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Everything posted by saigray

  1. It was Blueangel, casey, at the Apple meet-up....I looked lost and confused and she came right over, and introduced herself, made me a name tag and promptly introduced me to Weyes (my future party-buddy) and Matta (my future ex-boyfriend). Crazy, sad, cool, and lucky all at once.
  2. Oh yeah...ummm, can we get a complimentary B-boy with entrance for the first 100 girls with flyers?? ... (don't worry cazz, i have an extra one for you ;-) )
  3. This Saturday at Hammerstein Ballroom...here's the website I found, since you were all useless ;-) www.silverworldwide.net Looks damn fine, and for $20 with flyer, its got to be one of the best deals I've seen in a while... so who's down???
  4. I have to agree with Barvybe on this one, if you think A1 or anything with Tom Cruise (i admit I haven't seen this, but i don't care how wakky the ending) is the weirdest movie, you have some cinematic exploring to do... Ease yourself down with a little "Brazil" from Terry Gilliam, then go trashy with "Vinyl" by Andy Warhol, and then scratch your head and say "huh?" to "Wavelength" (blanking on the directors name, but you'll never find this one outside of filmclass anyway) in which the movie consists entirely of a slow zoom in an empty loft or "Pink Flamingos" John Waters homage to offensiveness. Now that is weird. Movies about a little boy who wants to be loved are for disney.
  5. I don't know but this sounds like it might have the ingredients for a fun, interesting partay...I'm all hyped for the b-boy/girl battle at the begining too. Anyone know the cost on this one (can't be throwin all my dough around before NYE)?
  6. Happy Birthday to Yoou You live in aaa zooooo You smell like a JUICEHEAD And you looOOK Liiike One toooOOOOooo!!! J/k Dave, you're way cuter! So be sure to tell us where and when to line up to give you your spanking!
  7. Little elves and reindeer couldn't keep me away.... is it too late for the guestlist???
  8. Yeah I've met so many of you, but meeting Horatio, Zoolander, Alfanso, Louise, Thomas, Jonathan, Tobias, and Luke, along with your other friends whose names I forget all the time, has been one of this seasons' highlights. I look forward to seeing all of you at pseudo each week, and I never know which new kooky friend you'l bring along next time. Thanks for bringing so many new characters into my life. Yours always, Consuelos Bridgette Laquitia Tatiana Rosemary Natasha Jones
  9. First off, can we please get some of those pictures up, so I have half a clue which of you ppl I met....way to many faces with names, and screennames, and nicknames.... But to all who I did meet, it was a pleasure.... I had such a great time doing CP promotions, thanks so much Cottoncandy for taking a chance on a young kid, hope I made ya proud and I LOVE MY TECHNIC shirt- Technics chicks in the house (that goes to u too, SBD, great meeting u)!! And quoth, anytime you want to see your technics shirts on a girl, you're welcome to lend them to me ;-) Anyway, funny little story for y'all (Crobra and Mist, you'll love this) so I decide, despite my overworked, underrested state, to drop around 1, so I can fully appreciate the soundsystem (which btw, I thought was pretty good). But after the meet-up, and that Amber performance, and some dancin, I was just dragging, nothing going on chemically, and I said "fuck it, I'm tired, I'm going home" Take a taxi up town, brush my teeth, wash my face, silently applaud myself for doing the right thing and think happily about how well rested I'll be tomorrow...lay down...... AND START ROLLING!!!!!!! AT 4:30!!!! THREE HOURS LATER!!! Oh well.......................
  10. Yup, that was me.... Age is such a useless concept....not when 20 year olds are married with kids, and 30 year olds are up late playing with glowsticks! So yeah, I took a wild guess and made your night. MWAUH...enjoy.
  11. 11:00 - Still haven't done any work... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  12. GOD I LOVE GAY MEN!!!!! I love them love them love them.... I loved the music on Saturday, what fun, funky flamboyant beats, just made me want to Vogue all night long. Its funny, when you know nobody's looking at you, you can dance with even more flair- like I could grind topless against this pole, and nobody would turn their head, so why hold back. I really loved the music too, just so tribal and mmm yum yum good...unfortunately my cold forced me to go home early (You know your in an interesting crowd when you say you're tired at 4;30 am and your friends look at you like you just said you were joining a nunnery! Thanks for making me feel totally lame guys ;-) ) \Shout outs go something like this: Justin, JoeG, BrooklynKid: Didn't you guys hear...there's a no shirt policy for boys tonight!! Get those clothes off!! DJJonStephen: Nice meeting you (I did meet you, didn't I??) FieryDesire&Blondymu: I didn't meet either of you, but I must have seen you since we were hanging out with the same ppl all night, lol. So nice sharing the great vibe with you, and we'll meet next time. To ALL the Chelsea BOYS: You guys sure know how to throw a party, thanks for sharing VC with us. (and to the guy in the sailor hat: You Rock!) ANd MIKE: HAPPY Fucking Birthday, just two more years and you'll be legal to drink, right? and PS. I am not everywhere, you guys just keep FOLLOWING ME ;-)
  13. In revenge for being forced into work on xmas eve day, I plan on surfing the internet, posting on boards, wrioting emails to long lost acquantances and taking a 2hours lunch break..... I miss COLLEGE where the holidays meant 4weeks instead of just the two days that are technically holidays!!!
