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Everything posted by copleyc

  1. OK - I'm sure I must have jumped on your toes at some point... i can't believe we're always dancing right next to each other and STILL haven't said hello...
  2. can i join this coke and booze hangover thread??? still majorly cracked out here... urghhhhhhhh
  3. ooh-errr missus. I don't know WHAT you're talking about.... and blueangel, I don't think he'll be joining us - unless his H1-B comes through tomorrow. have a good one boa_boy. looking forward to the piss-up....
  4. I can't be bothered to read the above as I'm still extremely crackedout/drunk from last night. all I can say is that there will be EXTREME slackness in this office today. oh and I can't type as I'm still so pissed. does that count?
  5. no coxy for me, got stuff to do here in DC this weekend, but we HAVE to meet up at PVD on Wednesday. i've just got one of those twirly light thingys that spells out words when you spin it - so of course I have programmed 'dirtyslapper' into it... I'll bring it with me and look a right tosser, but it's an easy way for people to find me.... where were you dancing for JP? when we went in we were (as usual) right in front of the dj booth - I have to say that man was working his bollocks off that night.
  6. I foresee a very messy night.......... what was that question about going to pvd sober???
  7. I'm in. can't wait to meet you lot... anyone going to be my drinking partner?
  8. oof - missed this yesterday. deep dish were definitely there - can't miss that hair cut.... we spent more or less the whole night (finally left at 4...) in the front room with occasional forays to JP, but not really into him that much. stuffed up about the meet up place - didn't realise they'd have turned it all into vip only; couldn't believe there was no security; my legs are still killing me from dancing. getting too old for this. some time Krish I will finally get to meet you!
  9. who's going? I want to, but I'm feeling like shit today after too much partying in san francisco this weekend...... hope to make it out for a while later anyway..
  10. frightnight meet up 12:30 upstairs bar/chill room/whatever you want to call it, next to the latest addition to nation decor - the pool table? If it's still there that is, and if i didn't just imagine it last friday.
  11. brilliant! it's not even the weekend yet and you know what you're going to be wearing on Tuesday?!!! now here's a man with foresight. I have no idea what I'll be wearing (not hallowe'en costume, probably all in black as usual though) but I'll be by the pool table at 12:30. At least if it wasn't a figment of my imagination last friday.... which was entirely possible....
  12. meet up tuesday night? in the upstairs bar by the pool table? (why the hell did they get a pool table?) 12:30?
  13. ohhhhhh - I'm not going to make it this week. going to be with Scott Henry and Dave Seaman in rainy San Francisco....
  14. also: (DJ Storm has been replaced by Ed Rush) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27: "UNHOLY VIBES" HALLOWEEN PARTY Special Admission: $15 all night Lots going on tonight!!! BUZZlife Productions and distantcorners.com team up to bring you a scary-spooky-creepy Halloween extravaganza! Distantcorners.com is the ultimate destination for horror, sci-fi and fantasy. So, who better to sponsor our freakiest night of the year? Come get frightened, terrified and spooked by distantcorners.com- the one-stop site for all you sci-fi needs, created by the online marketing mastermind behind the Blair Witch Project. Can you handle it?! I hope so, because Distantcorners.com will be giving away over 2500 pieces of promotional material including t-shirts, key chains, posters, magnets, stickers, and tattoos. Buzz goes Gothic! Well, in appearance, not musically... Welcome to "Our Lady of Perpetual Indulgence." The sinister dark walls of Nation will rise to meet their divine calling as Buzz turns the club into a haunted Gothic Cathedral, with stained glass windows on the stage, sinister gargoyles in the breezeway, a giant chandelier on the circular truss, faux-stonework along the walls, and other dark religious themes. The front room will be the cathedral's graveyard and crypt. Hope you asked for redemption... you're gonna need it! Make sure you dress to distress!!! This is only time of year where you can be a freak at Buzz and get paid to do it! How's that for a deal? Here are the general rules, which worked well last year: RULES AND REGULATIONS: (detailed instructions will be given out at the club) 1. Fill out an entry form and have your picture taken in registration room. 2. Our three judges will pick 10 semifinalists. 3. Semi-finalists' polaroid photos will be posted on the outside wall of registration room. 4. Semi-finalists' will parade on stage in front of the crowd. 5. Winners will be judged on crowd response. In the case of close calls, the judges will make the final decision. PRIZES! PRIZES! PRIZES! 1st Prize: $500 cash 2nd Prize: $250 cash 3rd Prize: $100 cash Tranceport 2 Tour featuring Buzz resident DJ, Dave Ralph... <available on Kinetic Records> Dave Ralph CD Release party DAVE RALPH (Perfecto/Buzz, UK) <playing an extended residency set> DJ STORM (Metalheadz, UK) ALEX WHALEN (Yoshitoshi, DC) JOHN TAB (Buzz/Fever, DC) EDAN & HOPE (4twenty4/Clear, DC) <tonight Edan & Hope will be giving away 100 copies of their newly released tape "excavation." this will be the official release date>
  15. try yoshitoshi instead... To purchase advance tickets please call: 202-432-SEATÂ (ticketmaster) 202-338-5638 (Yoshitoshi shop in Georgetown) www.ticketmaster.com
  16. I know - I was kicking it in the middle of the dancefloor - couldn't stop. Darren Emerson was amazing..... did you stay until the end? I had to leave at 5 due to wimpy clubmates..... someone told me that for frightnight there are shuttle buses being laid on from all the college campuses - so it could turn into a messy frat party.. but I'm still going. Saeed & Palash are good - I saw them at vinyl in the summer opening for danny tenaglia.
