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Everything posted by saigray

  1. lol...you are funny Joe... Sai and I are listening to "classics" right now... she wanted a "breakbeat classics" lesson
  2. I'm ridiculous right now...getting ready 5 hours early I'm so psyched...like a kid 5hrs before christmas
  3. Okay, there it is.... 2 am at the CP table 5 hours!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. AM i finally gonna get to meet you??? I'll be wearing silver caffeines and a black lace tank...please say hi!
  5. Joe, you are young and unschooled....this is NOT THE NIGHT TO PLEAD POVERTY! Sell your baseball card collection, offer to wash your parents car, realize that 40 bucks only means drinking 4 less drinks next week...and become SCHOOLED!
  6. Naw man, you rule ;-) Coming tomorrow???
  7. ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Delerium Fairy will be in FULL EFFECT!!!! LET"S GET EXCITED PEOPLE:D :D :D
  8. i'm sorry i missed you all, but I'm lucky i didn't go... I sat at home, watched a tv movie, and went to bed and I still feel like a member of the death and dying club... This cold front after sunny guatemala is killing me!! Hope I get some rest before Saturday!!!!
  9. MAKE THE PIE HIGHER By George W. Bush *These actual quotations were aesthetically arranged *by Washington Post writer Richard Thompson *in observance of National Poetry Month I think we all agree The past is over. This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen And uncertainty And potential mental losses. Rarely is the question asked Is our children learning? Will the highways of the Internet Become more few? How many hands Have I shaked? They misunderestimate me. I am a pitbull on the pant leg Of opportunity. I know that the human being And the fish Can coexist. Families is where our nation Finds hope Where our wings take dream. Put food on your family! Knock down the tollbooth! Vulcanize Society! Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher! Major league. (appause, snapping) "Thank you, thank you"
  10. SOunds delightful....some great names, way many more I;ve never heard of. I'm totally down.
  11. Ah shit, another kid I love....okay, maybe I bitched too fast! Sorry, bro, seriously doubt I'll have the time or the funds for a roadtrip/serious night out! IF anything changes I will PM you for sure. Plus I got Carl Cox this weekend, and that might have to be it for a little while. How bout Boo 4/20? You thinking of coming up?
  12. Sorry, i;m not gonna feel uncool for my political correctness. Why don't you try crying over the fact that AIDS is probably going to kill someone you know? Or almost half of Africa? Maybe until you do you won't understand, but at least pretend.
  13. Ah, one of the few people who's posts I still read. Hi, Herbert!
  14. Stupider and unbearably boring, or has it been a gradual decline in quality and quantity, that I'm only realizing after going away for a bit? Is the membership to blame, or maybe an overall drought in exciting nightlife news? Is it another wave of defection or an influx of morons taking over? Are we lacking some dynamic of drama neccesary for good sparring? Or have I just stopped caring who is opening at Roxy and what stupid shit someone thinks is "LOL"? (And crobra don't even think about pouncin me for a "going away" thread....when I disappear permanently, you won;t know till I'm gone...)
  15. NOT FUNNY......EVER!!!! I know you are both youngin's but PLEASE BE AWARE that you are in an ANONYMOUS environment, and be a little respectful. AIDS is still a very serious problem, and a true epidemic throughout the world, including NYC. Now if you said leprousy, that might be funny.
  16. hahaha, quoth, back with a vengence and it sounds like you were just as drunk as the last time I saw you! Good to have you back. Next time I see you at Pseudo or such, as about my Shakira on Tequila impression from my trip to Guatemala....let's just put it this way: I'll show you my bruises if you show me yours.
  17. Mazel Tov, from guatemala! So now the question is...Who is gonna be the DJ?!?!?
  18. You checked out the MUd ppl...aren't they amazing?! So explain to me why you should tell Carl wassup for me, rather than just bringing me with to meet him????? So lets see if I got my to do list right: 1) Get tan for Papa Smurf 2) Get bone for Siceone 3) Get hug for clubkat 4) Get hot tamale insane pepper for Mugz and DONT get malaria for Joe.... Did I miss anything?