  14. I wasn't there that early, but I remember ( don't ask me why ::shrug: seeing an Alex James on the sign up board when i was chilling with up front. Try that maybe.
  15. I just went through my CD collection and so have been re-listening to some of my non-electronica faves. Listening to Cornershop's great "When I was born for the 7th time..." I found my old favorite "drown my sorrows in a pint and a game of darts" song, On the Road Back Home Again. THis song is so good it makes me want MORE blues to drink to. And while Cornershop is a fuckin long shot from country (more like indian/brit/electric/hip-hop flavored pop) this song has that special twang, and I wonder if there isn't somethin innate in country that makes us cry, or if crying makes us want some of the country twang.....no trance song ever made me want to lean over the bar and tell the bartender my life story. Another example if Beck's Mutations...a total departure from Odelay, the whole album screams to be the soundtrack to a film set entirely in a pub, with sad, longing characters spilling their hearts and tearing up into their pints.....also very country/folk influenced. So what about you guys, anybody else have their own drinking-to-forget theme song?
  16. I should of joined you puppies... this sounds just my speed, but I stayed away for fear of lines, assholes and staying up way way too late... Instead I went to check out Selway at Open Air, but they were closing when we got there at 1ish..WTF??? Next time I guess..
  17. Holy shit, i do this in so many forms, it's like a past-time and a habit rolled into one. There are varying degrees, like the occasional words that you only say in accent (precisely), the full phrases (nice one bruva), the brit/aussie/scott slang (get fucked mate) that I love to use.... But the real fun starts when you just decide to BE british for the evening! I did this all the time when I was in Italy, since I found the men were harshest on American girls. So me and my friend would become Sarah and Charlotte from Soho, Brighton, Dabblederry, fill in a UK locale, on holiday from Uni, and off we'd go...whoever could last the longest/fool actual brits would win! Another variation of this trend is throwing in one or two words from other languages, even though u can't speak them... I say "Danke" instead of thanks all the time and "Cosa?" instead of what?...truly obnoxious habits, especially since not tons of ppl know German and Italian, including me, so it just confuses them. And yet, they are so fun to say.
  18. I was gonna sit this one out, cause I certainly don't have the answer on this one...confuses me everytime....but here's a little story I thought might relate: I met a cool guy last night, chatted, had a drink and i gave him my email. Today I got the nicest, longest, friendliest email, with his #, invite to his friend's party, yadayada... Did he come off as eager? YES Did he take a risk and give me the upper hand? YES DId he blow his game and drop his pokerface? YES Did he give me something to smile about and make my day better? You betcha. Will I call him? ABSAFUCKINLUTELY. (though maybe I should wait a couple days, just to, ya know, let him know I'm money ;-) Anyway that's not an answer and every situation's unique, but being money is overrated sometimes.
  19. Wow, just when I thought I was doomed to be the babe of every group, Justin goes and makes me feel OLD!!!
  20. In all honesty, because its a brand new party and crew, I don't know what the crowd will be like for TAG at W8th tonight, but I do know the space is cool, a little trendy lounge with a little bit of dance club thrown in...plus its got the coolness factor of being hard to find, and the convenience factor of being free, so if it;s not your scene u can leave with no losses. If u wanna check it out its #40 W8th btween 6th and McDougal. Have a good night whatever u do, and then sneak over to Satoshi like u know u should!
  21. My thoughts exactly!!! Z, please share your info with the masses. and yes, saigray will continue to dig herself inot a state of perpetual sickness, defying all logic which would demand she go to sleep someday soon, by showing up to Pseudo when she could just go to bed.
  22. Ok, everyone...please ignore the above drama, and just thank god its only 4 hours and 36 minutes till quitin time! SO BUMPITY BUMP for the lunch hour.
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