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Everything posted by kove

  1. Ok, I'm digging my own grave by asking this, but it's a must. I'm headed to NYC for the first time in 3 years. Not sure when, prolly the weekend of the 15th or so. So, here's where the pain comes in. Where should I go? I'm looking for one night that I can mark into the history books. I don't even know, however, what kind of vibe that I'll be looking for, though. Usually I -really- love trance, but I'm a big progressive fan, as well. I hear Exit and Twilo all the time, and I know that I -used- to love Twilo when I was around NYC before. I'm just curious, though, because I know what 3 years can change. Thanks in advance. If anyone's looking for a 3rd wheel that weekend, I'll be going out alone and would always dig some company. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. kove


    The sponsor for this board, raveworld.net, has an online store. In said store, there is a video that is ESSENTIAL for anyone that still loves stix. It's called, imagine this - Glowsticking. About an hour of some great stick work, and it's fantastic for roll parties, too. We popped it onto my friend's bigscreen this weekend and just tripped out. The music's great, and the sticking is amazing. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. Hey cdaddy, Thanks for the info, bro. Some friends and I were just wondering about this (for some strange reason) this weekend. Kinda along the same subject, if I were to get a large quantity of E, does anyone know what its shelf life is? Is there anything that can help extend the life? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4. kove


    *sigh* Oh the joys of being stuck in small town America... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. Man, hella good points in this thread. I think B2B's on it, though. Remember deep vocal house? How about retro house? It seems like it's still around, but it's all just recurrence. Charrails brings up an interesting point/question, too. One of my friends asked me to play that "trance" song from Alice Deejay last Sat. night. I understood that he meant Better Off Alone, but that's not trance. That is, in my funky-ass opinion anyway, still progressive house. It's still big beats, rolls and peaks. I think the defining points of trance are things like being REAL damned long, not having just one discernable peak in the song and keeping a semi-hypnotic undertone to them. Paul Oakenfold, I think, is a good (BASIC) definition of what I define trance to be. It's a neverending battle, though. How many times do I have to hear that Disco is going to come back again? Personally, I'm in transition from progressive house to more of a trance feel. In the area that I'm currently living (hell), if it's not on the radio, then it's not in the clubs. I'm getting my customers past that, slowly but surely. It's hard as hell, though, when they want to hear Amber and 69 Boyz because that's what they think that house and club music is supposed to be. Trance is, sadly, getting played out. I'll hate to see it go, but I'll relish in the fact that it will return. All genres do, and so will my beloved trance. (DISCLAIMER - All musical references in this post were at the height of cheesiness, just in case someone reading this isn't able to seperate genres. Maybe we should start a site dedicated to keeping all of these damned things straight. Add a sound, and it becomes trance, add words and it's house, put in a massive build and it's progressive. No wonder people are confused.) ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. kove


    Oooohhh, Brandie, it's not nice to tease me like that. I'm stuck here in podunk county, while Brandie goes and plays at the Cheetah... Oh well, if you're the E fairy, then I want some triple mitsubishis for this weekend. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  7. I think that you're pretty much on the right track as far as the names are concerned. The name given is taken from the symbol that's imprinted onto the pill. Mitsubishis have a little Mitsu three diamond on them, genies have a genie bottle, etc. The problem is, though, that there obviously isn't any regulation on these things. I got some great TT's last weekend, but I could get the same pill this week and they'll be shit. As far as double and triplestacking goes, that's talking about the height of the pill. Singles are about as big around as an asprin, but thinner. Doubles have a smaller circumfrence, but are like two pills stacked upon each other. Add one more, and you've got a triple. Supposedly, the more the stack, the better the roll. I think that the unregulated part comes into play on this, though. I had a great roll 2 weeks ago from some triple stacked genies (little genie bottle on top), and was kinda disappointed to see only singles arrive this week. The roll from these singles, though, was WAY better than the triples. Too many factors are involved in order to tell for certain, though. Was my seratonin low? Did I not eat right? Had I not slept? All of these things can add up to a bum roll. 5-htp can help with the Seratonin level, but nothing makes for a good roll like a great night's sleep, a good meal, a couple 5-htp's just for kicks, a glass of orange juice, (OJ might not work, but I have faith)and my "golfing buddies". This group of friends will always make my roll better. It's awesome to have a group of people around that you fully trust, and can always have a good time with. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  8. kove


