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Everything posted by saigray

  1. Halcyon is a great place, but in my experience there it is not a "hopping" scene...it is a chill, listen to beats, sip a coffee/beer, peruse some vinyl, chat with friends old and new type place. I've never been there on a Sat. night so it could be different, but I can tell you for sure there is no dance floor...just a couple couches and 50's/60's retro tables and chairs, and some space in front of the DJ booth- it's like a quirky friend's living room with a coffee bar attched to one side, and a hole-in-the-wall record shop attached to the other. It is a great place to start your evening off, but will probably not satisfy your craving for booty shakin... WHy not hit up Vinyl afterwards with your underaged friend, then he'll see both sides of the scene! Directions: Call to be more specific but its on Smith Street (I think there is a subway stop there) in Carroll Gardens off of Atlantic... in relation to DUMBO its further Southeast but not very far...10min by car.
  2. Yeah, any Dave F. 's out there meet me recently? Nikki's with a 646 area code? or my favorite ....anyone's name start with "c' in 212, cause that's all that made it into the phone!
  3. Okay, more shameless promotion for friends, but my friend, Devon Deveaux from DC, will be making his NYC debut, and from the previews I've gotten, he lays down some nice, funky house shit that goes down super smooth. So who ever's keeping track of "reasons to go to pseudo party", I suggest adding Devon to the list .
  4. Dude, I know. I guess Loc was so busy trainspotting my rack, he confused you with my friend who is not on the board. Loc, that;s Suntosh- you've met him 3 times by now..wouldn't u know if he had a board name???
  5. This is so true. Until you become hardcore, and then you divide your phone book into those you can call on Monday, to plan Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and those who only get the Thursday night weekend update/rally cry! But seriously there are ppl I only here from thur-sat.
  6. Fine. I guess I won't be popping out of the cake in my birthday suit either, than. jeeze, some people are such sticklers for detail, they ruin the fun for everyone. (I guess that's why they become ACCOUNTANTS!)
  7. Why aren't you my friend? Everyone should be my friend...I'm a nice person if you give me a chance..
  8. Or you wish you had, cause u keep finding new names and numbers in your phone, but can't quite remember who they belong to or where you know them from but you're sure at the moment you punched it in, that person was your new best friend.
  9. Well if we are roll calling, I'll be rollin' in to Filter 14 tonight without a doubt! Who's with me?
  10. as an self-confessed elitist in many ways too, I have given this dilema serious thought, I if you look at it, these two positions are uncomfortably close in some ways. Its hard to admit, but running away from the mainstream, just because its mainstream, is just as mass media-controlled and reactive as embracing every fad MTV throws at us just because everyone else is. Neither is totally based on the quality of the music. This is not to say that mainstream music, in general, doesn't suck, and that it's not good to be discriminating. But throwing out songs you like, just cause "lamers" have discovered them is not a sign of independant thinkin, but actually another tip of the hat to the effectiveness of marketing. If you are honestly evaluating the music, it is either good or bad...you either like it or you don't....everything else is the result of social constructs. Trust me, I instinctually want to protect MY music from lamers too, but when you think about it, if we thinks its so good, why would we want to keep others from enjoying it too...what's that about? I would propose that its probably tied up in our identity as musical elitists, and if others join us, it doesn't make the music worse than when we listened to it alone, but it attacks part of our identity and so to protect that we have to abandon a song/style/spot or admit that we are taste isn't so refined after all. Just a thought...and what a long, late-nite, stoned one it is.
  11. Open bar last tuesday, Sandra Collins for $5 this week.... Craigh, are you trying to get me fired?!?! Sleep deprivation or not, I will be there. Thanks for the tuesday night blisters!
  12. GUilty or not that was some shag. Whew, I'm think I need another beer.
  13. yeah, I don't know if this is kosher, but I am on the list +2 and am feelin ill, so I know I won't be using those spots.... if someone wants permission to use my name PM me Just don't wear my NAME TAG- i don't want to be responsible for whatever trouble goes down!
  14. Hey Pseudo Ragers Please excuse my pitifull showing last night....I don't think I;ve ever been that much of a party-pooper but I was so tired it took all my energy just to sit on the bouncy ball and not fall over. I promise to be cooler next time ;-). ..and to you lucky people who get to call that palace of coolness your home, congratulations and god bless. Thanks for sharing your good fortune with the rest of us. I'll be in touch.
