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Everything posted by ckayser

  1. I didn't start city clubbing till this summer. Always long island clubs and bars. Never tried e till this year. I've been so into any type of dance music since high school which was well over 9 years ago. I've always loved the music and no drug made me choose that. I've only clubbed sober a few times, but not this year. I havent tried after i started doing e, because I'd probably only last like 3-4 hours before I needed a pill or a drink. I do it because i want to. And when i decide that this is no longer for me I will still enjoy clubs. Only thing about clubbing sober for me is i sweat like a pig and my face gets all red. blah keep it safe and use in moderation.
  2. Funny, I thought that every other post I saw was about Exit being the shit. Giving away free _____ (insert lie here). If it wasnt for these damn promoters I think I might actually read all the threads.
  3. Actually the reason they did it is to get all the illegal cars off the road. The people w/ no insurance and/or registrations. In 2 years those people will have to get new plates. Very good idea in my opinion. They actually look pretty nice. I like them.
  4. I've had a cable modem for almost 2 1/2 years. I will NEVER go back to dialup. Its crap. If I move I will find a place that has highspeed access or I will not move there.
  5. what times does limelight close on saturday nights? 4? if so i hate that sh*t... early ending parties suuuuuuuuuuck.
  6. As good as the music should be, have fun. I dont like the idea of being stuck in the same 3 inches of space for the whole night. I'll savor moments like last saturday @ factory. Had a SICK time. Factory theme parties just draw too many people. It's sooooooooo annoying.
  7. I woke up this morning wondering how the same question. How was the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">New Years </a> party for the people of San Fran. BAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. I'm pretty sure the SF means Sound Factory.
  8. word is that they are really good if you like taking speed instead of mdma. just be warned that they were tested on dancesafe and contained no MDxx substances. If you are taking them thinking they are some type of MDxx you are in for a surprise. Otherwise be ready for a really speedy ass trip. Few peeps on this board took em and were up for 36 hours. Check out pillreports if you wanna learn more. I wouldn't suggest taking more then 1 either. Later
  9. not only do i feel like even more shit then i felt like when i went to sleep a few hours ago. i wake up to goto the bathroom and the dog yacked all over the place too. looks like it is gonna be a fun day! wish i was drunk instead
  10. there is white bouncers working @ exit? where.. i dont remember seeing em (back in the days when i went to exit ).. at factory either. not like it matters. just something that pops into your head while you're pulling out vitamins
  11. I didnt know the bouncers were there to watch your shit. First off you should have told you girlfriend not to bring it in. Second if you knew she had money in it what kind of idiot are you to put it aside. If that is the case take the money out! Put the blame totally on yourself and your girl. No one else.
  12. what color were these love pills that you took dszorro
  13. I missed it again. I'd really like to hear what kinda shit they are spinning over there. Maybe I'll setup total recorder to snag it over the net.
  14. how long was the come down? hehe.. these things have kept people feeling like shit for days.
  15. HEY! Don't diss skribbles. He is on that kewl ass TV show on Saturdays after stern and ALWAYS drops badass beats. Beyond that, he also releases those kewl ass remix cd's. You know the ones that you see advertised on TV. It should be another great night @ Exit. Let the revolving door of DJ's begin! Disclaimer - If you took this message seriously you must be high or drunk or dropped as a child or a combination of them.
  16. I took em over the summer. i thought they were a little weak. i took 2 that night and it never felt like a roll.
  17. NO! (This message was brought to you by lowmazda in a very poor attempt to rack up his post total by responding to this topic. Thank You)
  18. Little bust in brooklyn on Friday. DEA picked up about 600,000 pills. Hehehe... taken from right under our noses.
  19. $88.5 million for 6 years. Heheeh.. now they just need some run support for their pitching staff.
  20. It actually 48 Hours on CBS that is showing the special @ 8pm
  21. All the reports are the same. So what new info is going to come out? We are going to hear the same story about the kids that get bad pills blahblahblah. Kids taking 5 pills which turn out to be PMA, then end up w/ a 108degree body temp. It's not the drugs that are killing people. It's the stupidity of the people that do them to excess and bring themselves to that point. It's like blaming a car manufacturer or a beer company for causing a drunk driving accident. It's too bad that this drug is scheduled the way it is. A little more research could go a long way. Look at the days when they said that pot caused brain damage. Does anyone say that now? no. I guess we will have to wait 20 years till people to see what this stuff is going to do to us. Be safe. Use moderation. Use your head. [This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 11-28-2000).]
  22. I hate driving home from the city in the morning. Damn sun. I was thinking the same thing today. Even if I felt like I was down would I get a DUI ticket. I have very light eyes, u can tell right away that my pupils are OO. I dont know how the blood tests work and I hope that I never find out. PS. Exit sucks [This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 11-28-2000).]
  23. I drive a 1997 Intrepid. I pay $1800 a year for full coverage w/ 1 ticket but I took safe driving class (insurance reduction/point reduction). I have $500 deductable. I'm 25 not married, I feel that rate is a little high. Even with the ticket. Liabilty is always going to be the same if you drive a beat up Yugo or a $90,000 car. The type of car will not affect your liabilty insurance. It will however affect the other catagories [This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 11-27-2000).]
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