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Everything posted by b-side

  1. Yeah for the color change.. (i'm sure it's even sexier than blonde given your complexion and body type) BOOOOOOO..... for the lack of "those" types of pix... U know that's the ONLY kind we want
  2. b-side


    It exists........... ............ but it's really just another 4-letter word
  3. http://www.zonarave.com is the biggest overall Here's a Few others that I know of... http://www.comunidadelectronica.com/ http://www.mannonnetwork.com/frecuenciaelectronica http://www.friendscr.com http://www.kosmoss.com http://www.buenosaliens.com I'll have to dig though my old tour info for find the rest Hey I usually charge for my underground contact's but feel free to let them know "B-SIDE sent you" Most of these guys have been great at promoting my events and getting me booked.. let me know if you want to work on a tour together... I'll prob be down there as soon as my mixer is done.. Hopefully by July hope this helps....
  4. Which country are you looking for? ...because many clubs / cities have thier own
  5. Hey rach that almost looks as nice as your ass pic
  6. did I mention how much I love ass if the magical red x appears then right click the x and get the properties for the link address
  7. If it's a Cheap Flight... sure... but most likely he will be there in L.A. soon (prb. at Circus / GodsKitchen) if he hasn't been there already on this tour. Hope this helps...
  8. it all depends on the girls diet (if she's Vegan / Atkins etc..) some are more salty some, are bitter, some are sweet... I do remember one girl... it may have been psycho-sematic but her pussy was so beautiful and smelled so nice... I had to taste is and yep it was actually sweet.. kind of like a mellon jolly rancher.. don't know how but actually was.. i do know she did not use artifical duche and did not have sex a lot (damn near a virgin), and was mixed race half east indian & italian born in South America... the only other girl who came close to this was Japanese & Brasilian... both girls were very petitte with serious curves and were meat eaters but ate a lost of sweet fruit (mellon, pina, mango, etc..) DOC~B I actually learned on this board (of all places) about drinking 100% pinapple juice to make the sperm taste better, and so far the ladies love it and it made a big difference in how often she would swallow .
  9. b-side

    Craig's List

    I love how some people are caught up on the linguistics... so here's the professional answer from DOC~B Hookers: Straight cash for a fuck/suck Escorts: Cash/Credit for a Date (which may or may not include a fuck or suck, it's her call and she can charge more) Strippers: Pretend to be neither of the above but 67% of them will do the above for the right money / person / drugs... Knowing the difference is half the battle
  10. b-side

    *Manuela Arcuri*

    so when do we meet your BOSS & FRIEND
  11. b-side

    Hot or Not ?!?!?!

    i posted this because (as proven) most people think Vida is a ButtaFace... and I wanted to see if anyone could find Pix of her in a bathing suit or ar least some GOOD ASS pix... don't get it twisted i LOVE Vida's ASS but that's all she is ASS and for some reason this woman reminds me of vida when I see her in SKIN TIGHT pants on my TV... not many women can get me excited but I actuall stop what I'm doing (when home) just to see her when does the news...
  12. Actually he get's away with it because he's so obvious about when he does it.. plus often he does actually give credit listing the original artist... Unlike basketball you cannot plagerize a move but you can with words.. IMO he's always been and always will be a COPYCAT writer but he does it better than most and has done it his entire career, so no one complains any more.... Doc~B
  13. The latest track by Stevie Wonder & Prince.... "What the Fuss" and Busta Rhymes (Dr. Dre /Scott Stark) " I'll Hurt U" "if ya don't know , now ya know nigaaa"
  14. b-side

    Lil Kim

    man, this reminds me of exactly why I turned that shit down (when offered years ago on her first solo album promo tour) and no I'm not gay, that bitch is just nasty in a BAD way
  15. b-side

    *Manuela Arcuri*

    I love big naturals nice find
  16. welcome and good luck.... FYI: don't expect to much of a warm welcome... Miami's flooded with DJ's and wanna b DJs... after i moved here i somehow I became one of the wanna b's OH, and don't feed the candykids !!! LOL
  17. b-side

    Hot or Not ?!?!?!

    Man it scares me how much we think alike... ( i swear she likes to show every angle on purpose... espe when she has on skin tight pants... showing a sweet litle toe) next time you see her working on some shit, be sure to let her know... she's next on my list
  18. i can't believe i missed that party.. esp. after Josh even called me back. He's one of the coolest and nicest and most talented DJs in the biz
  19. Actually there has been a club scene LONG before the WMC came around.. I've been DJ-ing for over 18 years.. so I can testify that there has pretty much always been a scene (but not like is is today) @ Ultra.. Yesssss they are $$$ BANKin' $$ but it does cost a Lot of money to produce an event of this size... however they are clearing at least 60% profit of all tickets which legally sold and accounted for.. Originally Alex & Bruce (last names not included for respect of privacy) were the two Main guys who ran the festival for at least 5 years or so.. but now as far as I know Alex is solo but, picked up other investors and a co-producers to make it happen as it has in the past. I hate to say it but from my personal experience the fesitival has overkilled itself, and it's only a matter of time before Space takes over (and they will) Peace, B~
  20. b-side

    Hot or Not ?!?!?!

    For some damn reason I can't stop looking at this womans body when she does the weather.. although she's close to Vida with the culo i think whe has a prettier face i wish i could find pix of her ass.. it's amazing
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