  15. I remember drifting off to sleep as my mom sang "my sweet lord, oh my lord, Hari Hari...", and the crackle on the record was the perfect white noise for bed...it was my favorite lullaby.... I remember watching Hard Days Night for the first time and cracking up at George's dry whit, spoken in soft tones barely audible but so funny. Though he spoke little it always was to say the perfect thing. I remember thinking about Maharashi and how if it weren't for George Harrison bringing the hippies to Hinduism, my parents would still be named Bob and Mindy instead of Hanuman and Anapurna and my name would be Racheal or Rebecca, I wouldn't have been wrapped in a prayer shawl in all my baby pictures, I wouldn't have had a sitar in my living room.. I remember pulling out an old boxed vinyl copy of his solo album and staring at the gentle man on the cover and realizing that he was the Beatle I would most like to be friends with because he was less beatle and more himself than any of the others could be. I remember him today and I thank him for his gentle touch, which reached profoundly into my life and the life of so so many others. "love each other" was his last wish.
  16. Beer?? pashaw, BYOB stands for "Brew Your Own Bathtub-Gin", silly!
  17. this has definately crossed my mind me = them = me =
  18. this Saturday, and you were a cool, but not you know NYC cool, and you wanted to go out dancing with your husband, where would you go? I, as the authority on dancing spots in my family, have been asked to find my aunt and her birthday bunch a good place to go dancing on Saturday, and me and my best friend have been asked to come too, so I am rattling my brain for a place where I think we all could have fun... They like house, hip-hop, reggae and could probably get into a little trance, but I wouldn't think they'd enjoy a full trance party (and I'd like to keep them away from pacifier-munchin kids;-) ) In all honesty, I think they'd be happy at Webster Hall, but I reeeallly rather not so what is there between the cheese of WH and the grittyness of Vinyl that might work for both sides? Any suggestions would be HUGELY appreciated. Thanks guys.
  19. "GET FUCKED" is an Australian phrase that roughly translated means, "Would you please be so kind as to find a large ex-con who will fuck you up the ass without lubrication so you won't bother me and my friends any more." Other than that bit of educating, I'm done sparing with you in public. If you need to "chat" with me, PM me- you obviously have trouble discerning what issues are matters of public importance and what issues are PRIVATE and should not be dealt with in a public forum like a messageboard. (And it's obvious from the replies here and on every thread you've ever dropped your bullshit drama into that ppl don't need to know your ex or even you in person to tell that you are seriously messed up and need professional help....especially if you can't see how out of line and blatantly freaky you come across.)
  20. A little advice, blowflii....get fucked! What the hell is your problem...or more specifically why do you think everyone else's problems relate directly to your pathetic obsession with your old relationship? I am looking for an APARTMENT with a ROOMMATE- not trying to loaf in a SIGNIFICANT OTHER's else's place. This bears absolutely no relation to the long, depressing, ridiculous diatribe about this OVER!! relationship that you seem bent on airing for the whole board- none of whom could give a shit about whether you had commitment issues with a girl who obviously saw you for the psychotic freak you are and asked you to get lost. And to frame it in some sort of passive-aggressive mode of giving me helpful advice, who the hell do you think you are fooling? Do you think for one iota of a second I believe you posted this for my benefit? The only thing beneficial you could do for this board is get the fuck off.... And to answer your last question, girls can respect guys and guys can respect girls, but nobody respects manipulative psychotic whiny babies like you. oh, and thanks for the help!
  21. First of all, I play musical COUCHES, not musical beds.... trying to give me a bad rep, are you? Second of all, you're da bomb, I love my friends! Third of all, call me sometime today or give me your work # again. I wanna hang.
  22. I'm gonna have to go with our newest arrival, BARMENACE....what ever it is, DAMN its hot! It's got the open shirt and hairy chest like its Momma, and bouncy curly red-hair and tatoos like its Daddy! EVery time it drunkenly stumbles across the bar, I get all flustered and wet.
  23. But for numerous months that would put me at $620 a month!!! Are you trying to turn me into a pauper?? Hmm. but then again I dooooo make very special brownies, so maybe I can put your "flour on flesh" fetish to work for me. :-)
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