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Everything posted by divalicious

  1. ok so if you're old what does this 28 y.o.? happy b-day dearie...you're only as old as you feel. i feel like i'm 18! woohoo, i'm younger than you are! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  2. being gay is the result of an extra y chromosome??? so what, lesbians have an extra x chromosome??? what a bunch of hogwash! pish-tosh! maybe he just likes head from a guy because, since guys have the same equipment, they know things about it that a woman just doesn't... so if i said that i liked receiving head from a woman, would that make me a lesian?? heck no! i swear i love boys too much!! now if he wanted to give head, then that would be a different story... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  3. being gay is the result of an extra y chromosome??? so what, lesbians have an extra x chromosome??? what a bunch of hogwash! pish-tosh! maybe he just likes head from a guy because, since guys have the same equipment, they know things about it that a woman just doesn't... so if i said that i liked receiving head from a woman, would that make me a lesian?? heck no! i swear i love boys too much!! now if he wanted to give head, then that would be a different story... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  4. even tho this topic has been beaten to death, i still have to voice my opinion... why, oh why, would a guy want to put himself into something that he knows is shitty going in?? and then he's going to want to put it into the love tunnel???!! uuuuggh...exit only!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  5. even tho this topic has been beaten to death, i still have to voice my opinion... why, oh why, would a guy want to put himself into something that he knows is shitty going in?? and then he's going to want to put it into the love tunnel???!! uuuuggh...exit only!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  6. Thanks Mac...i'm a very happy girlie indeed! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  7. OK, someone was just telling me that vinyl could be kept closed on what is thought to be the "problem" night, namely friday. is this true?? housemusic4ever: where did you get your info from?? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  8. hmmmm, i think it may be pretty difficult to master something that varies from person to person. my ex b-f would say that i've mastered it, and i did with him, being that we were together for almost 5 years. but if i tried the same techniques on a different guy, he may think i suck! (no pun intended) one of the good things about having been in a long-term relationship is that i've learned a lot about a man's body, and where, how and when to do things to certain parts of him. i don't think i would hav ebeen able to get the same level of skill had i not been in an ltr. but you still need to communicate with each new partner, and let them know what it is that you like. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  9. hey, if a gal is healthy and she's had a good shower (with a soap that agrees with her pH balance), but the guy still thinks she smells, then the chemistry between them is just not right. what smells badly to one guy could be delicious to another. think about it, it's not every one who likes the taste of black coffee, right? well, every guy in not going to like the taste of a certain girl. same priciple... i, of course, am the exception to this rule, being that i am sooo tasty!! (heehee jk) ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  10. i would be me...only richer... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  11. hehehehehehaha! i'm there!! but i'll wait till about 2:30 to show up. if it's going to be raided it will have happened by then. i can't take being in there if it happens. to those who deal: please please don't sell anything in the club!! your cooperation is greatly appreciated. thank you. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  12. i thought all guys did the finger test the first few times...you know, until you've fully acquired the taste of your new girl... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  13. i think i may have to sto by for a drink tonight ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  14. women do tend to have a stronger or milder scent depending on the time of the month. her discharge will also change. it's possible that this is her cycle and she doesn't think that it "smells". then again it is also possible that she wasn't so fresh and chose to have your boy do her anyway. i don't think that's right. if i weren't feeling so fresh, i wouldn't let a guy near my goodies...but that's just me. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  15. GET---OUT!!! does she realize the name she's walking around with?? i hope she doesn't have kids, they will get ragged on constantly!! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  16. i'm not one who is looking to only hook up. while i'm certainly not looking for a husband (eek!) i do want a steady guy in my life. i don't want a "serious" relationship tho...that implies that it won't be fun and what do i want with that?! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  17. i like ojeda a lot! he rocked cpi in the summer and sent us off nicely at neptune b.c. on labor day!! i don't know about ll tho...if you comp me i'll go... ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  18. aaaaw $h*t.. that means it will be open on friday!! woohoo, paaaaar-taaaaay! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  19. oh, heck yeah... no bushy tweet here! ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  20. dayum! ok, i have to cross my legs now... thanks a lot C. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  21. hey, i'm a fun gal, but i don't know about this sharky thing buddy. i'm not a fan of anal stimulation... but that's just me. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  22. yeah i was thinking the same thing too ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  23. i just moved there at the beginning of the month. before that i lived on albemarle near e4th, not too far a move, i know. let's see, i like twilo, vinyl, exit, SF, chaos, float. heard centro-fly and club new york are good, and i'd like to check them out! what about you?? ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all
  24. yeah, i want an exclusive relationship (i've never been into the seeing multiple guys thing) but i want it to be fun and mutually caring, while being easy-going and non-restrictive. ------------------ Peace Love Happiness y'all [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 09-27-2000).]
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