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Everything posted by copleyc

  1. I need a man who will buy me a pint. please.
  2. glowsticks are a very very very bad thing. and scary too. don't get me started on whistles, pacifiers, visors or beads. yeah, party should be good - I'm looking forward to sneak. know migs will be on fine form....
  3. Velvet nation is mostly gay, although there are quite a few straight men/women there. I've heard rumours about it being a bit bitchy towards women there sometimes, but I've never had any problems on the few nights I've been. music wise - happy happy handbag - probably not to your taste r_m if you're a twilohead, although if you're like me you'll dance to anything when you're wasted. check it out and let us know what you think?
  4. oh you guys, I thought we were all meeting up at Polly Esther's on the 22nd.....
  5. p00h - i'm going to grab your ARSE so hard for that one next time I see you at Exit...
  6. were you at my party, sirdante? shit... sorry I was too busy making an arsehole of myself to say hello. I love coke *always&forever* tee hee. (joke - - - or is it????)
  7. or you might like this.... http://www.mthre3.com/winter.htm but you'd have to come to DC. (or go to centrofly the day before) [This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 12-05-2000).]
  8. excellent Cazz - I'll bring you back a Benny Hill t-shirt and you can wear it to Dance Ritual as homage.
  9. urgh - it's a sad day when even a horse gets it. simple sarcasm, anyone?
  10. no-one's going this month, we're all going to Exit instead. (see p00h's "this just in" post for details)
  11. you can get a 12-pack for $21.99; or 24 for $40.99 from: www.beveragesdirect.com [This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 12-05-2000).]
  12. Cazz let me know when you want to go. I'd drive up for it. saw llv here a few weeks ago - what can i say.... it'd be worth a crazy drive back for work on thursday.
  13. nerdy congratulations luv jerkoff
  14. It's actually on at Buzz on Friday night too: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2000: THE WHITE PARTY/LASER SHOW Special Admission: $15 all night Admission Discount -- Receive $3 off if you wear all white -- not just a white t-shirt or just a pair of white pants. We mean a white costume or outfit. John Tab will be the judge at the ticket booth, so dress spiffy! <Otherwise if you wear just one article of white clothing you get in for the $15 admission. You can still enter if you don't wear white clothing, but make this night special by dressing the part!!!>
  15. Theyrealreadyplayingitinmysupermarketpeteandithinkthatwasluigiscarpinispizzajoint....
  16. are you going to put p00h's pic up there Cazz?
  17. um - this is a question I've always wanted to ask - what ARE grits? sorry for being a dumb foreigner. Oh and what on earth is 'turkey bacon'??? reconstituted turkey meat (off the bones in the centrifuge) made to look like bacon??? mmm, sounds lovely. but seriously, I would like to know what grits are. please.
  18. PROs - it's not Wales CONs - it's not Wales where are you from? I'm from Pembrokeshire... and likely to be in NYC that weekend.
  19. of course I don't work. honestly! how can you think such a thing. I'm a blue-blooded member of the aristocracy, hence I have an independent income and have no need to slave away at a 9-5 job. well actually I am supposed to work, but I don't because I spend all my time on this infernal addiction. one of the jollies of my job though is lots of travel for work = lots of airmiles = lots of travelling at the weekends for partying.... how was 5 on saturday? I nearly came over as the Edge was crap - but after a very very heavy night on friday decided to crash at home instead...
  20. Oh Raj - or is it Paul? - I can't wait. I'm already sliding off my seat in anticipation....
  21. sorry Egg, I won't be here to experience that delight..... I'll be in London on the 9th living it up at Fabric..... [This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 12-01-2000).]
  22. is scrapini a diminutive of scrapie, the ovine form of BSE? baaaaaaaaaaaaa
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