  19. Just wanted to say "BYE BYE" to all my lovely NY peeps, as I am taking a desperately needed vacanza to Guatemala. I have been a little MIA for a while and I miss lots of you, and I want you to know its nothing personal, I'm not "quitting the boards"- just hitting some REAL jungle. I also wanted to warn anyone expecting a visit from the delerium fairy over President's Day weekend- IF YOU SEE ME AT DT/DD YOU HAVE DEFINATELY TAKEN TOO MUCH!!!! Find a friend, get some water and slow DOWN! That's an order. But fear not, she will be in FULL EFFECT for CarlCox, and expects to be paying many happy visits to her delerious friends all day at the South Street Seaport! So if I don't see you all until then have a great two weeks, and I'll think of you all as I lie by the shore, with my headphones pumping, my sunglasses down, and my eyes closed, and visions of Cox dancing in my head.
  20. BSG, the solution that' s worked for me is... Not go to Centro- simple. Places that attract lecherous drunk men should be avoided. Only downside is, I never run into you anymore...come play where the men are less gross.
  21. Wow. We are gonna have to talk in person sometime, cause I don't have time to type out all the problems I have with where you are going, plus it tends to make things either/or when you aren't face to face. But I'll get to some of them. I think its insane that you would make a comment that might seem like an insult to people for caring...its like making fun of kids for recycling. Sure SOME people are followers, but there are way more people not giving a shit, and doing nothing, and it takes a lot less effort to follow them, so why would you assume right off the bat that someone going to these things is a bored, jobless, sheep? Saturday was a cold, logistical nightmare, why the fuck would anyone get up early, deal with police baracades, and 20 degree weather unless they were touched by the issues---if they don't understand the issues to your satisfaction, well then maybe they're still learning, but at least they are paying attention. So please don't act like you just wanted to know what catagory I am- your first comment assumed one thing, and now that I proved that wrong, you still want to hold on to the notion that MOST of those ppl out there don't know what they are about, but that is JUST NOT TRUE> if they just wanted to beat bongos they could have follow their friends to phish concerts. And while I'm happy to hear that you care enough about the world for your own satisfaction, I find it disturbing that you would be disrespectful of people who care more, as if your level of caring but not doing anything was the more appropriate course of (non)action. AS to the WTO, which is not who was meeting btw: "cheaper cost of production" I'm sure is something that Stern graduates view as a very admirable thing, but when you do cost/benefit analysis of a situation, there are things that business schools don't put in the equation, that many believe are important. The environmental restrictions and labor laws that people in America pushed for to keep companies from destroying our natural resources and exploiting the poor are circumvented through moving production to 3rd world countries. This in turn is used as an argument by conservatives to roll back those restrictions to keep companies from going abroad. The effect of this cycle is to freeing large corporations from all responsibilities and to seek higher profit margins at the planet and humanities expense. Underdeveloped countries need infrastructure and support to build their own economies but plopping dangerous, environmentally horrible factories that treat workers like disposable waste, and pay them less than a living wage (ie. not enough to LIVE on) is not giving them a chance to catch up. Its a matter of degrees of greed. It would still cost less to make that shoe in Tunisia, even if you paid the workers enough to eat, and let them take a lunch break, and didn't molest them. Really.
  22. I think I might drag my friend over to Baktun tonight, see how tronic treatment is treating the place. You gonna be there, Z? Who is playing? -s "iheartboomboom"
  23. Um, yes I can. I already did a little earlier in this thread, actually.- but as I said its complicated and doesn't fit into easy slogans. I am not bored at all, you know me, and I am never bored...I have too much to do most of the time, but I take time away from other things because I think this is important. I have a job that deals with global development, actually, and I do this out of Knowledge NOT ignorance as you'd love to believe. I'm curious what the problem with "caring just to care" is, though? Should I only care if I am going to reap the benefit of it? Well, I guess you got me there- I really must be a silly, flaky, stupid hippie. How embarassing.
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