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Everything posted by divalicious

  1. absolutely...he was always back and forth between them. ------------------
  2. boys, boys, settle down, take a chill pill (ooo that was soooo only 80's of me). no need to fuss and fight. play nicely please, or else i'll have to separate you. ------------------
  3. nope...don't believe the hype. ------------------
  4. yeah baby, yeah! ------------------
  5. the pettiness of these "i hate that dj/club" posts is ridiculous. come on people! there are different clubs because different people like different things. so what, because someone likes one club over another that means all those with different tastes are a-holes? give me a break! ------------------
  6. They're not necessarily better, just different. Macs are used primarily in the creative industries and PCs are used in business. Macs do tend to be more user friendly than PCs, but that's changing now with the evolution of the Windows OS (which incidentally is becoming more Mac-like). But Macs do have the upper hand in cool looking computers =) ------------------
  7. oh yeah, i know what they say. and i luuuv italian guys ------------------
  8. yup! when i was in college studying computers, i was a die hard pc user... then i started working in marketing/advertising and now i'm a mac baby. got the blueberry iBook...it's sooo cute =) ------------------
  9. oooo so you speak italian, do you? i looove it! talk to me baby! ------------------
  10. i live in kensington ------------------
  11. hmmm... the physical i like flyguys...for those who don't know: a flyguy is a cutie who is in good shape, with some muscle definition (but not a meat heat!), and knows how to dance! the mental he has a good sense of humor, knows how to be a gentleman, can carry on a conversation, is an outgoing, progessive thinking free-spirit, is emotionally stable, mature when he has to be, has ambition, and can keep up with me! am i asking for a lot?? ------------------
  12. Just wanted to see what the opinions were on this one. For me, dancing skills are pretty important. If a guy is trying to hang out with me in a club, and he can't dance, I'm sorry but it's kind of a turn off! I dance my ass off and I want a guy who can keep up... I'm not trying to slam those who may not be the best dancers, but it's kind of like the song "Someone" says, "I need somebody who can move my way..." ------------------ [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 08-21-2000).]
  13. well, i can be considered the modern/slang definition of a diva and i taste delicious, hence Divalicious ------------------
  14. Thanks wakeup, you win the prize! the song is "i'll fly with you" and i found it ol using macster...only prob is that it's not mixed like it was at exit this past sat...it doesn't slow down and speed up... ------------------
  15. i was at exit on sat. it was ok...i've had better nights there. there was definitely a private party for oz there...i saw the latina doctor in teh bathroom and said hi to her... ------------------
  16. any1 know whose cd has this jam or where i might be able to download it? it plays normal speed then gradually gets slower and slower to almost a stop. then it starts to speed up back to normal, then fast, then faster and faster and faster and faster... i f-ing luuuv it. it riles me up! aaaaaw sh*t ------------------ [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 08-20-2000).]
  17. you can probably get some great stuff from the cops who raided vinyl last night... ------------------
  18. hey india, we should meet up, i'm by you now! ------------------
  19. i preload with 5-htp, selenium and l-tyrosine about an hour beforehand. i never feel down or hungover (btw, hangovers may be due to dehydration - remember to drink oceans of water). the only thing i feel the day after is tired, but i think that might have something to due with the fact that i dance non-stop (well except for when i'm in the bathroom) =) ------------------
  20. you've gotten a lot of good advice from the board. I feel your pain girl, after 4 1/2 years my ex and i broke up in april. what i do is, go out as much as possible, flirt shamelessly surround myself with people who really care about me, and who won't walk out of my life because of "routine and complacency". in time it won't hurt any longer. and i like to think that it was for the best. that i'll hook up with someone with whom i'll have a healthier and more satisfying relationship. although the clous may seem large and dark, i'm sure there is a silver lining in it for you. ------------------
  21. jen - S&D = Sasha and Digweed although i've never been to either CC or S&D live, i have plenty of their cd's and i have to say that CC mixes harder trance than S&D. lots of bass, which i love because it literally makes you feel the music. ------------------
  22. hey cazz, i'm definitely going to vinyl, so if you want to meet up with me, let me know! ------------------
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