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Everything posted by b-side

  1. & Stay Tuned.... more Therapy coming soon !!!
  2. Lyrik: Are you white ? HappyF: how fitting a disco tune xxgrooveericxx: is there something your'e not telling us (J.K.) Joe: you bring out the good in all the Bad apples at every AB party or maybe it the other way around ??? Flip: what can I cay ... the nail on the head... now you ahve to name the next party "Freak-Out" or "Freak-Fest" I had no idea "Gypsy’s Tramps & Thieves" by Cher would be my song... but that does somewhat descibe my live.. I often am a Gypsy - dealing with Tramps & Thieves everywhere I go...
  3. Sad 2 say, It's actually been that way for a while.... since Mid Nov/Dec. (which sux bcz, I've been home longer than normal to notice it even more) That was..... Until Vamp cam along and spiced it up a bit I'll hopefully spice it up myself this/next month, once I finish my projects !
  4. now if i can just figure out what NOT to wear
  5. b-side

    Fetish ANYone ?

    I loooooveeee her so
  6. This girl def. wins the BEST ASS of the YEAR AWARD !!! I can't wait to get back to South America -Esp. Brasil & Argent.
  7. the opening of Nocturnal !!!!! we were waiting for you to reach 1000 so the club would open
  8. b-side


    Look at mines.. I've been here longer than just about everone.. and look how many points I have But i guess that's only because I eat them
  9. Gee I didn't know I was your TYPE I have to make more cooking appearances... Hell I'm Cajun afterall :lmao: If anybody single here is looking for that description check my profile
  10. it all thos years of mispelling Beauzay's name which made you mispell Rudnicks Def a GOOD NIGHT!
  11. Yeah she's (Vamp) sooo damn Ugly...... she deflects bullets
  12. True but... you gotta live it when titties try to escape
  13. b-side

    shit piss

    The actual sexual Dysfuntion is called Uriphilia and generally speaking there are thousands of people who actualy enjoy being peed on for some strange reason. I actually dated someone who was into this... I was not crazy about it but did think about doing it. However if she ever pissed me off... then she'd prob. get her wishes Doc~B "Serving ALL you psychosexual needs since 2000"
  14. I LOVE thick women..... but the only problem is they continue to get a little too thick once they pass the expiration date.. of around 23-25 yrs old But for now She looks llike my ex-G.F. in this pic
  15. That bitch looks like the Pip-Squak Bird from the old WB cartoons
  16. b-side