  17. no I'm giving S&D a miss until december (san francisco this weekend; in mexico over thanksgiving). a good break will make them seem so ridiculously brilliant next time that it will be worth it. might go up for twilo fix for pvd but I wasn't that impressed last time - and I'll see him at Mango for sure anyway....
  18. is everybody going???? personally I'm intrigued by the combination of deepdish, saeed&palash and Jonathan Peters for frightnight. weird combination? well it'll be scary at least...
  19. someone help me out? is it just crystal?
  20. Oakenfold is here 24 November. Hallowe'en party at Buzz on Friday night as below: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27: "UNHOLY VIBES" HALLOWEEN PARTY Special Admission: $15 all night Lots going on tonight!!! BUZZlife Productions and distantcorners.com team up to bring you a scary-spooky-creepy Halloween extravaganza! Distantcorners.com is the ultimate destination for horror, sci-fi and fantasy. So, who better to sponsor our freakiest night of the year? Come get frightened, terrified and spooked by distantcorners.com- the one-stop site for all you sci-fi needs, created by the online marketing mastermind behind the Blair Witch Project. Can you handle it?! I hope so, because Distantcorners.com will be giving away over 2500 pieces of promotional material including t-shirts, key chains, posters, magnets, stickers, and tattoos. Buzz goes Gothic! Well, in appearance, not musically... Welcome to "Our Lady of Perpetual Indulgence." The sinister dark walls of Nation will rise to meet their divine calling as Buzz turns the club into a haunted Gothic Cathedral, with stained glass windows on the stage, sinister gargoyles in the breezeway, a giant chandelier on the circular truss, faux-stonework along the walls, and other dark religious themes. The front room will be the cathedral's graveyard and crypt. Hope you asked for redemption... you're gonna need it! Make sure you dress to distress!!! This is only time of year where you can be a freak at Buzz and get paid to do it! How's that for a deal? Here are the general rules, which worked well last year: RULES AND REGULATIONS: (detailed instructions will be given out at the club) 1. Fill out an entry form and have your picture taken in registration room. 2. Our three judges will pick 10 semifinalists. 3. Semi-finalists' polaroid photos will be posted on the outside wall of registration room. 4. Semi-finalists' will parade on stage in front of the crowd. 5. Winners will be judged on crowd response. In the case of close calls, the judges will make the final decision. PRIZES! PRIZES! PRIZES! 1st Prize:            $500 cash 2nd Prize:            $250 cash 3rd Prize:            $100 cash Tranceport 2 Tour featuring Buzz resident DJ, Dave Ralph... <available on Kinetic Records> Dave Ralph CD Release party DAVE RALPH (Perfecto/Buzz, UK) <playing an extended residency set> DJ STORM (Metalheadz, UK) ALEX WHALEN (Yoshitoshi, DC) JOHN TAB (Buzz/Fever, DC) EDAN & HOPE (4twenty4/Clear, DC) <tonight Edan & Hope will be giving away 100 copies of their newly released tape "excavation." this will be the official release date>
  21. apparently he double booked himself (nice one Scott) and was in Minnesota instead. Lieven was spinning while I was there (I think...) not exactly the fullest I've ever seen Nation....
  22. falling around right at the front - wearing jeans, blue sneakers and a purple vest/tanktop/whatever you call it; with a blonde girl in blue trousers and a white vest. can't believe I didn't see you - there were only like 20 other people!! you weren't wearing a white visor and a blue/white shirt were you? I noticed one really tall guy....... [This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 10-12-2000).]
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