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Everything posted by saigray

  1. Well said, and in general I agree with you- and I will take back my blanket statement against GBH, cause I had a great time at Timo, and plan to at the Chem Bros,- however, it is one thing to have a flock mentality and a whole different ball game to weigh the options, the potential enjoyment of the company, their commitment to said venue, and decide that u r willing to take the risk of bad music rather than go off alone. So while I was ragging on the music (and I brought it up since it seemed to be a consensus) , I still had a great time. Come on mugz, u know I ain't no lemming
  2. DUMBO crew represent!! If we all go, I think we should be the Alica in Wonderland crew- Xpander can be the mad hatter, Loch could be the Cheshire cat, I can't decide wether Mugz is the Smokin Caterpillar or the White Rabbit and I was gonna be Alice, but if Tilly comes, she's way more Alice than me...I guess that makes me either the evil Queen of hearts or the drunk doormouse!
  3. I forgot to put the disclaimer that I still had a great time there on friday thanks to the fabulous company. This group is enough to make anyplace great...if only we could make it more british (Jammy: I am with u all the way on the Anglophile tip). Siceone, thanks for makin me blush...refresh my memory-what's your name/when did we meet...a lot of the evening has been lost. Crystalmethod - its been ages, but it would have been cool to finally meet you..next time I guess. AnD an addition to the complaining ( I'm whiny today) when I pay 10+ for a redbull and vodka, it is reprehensable to replace the redbull with cheap ass,immitation "energy drink", that tastes like flat cream soda!!!
  4. I have had truly great nights at Centro-fly, and some severly mediocre ones, and upon reflection I found a common denominator to the evenings I found myself yawning- they were al fridays when I had either been swept along to CF, or thought the DJ sounded promising. Everytime I Have attended GBH, I have been shocked by the absolutly blandness of the music. So GBH- neither great nor british. Discuss.
  5. My pleasure, crazy sunglass dude needed to be dealt with- lucky for him he skeddadled before I discovered my hybrid trancedance/kickboxing talents. As to your "issue", its probably cause they sense the freak hidden under your innocent demeanor ;-) YOU AIN"T FOOLIN NONE OF US!
  6. Sorry for posting again but also check out Peter Periera- Like a digital Georgia O'Keefe- all sexually charged fruits (one is called girlfriends- very naughty )
  7. Check Allessandro Bavari under paintings....scary beautiful - a lot of them look like Joseph Cornell boxes.
  8. So true, SBJ> I hate it when people smile and are friendly- damn hippies is right. ::Looks down at "Flower Child" t-shirt, and huge ass bellbottoms she wore to the loft:: Shit I AM ONE!!! Years of clubbing, lounging and general urbanization and I still can't fool anyone. Well at least I'm clean. Thanks for putting up with my non-stop smiling, upbeat yapping and spaced out dancing...I didn't mean to have so much fun, it was a total accident. I'll try to be more aloof and hip next time.
  9. Without a doubt, I love good gin so much I refuse to mix it with anything that drowns the taste- G & T's work, but my favorite is the hardcore- Bombay Sapphire Gimlet- gin and lime juice- no fuckin around!
  10. That's my b-day! Happy bday to us! K, add to the list 1) Good at listening and offering balanced and insightful advice 2) Introspective
  11. WOW....so glad I made the effort and dragged my ass out on a Tuesday (even if I wasn't yet ready to try the all night-into work day thang) Satoshi is by far the most exciting dj I've heard in a while- deep banging house, great tribal drums, what was that old-school disco line he threw in there?- just feel-good, don't stop movin, vibe-inducing goodness! WOO-HOO! I still maintain my request that we get him a Friday night gig so I can stay with him till the end- I'm just not hard-core. As far as the meet-up, everyone I knew who was going bailed at the last minute, and being shy, I wasn't up for combing the end of the bar whispering "u on the board?" C'est la vie. Jammy, nice meetin u....everyone else, thanks for just being part of the great vibe in that place. Till next time (or friday ;-))
  12. This morning, waiting for the train, feeling the crackle of automn and the smell of coolness that is the changing season I thought, "Wow, fall makes me feel like so i don't know, like different and there;s something about it that just like changes stuff inside." And then I opened my commuting book of the moment (White Noise- Delillo) and read this: "It was the time of year, the time of day, for a small insistent sadness to pass into the texture of things. Dusk, silence, iron chill. A lonelyness in the bone." And my soul lept out in recognition of itself. (PS - LM, if u r at Satoshi tonight, find me, I'll be in black skirt/whit tank, I'd really like to meet u, u seem awasome)
  13. I'm sure u all will be relieved to know that Saigray, will in fact be in attendance tonight...and therefore the party shall be off da meat-rack. All who were debating whether to go or not, are now obviously going to chose to come, and all those who were not planning on coming are now reevaluating there positions, I'm sure. So I will see you all there! For the uninitiated, I will be the short blond wiht bigblack boots, long -isch black skirt, white tank and smoothmooves. AND can we make the meet-up at 12:30, cause unless someone donates a couch, I may have to jet earlay.