    Around here, we leave 15 bucks under our pillow for the E fairy and wake up to a nice roll. In NY, though depending upon what area, it shouldn't be hard to find at ALL. I know that, even when I was upstate, it was really easy for my friends to get it. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. Okies, BIG roll party last night. Like 15 or so of us all transed out and rolling our lives away when I feel this tug on my shirt. My girlfriend is sitting right next to me, and she's got this look of TOTAL pleasure going on. So, she turns to me and asks me what I just did, since we had been doing light touches and such. I told her that I hadn't touched her in like 10 minutes, and asked her why. She got really quiet and started blushing, then tells me that she just had an orgasm. (By the way, yes, she knows that I'm talking about this.) That's gotta be the funkiest thing I've ever heard, but I can see where she's coming from. The x that we had was the most intense experience that I've ever felt. Each and every thing was just a little bit better than the rest. I took a shower and I swear that I fell in love with the water... Ok, anyway, I wanna know if this has ever happened to anyone else. Is this quasi-normal, or can she just consider herself amazingly lucky? ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  10. Ok, I've gone thru about 50 different choices of what route to take, and I've finally decided that this could be a good place to ask. I'm currently a dj in the areas biggest and most popular night club. (Not tooting my own horn, it's just the truth.) Well, as the time has gone on, I've decided that I want to make a life of this, and start looking at making more of my own music and such. I'm not ready to get out of the clubs yet, though, so that's where my question comes in. I'm looking for dj's in LARGE areas (St. Louis and larger) that are in need of a "flunkie" so to speak. Someone to pull wax or whatever, I just need to get out of this area. I have roughly 4 years of club experience, and I've won the past 7 spin-offs in this area, so I'm no amateur, but not exactly a master, either. Are you, or do you know of, a dj that could possibly be looking for a situation such as this? One of these days, I'd like to be sitting up top with Oakenfold, BT and the like, but right now, I just want to get into a city. Thanks in advance, and feel free to drop an email if it's easier to neokove@quakeclan.net (yeah, I'm a computer geek, too.) ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  11. Hippy flipping (E and Shrooms together) can be good or bad, depending upon how intense you like your ride. I had some TnT's last night, and they were a great roll, so I wasn't going to join in the hippy flip that my "roll crew" were planning. Well, 10am rolled around (no pun intended) and I was still ripping ready to go. So, I went flipping with them and had a BLAST. I'll warn you, though, it could be pretty scary if you don't deal well with intense visuals and such. The combination of trailers that the E gives, together with the hallucinagenic effects of the shrooms can make life pretty drastic. For instance, I was sitting there watching a friend of mine play with some sticks. She was sticking right in front of my face, and went from a rapid twirl to a really slow, fluid movement. When she did that, it looked like her arms were dripping... Yup, that was strange. Altogether, it was definatly a good ride. I'm kinda new to the "E culture" still, so I'm prolly not the best source, but this is just what one newbie experienced. Either way, make sure you're with good friends, and have some that aren't fucked up. Always be safe, and live to roll another night. ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are the Dreamers We are the music makers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  12. Great roll with these last night! It's now almost 9am and I'm not feeling worn out or dopey at all. They hit a little slow, but it's a nice, steady roll after the peak.
  13. That's it, Kove's moving to LI just so I can grope Brandie. Ok...maybe not.
  14. Bah! Once again, this "stuck-in-the-god-damned-midwest-armpit-of-the-country" dj gets left out of the good stuff.
  15. I'm lucky in the fact that, when I'm in my own club, I can keep them in my dj booth. If I'm in another club, however, I'm normally not carrying on me. Regardless of what I'm doing, I don't do it inside the club. A couple of reasons for not carrying. First off, the police in this area are renound for raids. I think it's more a lack of anything better to do. Second, I am friends/acquaintences with most of the owners/staff of the clubs in this area. I don't want to put them into a bad position by having me be the one that's carrying. If you can't leave them in the car, etc., try finding a money pouch that fits on the inside of your belt. I've used these before, and they work quite well. They're well concealed, and seem to be secure.
  16. Ok, all, here's what went down this weekend in Kove's neighbourhood. Started out on Friday with a couple of 5-htp's about 2 hours before I was set to roll. My friend showed up with some triple-stacked genies, (li'l genie bottle on them) and I popped one around 2am. Well, by 3:30 I was getting worried because I'd not felt anything, not even a build. As soon as I said that, though, and turned around, I was hit like Mike Tyson. This was, without a doubt, the best roll I've ever had. Not that I'm too experienced, but this pill was the shit! So, club closes at 5 and we take a trip to this friend's house for the roll party. (feathers, blacklights, body paint, trippy trance music.) Well, we're driving thru this HUGE and massively intense storm. Now, I've never had tracers before, but I was gettin' them with the lightning. It was SWEET. A great drive. Anyway, we get to about 15 minutes out from his house and I'm getting the rollercoaster going on. Good little peaks and then nothing for a bit, then peak again. So, I drop another one, knowing that I didn't have shite to do the next day. Well, we get to his house in about 15, and it feels like it's already starting to peak. Just wild. The music was more intense than I've ever heard, and every sensor in my entire body was just peaked. All in all, just a great night of rolling. There was one problem, though, and I wonder if anyone's had it. When I dropped the second one, about a half-hour later, I was starting to get sick, like nausea. Now, I was rollin hardcore, but my vision was still focused and all. So, I stand up to go into the kitchen and end up (sorry for this) having to vomit. (dry heaves, actually) After that's over, though, I feel great. My roll is back, and I'm good to go until like 10am when we finally went to bed. This ever happen to anyone? Ok, this is getting long, but it was a good weekend, so bear with me. Last night, I hit the club at like 11p, hop up into my booth and start to think about how I'm feeling. I'm not doing all that great, but not bad either. Just feeling kinda puny. So, 2am I drop the roll, having done the 5-htp about 12m. By 3, I was sweating so bad I couldn't stand it, the whole room was spinning, and I felt like I was about to have a heat stroke. That lasted about 30 minutes, and my club owner came up and dj'd while I sat in front of a fan with some ice on my neck. After that 30 minutes or so, I started to come down and just had the best roll. It was a nice one with supersensative touch, and the hearing was all wild, too. I ended up being ok, and even dropped again later when the after-party was going on. That just scared me, though. I know that rolling again wasn't the smartest move, so I'll just blame that one on myself. Has anyone else had similar happenings? That heat-stroke feeling was just too much, and I wonder if I got a bad pill or something. Thanks in advance. k.
  17. 10 and 12?!?!?! Going price here is 20, if you're second in line behind the main supplier. Gets a little higher with each added person. I've seen times when people (not me, since I'm still kinda new to it.) paid 40.
  18. I'm a recent immigrant to the St. Louis area, (ok, so 1 1/2 hrs SE, but who's counting?) and I've been looking to make a trip up. I've heard the names Cheetah, Liquid and The Oz being tossed around. Can someone hip me to the skinny on these? I'm looking for something really house or trance, I can swing either way. Obviously, a great sound system and lights are required. Thanks in advance. nk.
  19. Nolimit, When you're talking analog vs digital, you're really looking at a much grander picture than most people realize. The system at my club is all digi from the mixing board on out to the monitors. The input devices, however, go from digital CD's, my computer and syths, all the way to my favorite Technics turntables. There's SO many things taht can attribute to the overall system. When I saw Junior play,(*sob* I wanna be back in NY) I noticed that his input devices were all over the place, and he did knob tweaks before each switch. He's a master, and I guess that part of it just comes with being that damned good. Acoustics also play a major role. If your club is big and open with hard surfaces, the bass will often sound better, but the reverberation and echo will almost kill the experience. Conversely, if your club is open with a lot of carpeted or cloth covered surfaces, the echo will be reduced, but the bass has a tendancy to get defeated. A well-though and built club system can change the whole experience, and I think that Twilo has done an amazing job of this.
  20. I feel so left out. Around here, there's only -ONE- person that I can buy from, and so I'm left as the beggar and not the chooser. I wanna move back to the city... Or at least find a supplier...lol
  21. kove


