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Everything posted by saigray

  1. The question, I believe, is: have you been naughty or nice? that and umm, how many drinks can you afford? :-)
  2. Like HOT WAITERS...hmmm, almost as yummy (and def. better looking, from what I've heard) as the deserts there. Sorry, tangent, yeah its Simone's, the wine place just before Yaffa.
  3. Did anyone else find the concerned future parent topic an amusing counter-point to the fetish/leather dildos sig? Just wondering... Are you gonna tell them you were into S&M instead of Santa? My main problem with you telling your kid not to believe in Santa Claus, is then they will become that precocious brat in the kindergarden class that sits haughtily in the corner at snack time and tells all the other happy, imaginative, santa-loving kids that they have been LIED to by their OWN PARENTS, that they are FOOLS and CHILDISH and GULLIBLE (and to look in the basement closet for the santa wrapping)!!! and then all the other kids run home, crying and betrayed by those they loved the most, feeling the pain of having their youth snatched from them, and then all the other parents in class are going to leave angry, hurt messages on your answering machine and snub you at PTA meetings for the rest of elementary school... These are just some of the many reasons I don't want kids.
  4. HERO, by Enrique Englese!!! I love how he took cheesy lyrics, cheesy beats and opportunism in a moment of national tragedy and mixed it all together with a sweaty video starring a trashy actress to really capture this particluar juncture in music history! Bravo!
  5. I gotta hand it to you, blowby, you have a technique. Fucked up, weird, but a technique, and you stick to it. Interesting.
  6. I want clubs that are always open, drugs that are always free and a guaranteed orgasm with every shag! Oh wait, that's not my list! Shit, I guess I just want a copy of the british version of Human Traffic. I want a bungalow in Byron Bay, with a dj booth and bar/porche with a view of the surfers. A MacArthur fellowship to make films about sub-cultures around the world And a guaranteed orgasm with every shag.... Yeah, now that's my list!
  7. You too! It says something about the looneyness ofa party when you can lose a Saigray in a Zebra shirt in the crowd. ;-)
  8. oh, and a warning: when I said underground, I meant it literally... W8th, which is between 6th and McDougal, is just a doorfront, which leads underground so you have to look out for it (unless of course there is a line, in which case, you'll want to be on the list ;-) )
  9. Hey Kiddies! So since everyone these days is pimpin somethin, I thought I'd join in- but this is a true worthy cause and I am psyched to spread the love around. TAG is a new party crew, looking to bring back underground energy and innovation to the NYC scene. Officially starting in February with monthly blowouts, and weekly shin-digs, we are throwing a pre-partay this TUESDAY THE 18th, just to get the juices flowing and let everyone meet, greet and get down. IT IS COMPLETELY FREE, but to make sure our friends get in first we are putting together a "guestlist". Send name + # to saigray@tagnyc.com . The perfect place for a)afterwork meltdown b)mid-evening mingling c)pre-Satoshi shakin' or d) all night naughtyness, I hope too see y'all there....and I'll keep you informed on the official launch. And if you haven't checked out W8th, the space is hot, and will be the site of much new goodness, so here's your chance to be in on the new spot. DEBUT PARTY Tuesday, December 18 6:00 pm - 4:00 am at W 8th downstairs @ 40 W 8th St. (bet. 5th & 6th) guest dj sets in 2 rooms by > JOHAN AFTERGLOW < > CUBAN ASSASSIN < > SCHER-ROCK < Lowphat, NY > BILL DARBY < > STATUS KUO < Halcyon, "Hangover Helper" > FELIX LAM < > DAN SULLIVAN < Jellybean Recordings- NYC > MIKE Z < Global Beats , Soundtrack Studios , NY with residents: > CURTIS ATCHISON < > BETA < > ERIK REYES <
  10. Xpander, you've got hold of two of the coolest chicks on CP, it could make any man make a little loopy ;-)
  11. If my health holds, I will be there, sans birthday hat. As to meeting up, when you exit the elevator to your immediate right is usually a coatcheck and then beyond that is a curtained off chill out room, with couches in the back, against windows that look out over the city skyline. That would be a good meetup spot as long as they haven't put the tilt-a-whurl or bearded lady there. Maybe a plan B could be by the bathrooms since they can't block those! I'd vote for 12;30 ish, but ppl should shout out their timing.
