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Everything posted by saigray

  1. That's a really good point JV> as long as the drug war doesn't allow for safety precautions and responsible reactions, particularly in this case by persecuting twilo when they do call ambulances, the government is equally at fault. In the UK, when ppl started dying from E, they looked, realized it was dehydration and made a law that all dance parties must provide free water....end of DEATHS!! in the US, we decide to make it impossible to call an ambulance without getting in trouble....rise in DEATHS.
  2. Okay, I am paying for all the fun had last night with the worst set of fuckin luck in the WORLD. Recap: 10;00pm Saisha loses her brand new pack of cigarettes. 10;15 Saisha loses her only hair tie. LM replaces it. 11:00 Saisha loses her nosering 1;00 Saisha breaks replacement hair tie. 2;30 Saisha drags her drunk ass to a taxi and goes home. 10;10am Saisha lazily pulls her hung over self out of bed. Looks at cell phone and realizes that it is 10, not 9, she is an hour late for work because she was away during daylight savings time and hasn't been home to change the clocks yet. 10;30 am Saisha reaches her hand into her backpack while waiting on elevator, only to realize that at 2;32 am that morning Saisha donated the contents of her wallet to the Yellow Cab Company!!! 3;30 am Saisha provided an addition $100 to whatever shmuck stoped at the ATM with my card. 11:15 am Saisha with $.20 cents left after metrocard purchase arrives HUNGRY, HUNGOVER and with a crick in the neck from sleeping ffunny to work where EVERYTHING THAT COULD GO WRONG WILL!!!! I may never listen to techno again!
  3. Yup, PVD. I didn't see anyone around who seemed to know him. But truth is, you loose friends during the night, just happens. They go to the bathroom, come back and he's gone....talk about a friend's nightmare.
  4. I think I saw this....very disturbing. I have never seen anyone look so bad. I was dancing next to one of the boxes by the back bar, and this big dude was on top of one. Suddenly there is a crash- he's down. When he fell over, he was already fuckin green. Three bouncers picked him up, and carried him off the floor, but I could swear they took him outside. My perception was not perfect at the time though, so I could be wrong. After I heard about the death, I was totally freaked out cause I KNEW that it was that guy - the minute I saw his face, I knew something was very wrong.
  5. Thanks hun!! We should totally do a night of "raudy rock star hotel partying" while your here. It's all about roomservice and pay-per-view
  6. Wow, for that u should be able to find your own space- end of problem ;-) Unfortunately, I'm in a much tighter situation, but I think I might have found a perfect summer sublet with two awesome girls....now they just have to like me as much as I liked them. Though, I must admit, I'm not bringing up the sex topic til I sign the papers and move in!!
  7. Wow...I got my very own att: thread. I'm never replying to PMs again!! (j/k) Joe, I'll call you in a bit...
  8. Our last two presidents: Hmmm. Clinton was widely regarded as one of the smartest presidents we ever had, a political genius with a combination of intellect and PR skills with a slight libido problem. Whether you liked his politics or not, "undrestimated" was not a word used (well, it's not actually a word at all but...) to describe him. Bush, Sr. was seen as stubborn and opportunistic, with difficulty in lip-reading, but his VP was the one who couldn't spell potato. No other Chief Executive, recent or not, has been as embarrassing to the American public as our present. The head of state should NOT get a open pass to sound like a moron because he's under pressure- a) that's his job, he has a staff devoted to making him sound good and this is the best they can do!!! I don't think he could possibly be smarter than I think I am- I am obviously very ooverestimatable in the intellectualizement plateau! Lastly, it depends how you measure success. If riding your family's money and coattails to a position you are unqualified for is success, your right. I will never be as successful as good ol' Dubya!
  9. Congrats Zehra, I'll miss you at closing time at Vinyl... Have a blast and post occasional photos of the havoc you are reaking! I'll be available to sub occasionally, but I couldn't hope to replace.
  10. Hmmm. Way to turn a bad situation into a font of creativity! I actually think I'll find something workable- that was a worst case scenario. But even just sharing thin walls in a bummer. Maybe I'll just have to get in touch with my exhabitionist tendancies.
