain everything to them.
  23. wet spots on the dance floor are the worst...especially if it is really wet and there's no traction at all. it virtually prevents all dancing other than 'bopping'...and i hate to 'bop'. there's nothing worse than just looking silly cause your feet are sliding all over the place. but equally bad to be dancing and have to avoid someone running around with a mop. any solutions?
  24. i don't think i'd want to go to a club in times square....a little too, uh, bright for me over there. i'd feel like i was dancing in a disney movie.
  25. mine's pretty funny!!! pet: salty street: pill name: salty pill] now that's a porn name if i ever heard one!
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