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Everything posted by copleyc

  1. Prada, darling, Prada : less is more (btw I did know you were just taking the piss.) [This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 09-26-2000).]
  2. CM - that was YOU darling while I was wanking "this" for you....... maybe I should have said ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh yeahhhh....... splurt. sorry everyone, but it had to be said...
  3. OH Daaaaad, why do you always have to spoil everything??!!
  4. CM: We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh yeahh...... [This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 09-26-2000).]
  5. ...colours are for wankers" ok bump me to drama now.
  6. B2B - you bloody yankhound. colors indeed. I'm reporting you to the Olympic Committee and now our rowing boys are going to have to give back their medal. ooh ooh is it glowing?? how do I make it glow? ooh DaVe, DaVe, how does it work? is mine working yet???
  7. I know, what happened to the wit of yesterday? everyone's brain's gone dead.
  8. oh I sooooooooo want to come and drink myself senseless on tequila....... living in DC is shit sometimes. all the time. no, most of the time...
  9. check out the photo thread in the archives (when you've got a few hours to spare....)
  10. glow, I'm sure there was some rocking goin' on (!!), but the name is actually after digweed's night 'Bedrock' at Heaven in london.
  11. oh shit I've been rumbled. time to find a new tree to hug.
  12. Cazz is it your birthday today? (Ok maybe an obvious question...). happy birthday honey!
  13. listen grapeape - you're 27 YEARS OLD. don't tell me you're still living at home with your mum????!!?!?!?!?!?!
  14. and another thing, I bought these M&S shirts last week and they're not quite the right colour - can I get a refund? get back to work you slacker!
  15. glad you had a good time bedrocker *wink wink*...... i'm sure all those cab rides and tt's helped out, right?!!! see you & amanda in london... hee heee heee
  16. oh yeah..... and then you'll wish you never had. I'm just debating my forehead art for Friday....... honestly, what is a girl to say in sticky shiny letters on her head (apart from "hello,yes I'm odd") I might be putting the eyelets into temporary retirement for this one though my neighbours get really pissed off with me here on Sat & Sun mornings as I always end up bringing a collection of bizarre waifs & strays home at 8 in the morning... back to mines are excellent. isn't anyone going to offer?!!
  17. yeah - I know. the thing is, I finally want to meet some people off this board to see what they're really like - are they cool? or are they all boring turds? but I'm not totally up for driving up to nyc on my tod and all my mates are being completely crap here. I should save up my energy and pennies for london anyway, right?!!! btw, you had me laughing out loud at "fontaine is pants" - totally forgotten that one'; have to get it out again to confuse the yanks.... har har har. what are you up to this weekend?
  18. and as it's almost certainly going to be pissing it down with rain and blowing a gale, we'll all go back and trash p00h's house. doesn't anyone do a 'back to mine'?
  19. you bring the umbrella, I'll bring the wellies. ------------------
  20. was it good on Saturday? I went last week friday and saturday - it was OK but I was so wrecked I can't really remember it that well...... did you go to buzz on friday? I couldn't stop dancing....... dj dan was really kicking it...
  21. yo yo yo bed-rocker!! had a good one this weekend - dj dan and dave ralph on friday. vodkaredbulls only - and couldn't get off the dancefloor - nice to know I can still do it "sober" (well relatively.... ) can't decide to do S&D friday night or stay here in DC for seb fontaine/dave seaman friday night; little louie vega saturday night.... hmmm, decisions decisions... counting the days until bedrock in december!
  22. yeah guys - PLEASE - I don't care what you're on but why oh why oh why do these retards think it's OK?? My friend said hello back to someone on Friday night, and the guy had one hand up her shirt and one hand down her pants before she even realised what the hell was going on. I know most of you aren't like this, but....... [This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 09-25-2000).]
  23. definitely 5-HTP. get it from GNC or ye olde vitamin shoppe or whatever that stupid place is called. It encourages seratonin and melatonin production, so helps you go to sleep after a hard night out, and definitely makes you feel better. Lots of people take if for a few days before going out (after a couple of days you notice you're in a really good mood all the time), and definitely the morning after. it's about $20 - $25 for a bottle of 50 capsules. and if you're feeling selfconcious about asking for it (as I was the first time I bought it) tell the shopkeep that someone recommended it for migraines (the almight wisdom of the gnc website lists it's usage for this) ------------------
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