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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by shannah

  1. I'm up for whatever (snacks before or meetup @2am), just point me in the direction of the party. lol...don't know what i'll be wearing though, have to fill you in on that one tomorrow... [This message has been edited by shannah (edited 07-27-2000).] [This message has been edited by shannah (edited 07-27-2000).] [This message has been edited by shannah (edited 07-27-2000).]
  2. Do you guys wanna have a meet up? If so, where? [This message has been edited by shannah (edited 07-27-2000).]
  3. That's the problem. I DID buy it and can't get passed song 4, the CD is f***ed up. I've tried the cd in 3 different players and two computers. No good. I'm bummed but I guess that's the chance you take w/bootlegs...
  4. Does anyone know anything about this record or its label, Explosive Records? It's produced by A&S Productions as well but I can't find any info on them. Looked all over the web...Any info would be greatly appreciated!
  5. So what's the final decision? We've got many things to choose from...Twilo, Exit or Vinyl. Don't think I can do 2 clubs, not enough $$ (unless anyone can get me on a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlist</A> that's really cheap). Either way, I'm down for one at least...
  6. 26 and havin the time of my life. It could definitely use a little more play than work but I'm not slowing down anytime soon. I'll have to agree w/several other's here. Teenage crack-heads are not for me but teenage music lovers w/respect for those around them are more than welcome. Recently, it's definitely become more about the music for me (although I still enjoy other aspects of the party every now and then too) and it just seems like the younger crowd is in it solely for the 'treats'...
  7. I'm ^, just keep me posted on the place and time. Vinyl sounds like a good idea...
  8. I definitely agree w/everyone here, mostly. Howard totally paved the way and in some aspects O&A are ripping him off but they are also developing their own things and are funny as hell. I don't get to listen to either that much anymore but I used to laugh my ass off in the car on the way home listening to O&A. I can't say that happens that often w/Howard anymore, although he does have his moments.
  9. I hear that. I was just talking to someone today about how 'old' my friends are. Most of them are under 30 but act like they're 50. None can hang all nite either or understand my growing obsession w/the music. I try to explain but always get the 'are you sure you're not from mars?' look. Always up for meeting new people, especially those into clubs and the music.
  10. When is the show? Bowery isn't that big. They have three floors, the basement is a bar only and the 1st and 2nd floors are where the musicians play. The 2nd floor is usually VIP though. Would love to go, so any info you have would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
  11. Hey! I'm 26 and don't consider myself old and wrinkly...yet. Been clubbing for about two years but kind of fell out of the scene for the last few months (new job, live too far from city, etc...) but definitely want to go more (and will in a month - once moved). Don't have many friends who dig the music as much as me or can hang til the sun comes up. Those people are the ones w/canes...not us. Maybe we'll bump walkers at the next geriatric 'HOUSE' meeting.
  12. Actually, I heard she/he is not male anymore. She had a sex change and is now a SHE...
  13. Skydiving is definitely one of the best things I've ever done in my life. Jumped tandem (cause there's no way I could've gotten myself off the plane) and it was absolutely incredible. Did the whole cheesy thing - got the video & pix - but totally worth the xtra $$$. I can't say I've had another feeling that even compares...Highly recommended. I'm going again next year w/my sis in cali...
  14. *in deep barry white voice* - *YO*
  15. No, that's too obvious. We should all show up naked, holding glow sticks... [This message has been edited by shannah (edited 07-21-2000).]
  16. I don't think the rest of us really see a problem or want to battle anything out. You started the screaming in the 1st place, remember? It would seem your the one w/issues...fight amongst yourself. Peace
  17. we'll have to try it again next week if everyone wants to try again. i won't be able to make it today...
  18. Out of curiosity, why aren't any girls posting pix? ps-Vicious suits you...
  19. I only stood out front (inside - right?)briefly because I wanted a drink. I did stand close to the front door for about 10 minutes though but then I had to go. Maybe next time we can set it up a little better. I posted what I was wearing. Did you?
  20. My top 3 in NY: speed clubNY NV All clubs in jersey.
  21. I was only there for about 20 minutes but didn't see anyone outside in the front(and it was packed), had other plans and left. I'm not sure what I think of that place. Definitely seemed like the typical meat market...not that I don't like meat.
  22. Yeah, a few of us were supposed to meet I thought but I'm definitely up for next week.
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