  11. I think in this case they got a real "dumB' to be stupid in order to fool the public so Cheyney could plot the evil and get it done.
  12. LMFAO!! Yo yO my bad. Thanx for keepin it REAL! (just stop puttin in all those punktulation an shit, itz like u know werez it goez and stuff)
  13. Okay, so my dream housing situation (me, by myself in a huge one-bedroom, rent free!!) is coming to an abrupt end and so I have begun the sad search for afffordable housing in NYC. This means SHARES, and suddenly I'm faced with the difficult balancing act between financial constraints and my need for privacy. Have any of you guys dealt with this? How important is your sex life in your housing decision? How much sound proofing do you require to feel comfortable? I guess I'm just suprised at what a premium I place on the potential for friskyness in my housing situation. I looked at one place were I would basically have a screened off section of the living room, while the dude had an open loft....I wanted to laugh. Can you straight up tell someone a place doesn't work cause you couldn't have sex there? How have other people dealt with this? I remember in college, when we had literal roommates, people would be "sexiled", but I can't imagine doing that in the real world. Or do you just throw up your hands and tell you flatmate to turn their stereo up?
  14. "This doesn't have nothing to do with reputation," Mr. Bush said, according to a transcript released by the White House. "It has everything to do with the consequences if it fails." "If a summit fails, if the president lays it out there and nothing happens, generally the status — the follow-up is worse than the status quo," he said. "And that's what presidents must understand." Obviously what a president doesn't need to understand is grammar, double negatives, sentance fragments or the importance of nuance (as a verb, if you will)... "He is clearly impatient when interviewers suggest that he should listen to other views of the Palestinians. "Look, my job isn't to try to nuance," he told a British television reporter who tried late last week to equate the terrorism of radical Palestinians with the actions of Israeli occupiers of Palestinian territory. "My job is to tell people what I think." Yo, if his job is to tell us what to think, WE HAVE A BIG FUCKIN PROBLEM, cause the US population is dumb enough already.
  15. Is there any possibility they would consider extending the voting to email ballots or through their website, etc. It's pretty presumtuous to expect any sort of fair cross section of the clubbing/exit community to come out on a random tuesday, treck to the no mans' land of the mid-west side, to cast a vote on their way from work to home. (Though it might give you a better chance considering the B&T crowd is at a huge disadvantage ;-) Just a thought...I don't go to Exit, but I support your intentions and would vote if there was another way.
  16. Yeah, glenn, a little more information would go a long way.... Just tell us the date and the time and we'll be there with bells. Congrats on the Wedding!!!
  17. Hey, off topic but: Anyone ever tell you, you look just like Karsh Kale....except, you know, not Indian. I mean REALLY, STRANGELY alilke, so I kept being like "huh?" Same face, different complexion....same facial hair too! (He spun at Halcyon last night, so I had to share.)
  18. Me too Me too....you know I love both of you and don't see enough of you. Please keep me in the loop. You got my digits ;-)
  19. I know how important this is...I just went through it....I knwo yyou will soon be joining me in the land of happy new hires!
  20. I'm no Jesus, but I'm close to him We talk all the while, we talk all the while I'm no Jesus, but he comforts me We walk side by side On the water we walk religiously On the water we talk seriously I'm no Jesus, but I'm close to him We talk all the while, we talk all the while I'm no Jesus, but he comforts me We walk side by side On the water we walk religiously On the water we talk seriously On the water we talk, on the water we walk On the water we talk, on the water we walk On the water we talk, on the water we walk On thewater we talk seriously...
  21. Honestly, it was such a random thing...aprox. like this: hey, lets go see a movie..what's at halcyon...oh cool...oh hey, guess whos on after the movie...alright...Damn, this is so cool, who should I call?? I know I know ppl who should be here...shit, it's late....ah, next time.... But yeah, we need to take more advantage of this spot. PS> Did anyone notice that Karsh Kale looks UNBELIEVABLY, BIZARRELY like Mugwump, only Indian?? I mean I was staring, just so confused as to how to people of different ethnic backgrounds could look soooo similar. Weird.
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