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Everything posted by ckayser

  1. my friend said it was sick. i didnt bother to ask for more details for the fact i would have broken down for not going.
  2. Hmm, judging by your description and my nack for knowing alot of shit that is just useless. I'm gonna take a stab in the dark at this one. It's an ANCHOR?!?!?!?
  3. Hey, dont be knocking my prom picture. I'm the guy on the right hand side w/ the hair. Not the one w/ the glasses. That was a killer night!
  4. forward 1 hour for most of the united states 'spring' ahead 'fall' back [This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 04-01-2001).]
  5. latest I ever left there was 7:30-8 Usually dead at that point. Not alot going on. I was just thinking this early this morning because I was deciding if I should goto factory @ 6am and I'd never make a decision like that to goto Exit. hehe man do I hate that place now
  6. Jessica Folker - To Be Able To Love
  7. Shoulda went to factory. Wish I did
  8. dur.. what are the chances the SF will be closed tonight? of course there will be shit there. you are taking a risk buying in a club sometimes but whatever floats your boat. if you need to get fuct up that bad so be it.
  9. Okay.. so I was bored. Took this a few mins ago. Tell me you dont love this picture.
  10. cant help it bro.. its 10mins down the road and I'm a sucker for Ojeda. I have such a good time everytime i hear him. You are starting to sound like brandie w/ cyberia.. ahah Factory might be in the forcast for tomorrow. Although one night I'll convince everyone to drag their asses to the tunnel and we'll jump onto the soprano list
  11. I was gonna goto Cyberia and waste a few nikes on Jason Ojeda. I think I'll wait till factory next week or CPI in late April. Man.. decisions decisions. No good bombs going around and I got my hands on some and now I have to pick my spots. Oh btw.. only reason I got em. My guy's hookup got nailed. Thats the 2nd person I've dealt with that got their guy nabbed. The 1st one quit after that. Atleast this one is gonna stick around for a bit. Blah..............
  12. Soprano.. ahaha. i posted in the other forum X-Files from last spring/summer (2nd pill i took S-I-C-K) xxx's from the summer and some white nikes dr0000000000000l [This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 03-31-2001).]
  13. Drank a few beers. Picked up some awesome bombs but decided that I could wait to go out. Was gonna goto cyberia w/ my bro, then decided on maybe twilo. Then i said fuck it. I'll just stay in. Oh yea.. friends ruled out SF party tomorrow..GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 03-31-2001).]
  14. NP I get paid to maintain computers all day. I used to get tons of those emails from people I work with till I got that settled. I was like, if there was a virus, I'd know. That would be the 1st place i check if I got those emails. I send them the link right away and then I never get another virus email again. hehehe
  15. I stand on the subway no matter how packed it is. I just hate the days I walk into the subway and you have some homeless guy who smells like piss lying down and I'm too lazy to move to another car.
  16. sometimes you dont have a tissue and you just have to make do. I've been in meetings where I had to walk out to get a tissue because I didn't want to be rude sniffing the whole time. If they are peeps you work with, get a box a tissues and leave it on their desk.
  17. Hehe, next time you get a warning like this you might wanna check out www.sarc.com and goto virus hoaxes. I found this little page you might be interested in before you cause the masses to start running through the streets looting and raping. http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/budsaver.exe.html
  18. anyone care to translate?
  19. hmm i agree w/ baby3tears tony draper and exit make me sick
  20. http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Theater/6251/tbatlly.html from her website. the lyrics are a lil different in the jp mix. but deal.
  21. I was at Twilo friday. Was the 1st time I ever went there. Standing online getting ready to go in and like 10 cops walked in the front door and were in there for about 30 minutes afterward. I saw them checking the permits right by the front door. I have no idea why they were there.
  22. Olympics would have 5 rings. Look on pillreports.com for biohazards. You can also look on Olympics because there is like 2 reports there that should be ment for Biohazards.
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