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Everything posted by shannah

  1. Did anyone show up at Moran's last night? I was there for about 20 minutes but had to run to meet friends for dinner in midtown. I didn't see anyone waiting outside, but didn't get there until about 5:50 and the place was packed. Anyway, just felt like a big dork, like I got stood up or something.
  2. Frankie- Have some questions for you. Email me at sarahhannah@hotmail.com Thanks.
  3. I'll be there today @ 5:30. Tomorrow would be cool too but I don't know what time I'll be done working (another side to technology - setting up new departments). Today I'm wearing a taupe/tan suit, 5'8" with dark, shoulder-length curly hair. See you there!
  4. I'm in IT too and we get away w/the stuff nobody else is allowed to. You know, downloading mp3s and so forth. As long as we get our work done I don't think they care too much, but I do keep other windows open for quick clicking just in case.
  5. I live a mile from new brunswick - what's this about a party? I'm positive I would enjoy myself...
  6. Damn. I really want to go but I already have plans for the beach. What's the deal w/JV's schedule? Will he be there every saturday after the 29th or what?
  7. I thought it was today. Would tomorrow work better for everyone or does it matter?
  8. I was planning on it. But probably won't make it til 5:30.
  9. I only read this because I wanted to see what would unfold and I wasn't disappointed. Too funny. Had me crackin' up @ my desk @ 8am. Especially the 4'9", 250lb guy. Can't beat that when I'm still trying to get my eyes open. Rock on. And if there is a fight you should host it at Twilo and charge $50/person. You could probably get some of the bouncers fighting too and then you kill two birds w/one stone. Kill each other and the lame ass bouncers at once. Now that's a show...
  10. I'm up. Be at Moran's by 5. I'm in technology so I don't get out at 4 every day, I just get lucky sometimes. Most of the time it's between 5-6. Wait, how are we gonna know who's who? I know some of you already know each other but I don't know any of you.
  11. I'll go but can't stay long. What time does everyone get out of work. Tomorrow's an early day for me, so I'm done at 4. How 'bout everyone else?
  12. So, have you guys decided yet? I don't know where Morans is but I'm up for whatever. There's a place around the corner from me on Whitehall, but it's a dive. Don't know of anyhthing else down in my area.
  13. I'm skeptical too but I'm definitely going to give it one more shot when JV starts spinnin on saturday's. Give it a second chance (or maybe even a first), if you still don't like it don't go again. Either way you made an effort.
  14. I went to Babylon. It was ok but I would definitely hope there's better. The DJ jumped from salsa to hip hop then to house. At the end of the night he jumped back to hip hop to slow the house down and caused a major trainwreck. Also heard of one called Laser in Old San Juan but didn't make it there. The thing I was most bummed about was the fact the 6th Element festival was there 4 days after I left. Next time.
  15. We are talking 8-10 years ago - I don't listen to it anymore but really enjoyed it back then. Thanks for your opinion though...
  16. Own both of those. Very cool but in the day, Lords of Acid was definitely my fav. LUSTwas by far their best album w/trax like Rough Sex & I Must Increase My Bust. Great stuff.
  17. I got back from Puerto Rico about two weeks ago. What'd you think? Did you hit any of the clubs? I only found two and made it to one. Had to do the tourist thing (1st time there). The club was ok but nothing spectacular. The musik was definitely better than I expected (most of it old & of course they played zombie nation). Totally wasted for the first half of the trip. Very cool. Anyway, I want to be back there too. Laying on white beaches, playing in crystal blue waters and sipping kick-ass pina colada's all day. That's the life...
  18. Lord, I totally agree. I'm new to the scene but have thrown myself into reading anything I can get my hands on in print and on the web but when I ask a question I am sometimes ridiculed for not being a true 'house' fan or doing my research. Either way, others have made recommendations and I have checked them out (downloaded soundbytes as well as full mp3s) and found awesome stuff. It would be nice to get rid of the negative vibe but every now and then the twists make things interesting...Anyway, just my $.02. One more thing, I found a brand new pub yesterday - premier issue. Here's the link to get one for free (it costs $6 on the stand)...www.planetrevolution.com. It's kickass so far and even comes w/some CDs. Can't beat that. -SH
  19. 1 State St. Plaza (2 blocks from the bull)
  20. Just bumping it up.
  21. shannah

    I can't...

    Call her gunther if you want, you'd bump her in a minute if she gave you the time of day... [This message has been edited by shannah (edited 07-13-2000).]
  22. shannah


    I totally agree. I've only recently discovered him but listen to the 'Dreamin' track constantly. Have also downloaded several others but that one's my fav. -New fan
  23. I've noticed there are festivals all over the world all the time, yet there are very few in the most electric city in the world. I missed 6th Element and was totally bummed, are there any other festival/concerts going on in this area anytime soon?
  24. shannah

    I can't...

    I'm w/brandie. I thought at least one of you would have listed your dream date as a 6' blond w/blue eyes and a D-cup. It's nice to know some of you still prefer us 5'8", dark-eyed brunettes.
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