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Everything posted by divalicious

  1. i wanna go, i wanna go! ------------------ [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 09-11-2000).]
  2. what i don't understand is why people feel the need to play "the game". the best way to get a start on understanding is communication, openness and honesty. i don't think that it's really that difficult. be yourself, treat people how you want to be treated, be friends first, foremost and always, and you'll find that romantic relationships will tend to be a lot easier. i'm a firm believer in this and i'm going to try to only deal with guys who think the same way... ------------------
  3. ok i've got to add my $0.02 to this one... a guy can send me over the edge if he starts telling me all the naughty things he wants to do to me. not in a vulgar manner, but in a sexy, sensuous way. yeah baby! ------------------
  4. ok i've got to add my $0.02 to this one... a guy can send me over the edge if he starts telling me all the naughty things he wants to do to me. not in a vulgar manner, but in a sexy, sensuous way. yeah baby! ------------------
  5. i know, isn't it great!? ------------------
  6. i've done it on e and it lasted for hours...and it was fantastic! i had no probs with the big o after o after o, but the ex took a while, which was fine by me, because he just spent a heck of a lot of time lapping me up!!! woohoo! ------------------
  7. I think it should be banned. I hate coming home and stinking like an f-ing ashtray!! Or worse yet, getting my skin or clothes burned by some chimney who is dancing with a cig, and having to breathe in all that crap they're spewing. Just my opinion, but if I made the rules, cigs would be OUT! Joints and blunts are OK tho... ------------------
  8. I try to get my butt to the gym 2-3 times a week, but in the past month I've not been there once!! (Life has been a bit hectic for me.) I have to say tho that dancing every weekend for 4-7 hours is more cardio than I get in the gym in a month!! And it's a whole lot more fun! The result - I'm in niiiice womanly shape. ------------------
  9. I can and do club sober (OK maybe not totally, I might smoke some bud and have a drink)... but I don't require a pill for my good time...the music makes it for me. ------------------
  10. i have to agree that liquid (i assume you mean the alcoholic kind) lunches on occassion can be rather pleasant!! ------------------
  11. no mama, this post wasn't directed at you! it was just something i've been wanting to see happen since i found out that CA banned smoking...and we went the whole weekend without me getting burned...yay!!! FYI, i don't think smoking weed is just as bad as cigs, because one doesn't smoke 10-20+ joints in a day as one would if one smoked cigs. i smoke weed more now than i did when i smoked cigs, but i can now run up a flight of steps without feeling like i'm going to cough up a lung. and weed smoke doesn't linger like cig smoke does. and yes, we reformed smokers are the worst when we get up on a soap box (especially us cold turkey quitters), but the way i see it, i'm only trying help nudge the chimneys to quit a nasty ass habit. hey if i can do it... ------------------
  12. I just have one thing to say to the ladies who want, have or are going to get breast implants...get boob shaped ones!!! Those balloon things they put up in you guys look ridiculous and oh sooo fake!! If I were to ever consider getting implants (only after I've had children - if I do), I would definitely get the boob shaped ones so that they look natural and not like those big round things that don't move I see sitting on womens' chests. ------------------
  13. Park Slope and Brooklyn Heights in Brooklyn... ------------------
  14. depends on the bud being toked...hydro should only be smoked out of a bong or one hit...regular stuff in a joint or blunt. ------------------
  15. FYI, I was a chimney myself for 7 years...I quit, cold turkey, almost 3 years ago. So I know what it's like to want to light up. But even when I was a chimney, I was very considerate of non-smokers, and did not subject them to my smoking unless they didn't care... ------------------
  16. toss up between haagen daaz cookies and cream and ben & jerry's chubby hubby ------------------
  17. i don't necessarily care what people think of me - if i dropped dead right there, they wouldn't really care, so the opinion of the masses doesn't matter much. i posted this because it seems that when i come down off of whatever i was dancing on, even more guys are trying (but not succeeding) to pick me up, like that's what i wanted to happen! but i guess by dancing in a high visibility spot, i've made myself even more noticable, thereby attracting more unwanted attention to myself. so i guess it's kind of a catch 22. i want to dance up and away from the crowd, but i don't want added attention. i guess i just have to deal with it! ------------------
  18. although i'm not at all full of myself, i have to admit that popular opinion holds that i do look damn good dancing up on those things... ------------------
  19. I love dancing on platforms, chairs, tables, stages and anywhere else that i can get a good view of the crowd, while having my own private little space to dance in, with no guys trying to cop a feel, or muscle heads banging into me and stomping on my feet. My question is, if you see a sexy looking girl dancing her ass off on one of these things, do you look at her like she's a ho trying to hook up, or is she just a patron having a damn good time? i happen to be the latter... ------------------
  20. have to add my $0.02... this happens quite often... i hate it when i'm dancing away and some guy, who btw has not even bothered to let me lay eyes on him, starts rubbing his penis on my ass! i mean they literally come up from behind and start humping like a puppy in heat!! WHAT THE F**K!!? i get soo pissed that i want to start swinging!! but i demure like the lady that i am and just give them a look that makes them run away with their tail between their legs. on the other hand tho, when i'm in a club with a guy i'm with, there's lots of rubbing going on - and he better have a big 'ol stiffy!! ------------------
  21. I listen to classic blues and jazz - Billie Holliday, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Pearl Bailey, et. al. contemporary jazz - David Sanborn, Chris Botti, and the rest of the CD101.9 regulars also like - Tori Amos, Heather Nova, Sara McLaughlin, Sade, D'Angelo, Maxwell, Madonna, and a bunch of other songs by various artists in various genres (except country and heavy metal) ------------------
  22. Oh man that was funny! all the Italian people I know (and I know a lot) can attest to at least 75% of the things on that list... ------------------
  23. I definitely think the scene hass changed - for the worse. I happen to think that certain drugs are to blame. Now I'm not downing drugs - I'm no angel and I do drop a bomb sometimes when I go out. But I definitley don't NEED to do it to have a great time, like soo many people do. So long as there is great music, I'm happy. It just seems that the club scene is now synonymous with doing drugs... Case in point, when I tell people not in the scene that I go to Exit, Sound Factory, CPI or the like, the first question they ask me is how many hits did I take. That's what the club scene reputation has become. Shameful!! ------------------
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