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Everything posted by divalicious

  1. I was tripping HARD for the first and only time a few years ago, and having a conversation with someone - who it was, I don't know. The person was telling me that I could live the day over and over, staying young! I was all, "yeah?!" The person says, "yeah!" I say, "But I don't want to be in school any more." So the person says, "So you'll finish school, then you can do it." I'm like, "yeah?!!", the person's like, "yeah!" I say, "But I don't want to live at home any more." The person says, "So you'll move out, then you can do it!" I'm like, "yeah?!!!" This conversation lasted for a long time with me going back and forth with all the things I want my life to be before I start this repeating day thing. My friends, who were also tripping, were kind of afraid of me, because the conversation they heard was not a happy sounding one. They thought I was having an f-ed up conversation about G*d knows what. OH, and also, I thought up some great idea having to do with computers (that's what I was majoring in at the time) that would make me rich, if only I could remember what it was... Anyway, no more psychodelic drugs for me...my mind is far out there enough! ------------------
  2. Moby - Ambient Robert Miles Chris Botti - I like that sexy jazzy trumpet ------------------
  3. My thanks to you too Double V!! Oh my, I think I'm getting choked up... ;-) ------------------
  4. Hey taking a nap before going out always works for me! If you really love the music then you don't need to be dependent on a drug to have a good time. ------------------
  5. Thanks Double S...that's very big of you! ------------------
  6. hey if she is getting into people;s private stuff, ban her from the board!! i want my name to be mine exclusively anyway. thanks ------------------
  7. i am torn between wine and violet...they are both passionate colors, like me ------------------
  8. i'm going to be the big 2-9 on Dec. 9. Sag baby! who wants to buy me presents? may i suggest silver jewelry from tiffany... ------------------ [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 08-28-2000).]
  9. i have to agree w/resident in that i don't want to hear my music on the radio. i don't want the masses to get hold of it, then it will become pop music!! let's keep it underground for as long as we can... ------------------
  10. hey what's going on here??!!! i don't like this new divided new york. put it back, put it baaaack!! now i have to go to 2 different new york boards to see what's going on? why are you going to make me work so hard dammit. ------------------
  11. commando whenever possible, otherwise that thong thong thong thong thong ------------------
  12. i'm going to Ibiza University, majoring in sociology of clubbing ------------------
  13. please, i'm forever bopping around at work. people here have come to get used to the "party girl". but when i'm bopping down the street, yes, people do look at me. some smile, they understand the party spirit... ------------------
  14. take a nap beforehand!! ------------------
  15. ok now i have to stand on Double V's side for this one. you can see what i look like and believe your eyes kiddo, you will be looking at a very attractive woman. but i'm not mad at ya, you just don't know any better... ------------------
  16. have to add my $0.02... in a club, my precious booty does not touch the toilet seat. i keep it as far away from it as possible!! my momma taught me well. if for some reason i do have to sit down, it's only after the seat has been wiped and there is ample covering on it. props to exit's bathroom for having seat protectors...i use about 4 of them if i feel the need to sit. ok, now that i've shared waaay too much with you guys... ------------------
  17. hey glowgirl as the Premier Divalicious who has posers currently using my name but only adding a letter (which btw is just a tad bit annoying, but at least my name is spelled properly), i don't see the biggie because the other changed her name and doesn't post using it and her name had a # behind it making it much easier to distinguish the two of you. ------------------ [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 08-24-2000).]
  18. hey everybody! i'm def down to meet up with the mature party crowd...well i don't know just how mature but isn't that the pc term for older? i'm going to be in the hamptons this weekend and next tho... well hope you guys have fun if you meet up in the next couple of weekends. maybe we can plan another at vinyl 3 fridays from now...look at me thinking waaay too far in advance... oh but wait, i'm 28 going on 18 so does that disqualify me? i'm soo confused ------------------ [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 08-24-2000).]
  19. luuuuuv them ------------------
  20. i have to throw in my $0.02 since i hook up my friends lovely. sorry to hear that some of you guys have jerky friends. i'm glad to know that my girlies wouldn't be that way to me. ------------------
  21. whoa, hold the phone...i have to speak up for the Sags. We sure do know how to have fuuun. Scorps are cool and all, but Sags give all the signs a run for their money in the adventureous-fun-having department ok, so please nobody think i'm trying to start zodiac drama. ------------------
  22. i am not even going to try to have a diva off with any of the wannabes, because it wouldn't be fair to them. i am way too much diva, as i'm sure many can confirm. and just for the record, when i was choosing a name for myself, if a name was taken i went on to something else, so that i would be as unique to the board as i am to the world. i would NEVER have just added a letter to someone elses tag and called it my own. that takes no brain or creativity. oh, and now your using MY reasoning for coming up with my name too? damn, can you think of nothing on your own?? but as i've said before, the board knows who the real Divalicious is. i'm not one to harp on such trivial matters, but this is just one of those little annoyances that one just can not let go by unchallenged. ------------------
  23. tell him, no creativity to come up with a unique user name! ------------------ [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 08-24-2000).]
  24. i will be gracing the hamptons with my presence this weekend and next weekend =)~ i am soo at neptunes! i can't wait!! ------------------
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