  12. You must have me confused with someone else! ::blushes:: PS. You and arthur ever get together for that little dice game? ;-)
  13. DaVe and Lainey, Can we maybe find a compromise on this matter. I honestly understand your position, and think most people with a vague understanding that at least part of this scene needs to involve smart business practices, will. There is a conflict of interests involved in parties for which there is a CP list or at clubs which CP has deals with. However, in the case of small weeklies for which there is no CP list, a perfect example being Heretics' case, I think there should be allowances. If he is not the middleman, but in fact, THE man for this party, what's the problem? This is not totally altruistic...I am working with a crew to start an new party come February. I will probably be the only person here who will have a list, and it will not be at a venue that CP works with. If I want my friends to come to it, and I want them to be able to get reduced admission, cause they are my CP babies, not cause I make $ (I have a job for that), why should that be a problem for y'all? I compliment you guys on being able to make CP both a community and a business venture and I can only imagine how difficult a line that is to stradle. But let's keep the possibility for compromise around, and think what's best for the scene. For big parties, this ruling will only effect who's list gets used, but for the smaller gatherings, it could keep them from being able to draw the right crowd. Saigray
  14. X, that's got a nice rhythm to it. SOunds like it should be the lyrics to some bass heavy house classic from Paradise Garage! And if it isn't yet, maybe you should make it one.
  15. Hey, that's in my new neighborhood, I just walked past it yesterday and thought it looked...interesting. If I decide to check it out, I'll give you a review,k?
  16. Hello? AB FAB, anyone???? Has no one else here been indulging in the dispicable, delightfulness of having Absolutely Fabulous gracing the airwaves every Monday on Comedy Dentral, assuring me after a long weekend that, yes, there are people more irresponsible and cracked out than me? This show is so ridiculously funny, it is my monday medicine. Me and my girls watch in wonder, as levels of debauchery that would NEVER be funded in the US, pour forth making us feel wholesome in comparison.. PS I recommend getting stoned along with the characters, the show is MADE for potheads.
  17. Puhleese, darlin, you;ve been a club godess since day one. I'm just pyched to see what you title yourself now.
  18. Hey, were u at pseudo this thursday, cause then I probably did meet u, or at least catch a glimpse of u. Which room did u spin in/when?
  19. WOW guys, I love you all too! And I love Satoshi not only for his music and his cute little face peaking out from behind the tables, but also for bringing together such beautiful gatherings..Satoshi nights are always full of my favorite people. Last night was an absolute delight, and so funny because I went with a group of people who were 1 underaged German intern from my company who had never been out in NY because she thought everything was 21+ and 2 guys from the midwest who were gonna go to Exit for their big night out, but I convinced to take a chance on a littler dirtier place called Vinyl. So I waltz in there with them and run into Nathan first, then non cp Dave and non cp friend Al, then walking find Pete and Shannon, get spotted by Brooklynkid, later on my ex's roommate and his girlfriend come running up to say hi, Wizard of Trance and Jilly McBunny give me hugs....not to toot my own horn but I felt like such a fuckin scenester...these kids just kept looking at me in infinite amusement, everytime I introduced them to someone else, and laughing about how I could know everyone in random club. Anyway they all had a great time, I feel good for sharing the love, and I got to see so many of you lovelies... Romy, Jennefer, MysteryNyc and exit2heaven, I missed u guys/don't know u, next time perhaps? And Brooklynkid, I think you've seen me out enough now to answer that question..."Hardly ever!" (And Nathan, you can stop winking! Stop it!) Till next time....
  20. Hey boys, just goes to show be careful what you wish for!
  21. Basically I agree with both sides... WLIR sucks horribly right now, and yet it is the best commercial radio station around, which says a lot about both our scene's demorgraphics (which are weak) and the state of "alternative" music (which is bullshit coopted pop with alterna-marketing added) While I don't think WLIR would be able to become dance full time without having to cater to the lowest common taste-denominator in order to maintain advertising, what they could and should do (and I will vote, with this suggestion added) is set aside Fri and Sat nights and set up shows for TOP Quality Guest Dj's (if the could get a resident worthy of this more power to them) a la UK Radio 1, with no talk, no commercials, for at least 1hr blocks, and let some good shit permeat the airwaves for the period of time when the party ppl are getting ready and making their way out...and then another late, late run of it when we are going home! Cause NOBODY who is up at 5:30 on sat morning wants to hear Creed!!
  22. Watch out arthur, get a whole group of ppl together and you could end up with "butt" "lick" "hard" "one hour"... to Siceone!
  23. Dude, I was way confused last night....I thought gmccookny was u, and then I think I asked if papa smurf was your actual screen name and thought u said yeah, so then I pretended I knew who that was, but I couldn't remeber any posts from a PappaSmurf, only the cooky guy with smurf pictures! But now I know they are one and the same! Yeah good putting a face to a name, even if it took me a while to figure out which name to put it to ;-) LONG ISLAND REPREZENT! lol
  24. I love we posted at the same time and wrote almost the exact same thing with "hopping" in quotes.
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