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Everything posted by saigray

  1. god, that review is painfully good...I knew that it was gonna be awsome but all my plans fell through and I had a blister on my foot, so I bailed on Blister and OH, do I regret it.. Next time newt time... ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  2. Craig, what's the cover? and is the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guest list</A> on, cause I emailed you but didn't hear back. Can you put saisha +1 on, Thanks. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  3. Craig, how much is the door. I emailed you for the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guest list</A> but am not sure you got it. Can you put me (Saisha) on plus 1. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  4. Sexy bitch, check your PMs. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  5. yeah, its called glue- haven't read it yet, so I don't know how it compares to his other stuff. Maybe he's getting mellow in his old age, reading at corporate chain bookstores instead of clubs. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  6. I was thinking of keeping this to myself so I could get a seat, but my higher self won so for any who cares, Irvine Welsh himself is reading tonight at 7:30 at the Barnes and Noble at Union Sq. I'm def. going so if anyone is down, I'll see you there. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  7. Have a great b-day Al. There's no stopping you now- revel in it, hit all the spots you've been hearing about, enjoy! ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  8. I'm so excited..I saw him at harmony and he was great, but now there will be space to dance! this should be an awesome party. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  9. Hey you, wat up? You going out tonight? LL? come on you know you wanna! ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  10. Just wondering if I win the slow but steady award for reaching clubber status after exactly 12 months. But I finally made it, and in aproximately 10 years I will take my rightful place among the CLUB GODS! <----see The newest clubber will be in full effect tonight at LL, see ya there! ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  11. Behind the bar it is.. can't wait to see y'all. And I am now officially a clubber (I think) <-------see! ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  12. I actually met one of the guys throwing the party tomorrow and he seemed like a really cool person looking to create a fun, eclectic, no candy but plenty of partying type party. I'm gonna try and go, and if you say cheeky leopard at the door its discounted. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  13. I feel like I'm losing it. Where the pm, quote, profile etc. stuff should be, I see nothing. Even the "post reply/topic" icons are missing. I had to guess where they were just to post this. Is anyone else having this or is my computer just fucked? ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  14. always recommend Irvine Welsh for a fun zip through read- another suprisingly multilayered, yet fun furious read is The Beach (not to be blamed for the movie) Right now I'm reading Interviews with Hideous Men, which is more ridiculously brilliant fucked up shit from David Foster Wallace, my favorite. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  15. This is why I'm so glad we have such a smart guy for a president- thanks to overestimated future surplus' based on the bull market years, he's gonna cut taxes for the rich so they won't feel the pinch, and then invest a chunk of our Social Security into the obviously super stable Stock Market. I can't wait to live through the Reagan Era all over again! The 80s are back and its not just eyemakeup and leg-warmers. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  16. *bump* C'mon peeps, I know someone must know what I'm talkin about. He played it twice, once at the begining of the night and then during the battle at about 4. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  17. I loved this show sooo much... My best friend and I originally bonded over Thundercats memories and one of my favorite high school moments was skipping class with a group of friends, renting about 9 episodes and pointing out all the phallic imagery to my very innocent catholic Thundercat loving-friend John. As for favorite, wanted to be Cheetara, in love with Tygra. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  18. saigray@hotmail.com Thanks ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  19. is absolutely the best way to come down.. the longer the better...I;ve spent over 24hrs happily recovering in this way and i highly recommend it. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  20. I know its been ages, but I am still stuck on this song CC played on Pres. Day. PLease help.. it says in a deep voice "I can't believe all the things people say..(something).. Every fuckin day" I asked way back when, but it got lost in a thread. Thanks ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  21. Gots to thank my parents-- I love my name. Saisha (sigh-ee-sha) Uma-Michelle. My first name means truth of life or life of truth. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  22. In terms of the poor kid, he's 12, even if he did a horrible thing on purpose, which I don't think is clear, do people honestly believe he should have no chance for repentance, rehabilitation, forgiveness??? In terms of the american "justice", I just hate this whole fucked up system- we spend more money on prisons than on schools, we are worried about being "too soft" when we've got a higher% of our population locked up than any other country in the world, and we're more concerned about how to deal with criminals than on not producing so many god damn criminals, rehabilitating criminals, and changing the criminality of certain drugs. There are people making a lot of money off the system as it stands and that is why it will stay fucked up. (Oops, did the raging liberal get loose again?...Sorry) ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  23. SMoking has no good excuse, no easy defense UNLESS you smoke. Then you know how good it can be- after a great meal, with drink/weed/pill, post coital. I just think it's interesting how many anti-smokers have posted, feeling self righteous about how much more attractive you all are, but I know plenty of board ppl smoke so this thread isn't exactly representative. Anyway, if you don't find it attractive- so be it, everything I do isn't about being attractive to men- some things I do just cause I want to. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  24. Yeah me too! Can you please repost them, or check the address? I loved that night. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  25. Girls I love Mirabai and boy is maybe Shanti (sean for short or if he can't handle is weird mom's taste). but Cathyo I like your taste cause kyle is a favorite and Kyrie is gorgeous, i never thought of it before though. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
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