    I'm glad someone posted this... because I was just about tooo I actually made my own! It works well Now I'm looking for female test subjects for Alpha & Beta testing
  17. Yeah quite true; but for me you'd have a day off and/or 5 hours to to complete the task. 3:1 ratio Your three to my one !!!
  18. Let me know when U need a "strong and libidinous partner" Yeah one my last two G.F. was a Cap. for some reason Caps., Pisc. & Virgos do it for me
  19. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?t=121562&page=2&pp=20&highlight=Astrology Sex, astrologically speaking... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Aries > The Ram is more of a tiger where sex is concerned, >and like many another sleek animal, loves the hunt, that steady pursuit of the ultimate prize. Aries is a physical and fearless lover and is blessed >with the stamina to go all night long. They are not afraid to experiment >sexually in their quest for pleasure, which means an open-minded lover is a must. >The Mile-High Club must have been invented for these folks! Safe to say that >Aries' lover must be able to satisfy, or the Ram will move on. The >dominant sexual partner will likely be the Ram, and while eroticism is important, >a mental connection is also favored by this sign. As if Arians weren't >demanding enough, they also want to be made to feel secure in a sexual >relationship, lest jealousy rear its ugly head. > Taurus > Taurus is one alluring package, thanks in part to their love of >beautiful things. Those lucky enough to snare this lover will find that the >best, amazingly, has been hidden from view! In private, the >Bull is an intense partner and one quite happy to have sensual >encounters go on all night along. The Energizer Bunny of the zodiac has arrived! These >days and nights of play should be punctuated with conversation, fantasies, >even a few edible treats, the better to create the perfect mood. Sex as a >release from the more practical aspects of life is often all the Bull >wants. If this play date can be scheduled for Taurus' beloved home, all the >better, since comfort is always on the Bull's mind. > Gemini > Describing the Twins as mercurial is right on the money, since >Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury. Moving, restless, >seeking, learning -- Gemini is constant motion, a torrent of wind which is in >keeping with this sign's element of Air. The Twins are highly intellectual and >won't hesitate to play mind games with a lover, mere child's play to them. >They are also great communicators, so get ready to hear everything from >pithy remarks to impassioned pleas. Inventive, quick-witted and fun, >the Twins will jump around from one lover to the next until they find one >which is almost as smart as they are and able to keep up in this >high-spirited race. The reward for those who can lasso a Gemini is a free-spirited >lover who shines at parties but is also a devil in the bedroom. Many >Geminis are also ambidextrous...ooh. > Cancer > Like the rest of their life, a sexual encounter with Cancer is much >like a slow dance, but if you've got the right moves, you can take the Crab >to a torrid tango. Ole! The emotional firepower that can be aroused within >Cancer usually manifests itself as a series of wonderful fantasies and less as > sexual acrobatics. Either way, it's pure pleasure for both partners. >The Crab is also quite intuitive and can generally sense what their lover >wants, which makes an encounter between the sheets a finely-tuned >union. Cancer's feminine side is often on display in the bedroom, which means >the Crab enjoys being made love to. The good news is that the Crab is a >very receptive student! With the Crab, sex often equals love and its >nurturing aspects (such as home and hearth), so anyone who can appeal to this sign's >deep need for security is likely to unleash a volcanic eruption of sensual >treats. Being a Water sign, Cancerians are quite fond of sex on the beach >or in the sea. > Leo > As befits a Fire sign, there is a great physicality, white heat and >ardor which emanates from the Lion -- in the right circumstances. The Lion >wants action first and foremost, and if the moves are being made on them, >all the better. When Leos are being made love to, slow, >steady love, they are flattered into a state of ecstasy. This kind of >approach will help create a Lion who is a very confident lover. Leos are utterly >aroused when a partner revels in their beauty and aura and tells them how >wonderful it is. As their gracious gift, the Lion will show their partner just >how much that compliment meant! The Lion loves foreplay, and a well-placed >mirror or two would be nice, too, since that flowing mane and cat-like >quality are begging to be watched. > Virgo > So often, the sizzle in sex is in the details, and >Virgo is a master of minute. The lover as perfectionist is Virgo >personified, someone who will see to it that the little things are never >overlooked. The Virgin finishes what it starts in the bedroom, and this cozy chamber >is likely to be a dreamy den done with discriminating taste. The servant in >Virgo is only more than happy to be everything their lover desires; if that >lover can bring out Virgo's sensual self, the reward will be a most >liberated lover. A cool exterior tends to mask Virgo's wild side, often a >fantasy world filled with erotica safely under wraps. The lover who can reach >these sexual treats is lucky, indeed. > Libra > Sex is often mental for Air signs, and Libra is no exception. These >great communicators are possessed of a strong intellect, >and these mental fireworks often manifest themselves in the thorough exploration >of a lover. Only the brave need apply! Since the Scales like to be in >balance, though, they are often thinking of what both partners want. A marked >distaste for confrontation can sometimes be perceived as disinterest on Libra's >part, but it's more often just a deep-down desire to please. Libras love >foreplay and plenty of talk leading to some hot action. If this is >all achieved in the right, luxurious setting, watch out! Scales which are >swathed in riches are a pleasure to behold. Libra loves the thought of a >gifted and attractive partner, since they feel their partner is receiving >just that. Safe to say that a little erotica goes a long way with the >Scales, since these folks can be oh-so-playful with their toys. > Scorpio > Ruling the House of Sex can either be a blessing or a curse, and a >lot depends on how the wily Scorpion deals with this >erotic burden. Those mystical and magical creatures born under the sign of >Scorpio are quick to channel their raw energy, power and strength into an >exploration of their lover's emotions and sexuality. The Scorpion is >intuitive and wants to get to the bottom of things, so there's no keeping secrets >from this sexy kat (although they'll surely keep a few of their own). An >alluring resourcefulness and self-confidence is also evident >in Scorpios, these folks being keenly attuned to what's best for them and how >to get it. Anyone willing to take on the Scorpion will be engaging a >cosmic power with plentiful sexual urges. The good news? A caring and >devoted lover awaits. On the flip side, don't cross 'em, because those pincers >can leave a heckuva welt. > Sagittarius > The Archer is a Fire sign: 'nuff said, at least where sex is >concerned. The initial Sagittarian response where sex is concerned >is through physicality as opposed to emotion or practicality. The Archer is not >shy, and like the half beast/half human that he/she represents, is quite the >sexual animal. In other words, these folks are always ready! Sagittarians >like to enjoy many an erotic experience, in keeping with their outgoing and >sociable nature. Their great libido also lends itself best to an artistic >and graceful lover, qualities they very much admire. Trying new things is >also often on the Archer's mind, and when their lover says sex on the >beach, they best not be referring to a fruity drink. The Sagittarian's thirst >for knowledge is often quenched through straight talk in bed, a way to >combine two of their favorite pleasures. Sagittarians can also grow to worship a >worthy lover, a fitting response to this holiest of acts. > Capricorn > Behind that cool Capricorn exterior lies a white-hot interior >waiting to be discovered by a worthy lover. Splendor beneath the >sheets is likely to be a straightahead affair for the Sea Goat, since this >practical, earthy sort doesn't need anything flashy or fancy to get aroused. >The arousal here is from being happily in love, since love and sex do go >hand in hand for Capricorn. The Sea Goat is a persistent, passionate >and loyal lover, so whoever is on the receiving end is in for a >guaranteed good time. While Capricorns abhor being dependent on their lover, they >would certainly like to be nurtured by them and exposed to new levels of >delight. There is no doubting that the frisky Sea Goat can explode with an >understanding, strong and libidinous partner. > Aquarius > As befits an Air sign, Aquarians tend to approach sex via the mind. >If they can share and discuss their thoughts with their lover, matters in >bed will be greatly enhanced. Their natural curiosity will also lead them >to experiment with creative play between the sheets, so watch out! >Pushing the envelope is a natural response for these folks, and >they'll continually test the waters for ever greater pleasures. A delicious >mystery lurks beneath the surface of these oft-controlled souls, and the lover >who can call their bluff is in for a wild ride. The issue of mind vs. body and >which is more important is also with the Water Bearer, so a lover who can >convince them of the pleasure principle will set this sexual being free. > Pisces > Sex is an emotional affair for the Fish, as is the case with much >of their lives. Pisces is a sensual and creative lover, adoring playful sex and > romping through erotic fantasies. Shyness goes out the door if it's >the bedroom door we're talking about! The Fish has a great appetite for >sex and loves to keep things fluid and changeable. If their lover can indulge >them in flights of fancy, they'll be primed all night long. For Pisceans, love >and sex as a complete union is best, the better to feel safe, free and >totally uninhibited. The Fish also loves to please their lover, so this union >will definitely sizzle for two. As for the sexiest kind of play, it's in >the water for the wet and wild Fish.
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