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Everything posted by shannah

  1. Thanks ghetto. It helps, but not this week. Going to Puerto Rico tomorrow. Any suggestions for clubs there? Never been there before... Is there a site that posts their schedule's or where I could sign up to be on an email list?
  2. Noticed you're a big fan of Sal Parm & Johnny Vicious. Have you seen them and if so, where? Also, are they spinning anywhere (beach or NYC) in the near future? Any details would rock. Thanks! PS-They're both at the top of my list right now too. Anything (& anyone) JV mixes sounds incredible... -S
  3. Love it. Saturday's are highly recommended.
  4. Ripped Fuel. You can get it at GNC...will totally pump you up the next day.
  5. Also heard China club is good on mondays. Talking to a few friends about trying to go in the near future. Anyone up?
  6. Digital Audio Tape
  7. Hey dick(head)- Everytime you post, you start shit. What's your problem, not gettin' enough or just angry at the world in general? Take it somewhere else (I'm guessing most don't give two shits what you think anyway). Because even though I don't post as much I enjoy reading what everyone has to say...that was until you started antagonizing people. As far as what we do - I'm pretty impressed with the descriptions so far, so I'll add my own. I'm one of several network admins at a financial insurance firm downtown (by battery park). Eat that you schmuck!
  8. Based on what some of the members here said, I tried SF by myself cause I really wanted to hear JP and all my friends were at the shore too. Not the greatest idea in the world or the best place to be by yourself but I still had fun. If you can get past the dingy club and the cheesy crowd you'll have a kick-ass time cause JP was spinnin' like a mad man. He should definitely be playin' in a bigger house but until he does I will venture back again and again just to listen to his groove and intense build-ups all nite long. Anyway, I would love to meet up with some of the crew here too. You guys all seem pretty cool. My email is sarahhannah@hotmail.com...
  9. Budda's rock. Nice, mellow and pure. Highly recommended. [This message has been edited by shannah (edited 06-22-2000).]
  10. Is there any way to disable that stupid showtime pop-up? It's driving me insane...
  11. Noticed you're new to the board (or is that because of the new page thing I keep reading about?). Have you heard anything about Sal Parm @ Hush on tuesday? Been looking for more info but can't find anything. Know where I could look for posts besides here?
  12. Missing out on the scene tonight and wondered if anyone else is too?
  13. Wish I could go. You guys sound like lots of fun and I'm lookin' for some people who dig cool clubs and jammin' house. Maybe another nite? Actually I heard Sal Parm is playing on tuesday at Hush. Anyone interested?
  14. Just started w/Napster a couple months ago. It's ok but a lot of songs are not complete. It's a great place to looking for specific songs if you want them quickly but there are tons of places. Definitely interested in the ftp deal. My email is sarahhannah@hotmail.com. Let me know. Thanks in advance for the tunes! SH
  15. Hope you're kidding dawg, cause not only do I know that - it's a quote from a song...
  16. Hey Sal-I'm digging your line and your taste in tunes but you gotta chill man. Stop yelling at people, it does nothing but annoy everyone and continue the drama that has rambled on all day. I also agree that Exit is one of the coolest clubs right now with some of the hottest tunes. The funny thing is that Exit and SoundFactory are where you'll find the glow stick carrying, e-tripping fiends but I love it cause the music kicks ass (and being sober isn't all that bad sometimes)! 'Is it the music...or is it...the X?'
  17. PS-I think the ranters need to calm down. We may all have our opinions but in the end it all comes down to the music and how it makes you feel - sober or not. Either way, make the best of it and if it sucks time and again don't go see that DJ anymore. Pretty simple.
  18. I bought the Welcome to the Club cd. Yeah, most of the songs are pretty old but awesome none the less. Does he spin anywhere regularly? Also, is that how you chose your username?
  19. Thanks for the info Phillyboy. I guess I need to pay closer attention though cause I just bought the new Plasmic Honey CD mixed by Anthony Acid. I really dig the Funeral track. I think parts of the album have a more techno feel though as opposed to house. Any other suggestions for hard house?
  20. This is all very interesting, but I have a question for you hard core house folks out there. I noticed that Salparm mentioned other names w/J. Vicious (Baez & Sal Parm)? Who's the second? Just started collecting, love hard core and looking for more. Any suggestions? Greatly appreciated. PS-DT's ok but don't think he's all that. Kind of mellow. [This message has been edited by shannah (edited 06-21-2000).]
  21. I have to agree, more info on the open air thing would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. -S
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