    Check out an original pic from Alice in Wonderland, too. When Alice is talking to the guy on the mushroom, he's smoking from a hookah. I think Grimm's fairy tales has the pic.
  22. Crossy, All I can say is ROFL! Yeah, I know, it doesn't -sound- like it sucks from time to time, but...
  23. Know what hacks me off? Well, lemme tell ya. I'm a dj in the biggest club in the area (small area, so not much of a bragging right.) Anyway, any given Saturday, we'll have 900+ people thru the door, and me all upstairs doing my thing. So, whenever I try to meet someone, it gets all funky. Usually, one of two things happen. Either they clam up because "oh my God, that's the dj", or they think I just want a night of playing, "because that's how dj's are". Ok, granted, I've had those nights, but that's not the norm. Anyway, just my rant. Now, to answer your question, lecy. When I'm just a guy at the club, and not the dj, I have a list of turn-ons a mile long. First off, someone who looks real. Fake, plasticy shite isn't my game. If she were semi-attractive (anyone who meets someone for the first time in person and says that looks aren't the first impression is lying.) then I'd be all about her taking charge. I'm a HUGE sucker for women who know what they want. Hell, buy me a Kettle One and tonic, it's a quick way to my heart. Lemme get a couple sips, and then walk up and go for what you feel.
  24. It really depends for me. First of all, on whether I'm working, or just going out. If I'm working, it's all about comfort and keeping cool. It's usually 100+ degrees in my DJ booth, so I'm all about cotton khaki shorts and plain black t's. When I'm going out, it kinda depends on what the club is. The "gay club" in this area is all about the right look, so I'm Armani, Gucci and Kenneth Cole. That's for the lounging nights, anyway. PVC, platforms and fishnet shirts do come into play, too, though. Oh, and can't forget the stix. (*Grin* Good call, Kitty) Hey, speaking of stix, what's the situation with them in the cities? Since I'm not back home in Chicago anymore, I'm about 6 months behind in the fashion sense. Are they still an acceptable or "cool" thing to do? Anyway, back on subject. Raves are another story entirely. I'm pretty extreme about them. It's like halloween, but for the more intense side of me. I've been known to show up in really kinda S&M type stuff, all the way down to a diaper with gold paint all over. Just kinda depends on my mood. Ok, I digress. I think I'm getting typer's cramp...
  25. Thanks for all the info, guys. Truly appreciate it. Rolled again last night, this time after a BIG bottle of OJ and 2 5htp pills. What a great experience! LOL. Dunno if I'll be able to DJ like that, though. The trailers are kinda hard to deal with when I'm looking at the time on my CD players...*grin*
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