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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. sure....just bomb the entire world... europe, asia, africa, everyone.... GREAT IDEA. whoever doesn't agree with the us politics should be destroyed, right? and then you wonder why americans have enemies? with this thug-like approach to diplomacy you can't expect any better...
  2. was that irony (as i hope it was) or were you serious????
  3. i totally agree -- not everyone in europe must follow the us politics under mr w...
  4. i think he also got the french presidnt's name spelled wrong...goes to show what these ppl who criticise here all the time are...
  5. it almost sounds like you'd like the landmark in the rest of the world to be hit! that is sad. this world doesn't revolve around the usa, i think, and that the others live in the *pre-9/11* era, perhaps may be to their own benefit... all that you said just shows how ignorant and obnoxious some people in this country can be, which really makes me sad....
  6. "French are punks and we should give two shits what they say. They havent been of any significance since Napoleon." that's where we disagree! i suppose what makes a nation significant for you doensn't for me. if you think the nation which fights the wars (ie kills people) is more significant than the one that gave us versailles and impressionism, than we can't argue. the level of cultural sophistication in every aspect of life that france has reached will never be reached here in the us, alas. and if that is not a criterion for a evaluation, then i suggest we turn to such as: who's better in rodeo, or who is better in making chain-food restaurants... "We tried to stay out of te conflict in WWII and that only cost countless lives that couldve been saved. The lesson we shouldve learned is we need to handle business before it gets out of control." i have no doubts the usa would have stayed out ww2 had it not had particular interests to protect its interests -- that is, to stop japan in its invasion and also to protect england. european countries have suffered much more than the us, who didn't bury millions of people in WWII. the usa marched in to war in 1943, once when it was quite obvious that germans were to lose. and also apart from liberating the western europe, the americans together with the british had no problems in delivering the entire eastern europe to the russians (to their traditional enemies!!!) who sucked it dry for the next 50 years. so you can't claim that the usa was this angelic force that always came to rescue the poor european nations when they needed help. we also all know that the us has fought wars outside of its territory and bombed many countries since WWII; i suppose you can name some good reasons for these as well...
  7. i totally agree..however i sympathise with ppl who marched although i'd never do it. why? just because i don't believe that marching helps + i don't like to be politically manipulated (so that one day a democrat (for example) will win the elections because 100.000 ppl marched and he was supporting them)...
  8. sorry darling but i am white and european.
  9. just goes to show how well you know the 20th century culture. even if their history stopped in 1814, the french have such a ruch cultural tradition that (i am sorry to say this, but...) this counrty cannot match. if you evaluate a nation according to war-making that's a different (ie barbaric) view. however, even if this is the only criterion you have, don't forget WWI and how many soldiers franc lost there.
  10. well i can't be offended by that because i'm not french. say whatever you want to say about them...
  11. see smokesum -- everything can be resolved in a civilised way, no need to call ppl names.... is hippie a pejorative term btw? i personally don't have any faith in any organised movements...it's all crap (politics) and we'd be better off clubbing tonight. they'll do what they want to do anyway:blank:
  12. i believe it's quite relevant, especially when you see people here treating EU as a minion to the USA. gerogre michael had a very cute video (another irrevelant point ) on bush and blair, in which blair is depicted as w's lap-dog. the song is called "shoot that dog"
  13. ok it didn't come out clear from your post -- and i didn't say you're pro-war. my comment was more on this recent general attitude here that euros are 'pussies'...
  14. so you think germany and france should support usa regardless of the fact that the usa government may be making a mistake? europe, it seems, is for the usa just like a kid-brother who should do what he's told to do. a reminder for you all: EU as it is now has more people living in it than the USA....
  15. zlatang


    mine went deck...
  16. :D let's NOT help him then....
  17. this makes no sense whatsoever!
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