  14. Sounds like a good idea....but going out always sounds like a better idea than not going out- cause there's spmething wrong with me!
  15. People, can we PLEASE get this guy a friday night???? THis tuesday shit just never works out for me...I have been tryin to see the the great Tomiie ALL SUMMER and it never worked...now i have a job, and am just recovering from being ill...if I go and get sick I'm am the worlds biggest retard...if I miss him again I am the worlds biggest chump...decisions, decisions.....
  16. I will see all you happy ppl there- I'm so happy to be going to Vinyl again- one friend told me a nasty rumor that they had closed for good! NEways, unless something has gone wacky in the club universe, Vinyl, having no liquor liscence is always 18+, so no worries for the kiddies- come play!
  17. MUGZY- I too will be in the orchestra - tink RR- I prayed to the gods, and posted in Bjork's board and an angel from Chicago sold me his NYC tickets out of kindness, with the stipulation I not scalp anyone- how sweet is that! I am jumping out of my skin excited. Look for me, I'll be the girl screeming like a Beatles-fan in Hard Days Night! (j/k) Go411, How can you complain about seeing Miss Thang, (which she totally is) in a place as big as RadioCity?!? no its not a club, but she sold out two shows in 10 min. Fan-base-wise she should be at MSG, but she is cool enough to know that her music demands better accoustics and an more decedant vibe. I can understand your possition, but RCMH is a beautiful space.
  18. As a fiesty female I have to give it all up for Cheetarah- soooo kick ass, so sexy, so awesome.... and as a second I will have to pay some respects to, IMHO, the most beautiful cartoon ever drawn- the Last Unicorn, and all the mad, trippy and emotionally expressive characters created.
  19. wow, I'm a whole year older than I was this time last year and it feels great. Thanks for all the birthday love, and anyone who wants to give me a bday hug or buy me a b-day redbull is welcome to find me on the dance floor at Vinyl on Saturday- hope to see y'alls there. As to my noticable absence from the board-- 2 things have happened- my job suddenly started making me work, and they gave me a seriously old computer which can read about 3 colors so clubplanet is yellow on yellow or grey on grey! I might have to switch boards just so I can read topics! But I miss you all and all the inane conversations, pointless dramas and general cp crazyness. ::MWUAH::
  20. That was such a great night...such an energetic vibe and so much dancing room is a special, and unusual combination. Great music, had me dancing all night till the lights came on, and then some. And it was such a treat to see old board faces that I haven't seen since Twilo. Mel-o-dy and Trippintrance it is always a pleasure, Raj, you are everywhere, and boy in DEA shirt (nubreedfan) nice meeting you. Till next time my sweets, great partying with y'all!
  21. The 30th is my birthday, so if we have it the meet-upon the 29th, maybe I'll bring a big cake! Or maybe even special brownies
  22. As many of us have day jobs that do not allow us time off to lobby for our nightlife rights, is there anyway we could offer a show of support without being there? I know it's less effective, but would letters be helpful at all, or is it really just a physcal showing that's needed?
  23. If you think that's bad, check out my friend's collumn. www.nerve.com/regulars/quickies/subwaySex/ Bringing PDA to a whole new level for the sake of his writing career
  24. what non-electronica influenced song skillfully remixed would make you cream, scream and dance yourself into a frenzy? Or maybe make you turn to the stranger next to you and hug them with tears in your eyes, before blissfully trancing out to the words? I would love to hear a big, full-bodied tech-house remix of Moloko's "The Time is Now". I was listening to the original on the way home from work yesterday and couldn't get over how cool it would be as a house classic. "Give Yourself up to the Morning/Let's Make this moment last/ Tempted by fate/I won't hesitate/the time is Now/The Night is Young!" Wondered what other goodies we should send to our favorite DJs for special treatment?
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