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Everything posted by saigray

  1. I was just reading some advertisement for a diet pill with HTP in it, and they were describing how it increases your "thermogenesis" which means heat creation. Now I know lots of ppl pre-load on 5htp before rolling, and wouldn't if they didn't like it, but it seems this would increase the danger of overheating from the e. Does anybody know anything about this? Has it been looked into? Really curious.. Thanks for the info
  2. Orchid, I think I mentioned this at the dinner meet, but my parents were excellent about it, and I would prob. follow their example. I told my mom I had tried pot when I was 13. She told me that I was not allowed to smoke on school days or till I finished my work on the weekends, and that she'd rather I did it at ppls homes (ours inc.) than get caught sneaking around parks. She also told me about how she wished she smoked less when she was in h.s. and how many things she missed out on/forgot from that time in her life. Since then we have been very open about such stuff. Because of her honesty, I felt compelled to be responsible so that I could be honest back i.e I wouldn't do something that I couldn't tell my mom about. I never went to school stoned, never had to lie, and knew that she would always know if I was lying cause she's way smarter than me. I am one of the most responsible partiers I know, and I thank my mom for that.
  3. Mike, I had a great time hanging out with you on Friday. I'm Saisha, the newbie girl who you drove to Niva, where you gave me serious advice on life...which i might remember if I hadn;t had 6 Gin and tonics prior. I'm feelin silly for not making it to Hawtin now, but PVD baby, PVD!!! If your still up for meeting early PM me. ANd thanks again for playing host for me.
  4. Yeah, I have to agree with Scotty.. as a newbie it was worth getting over the nerves and hanging out with a whole group of new fun people. I met lots of nice people (though I;m definetly missing name/sceenname/face matches the ppl I met as the night went on),and still feel like I missed half the ppl there. I'll have to meet y'all next time. So thanks blueangel for putting it together, and thanks everyone else for being so nice.
  5. I was one of those new New faces. I met you and lina at the restraunt and we joked about school, my parents (the hippies) and how lina can't really ski. It was really nice talking to both of you and I look forward to hanging out/clubbing again in the future. And don't worry, pot's good for you.
  6. Yeah, sounds totally fun. Keep me posted. It was really nice to meet a bunch of you all on Friday, btw.
  7. I'm an art history major..different, but equally low job prospects. Goldenman, it really depends on a)what you want to know about art and b)how you learn. NYU will cover facts and get you to identify and had great resources ($) but they don't stress critical thinking as much. Smaller liberal arts schools are better for that.
  8. I am planning on going to the dinner meet on Friday, and while it seems like it will be hard to miss the group of 50, I'm like that sometimes..so i'll be wearing a long purple coat, with purple faux-fur cuffs and collar...should be hard to miss..so please say hi! Or tell me something to look for..
  9. This is my take- Groove is the rave/1999 version of bad/cheesy/unrealistic but sometimes just right 80's flicks like fuckin Pump Up the Volume or Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. In 20 yrs kids will watch it and imitate the late 90's saying "it aint over till the last record spins man" and ask you "Mom, do you still have your glowsticks?" Not a good movie, but that's never stopped anyone from enjoying 16 Candles. Human Traffic on the other hand is hands down the funniest movie I've seen in yrs. Perfect mix of weird sidetrips into fantasy, dead on depiction of the typical ups/downs of a full on weekend, and just a bit of drama/romance to reel you in.
  10. OMG, in 8th grade I was out with mono for a month and watched Bob RELIGIOUSlY..his soothing voice and paintings made the aching ok.. My favorite painter after over 4yrs of art history and inspite of a love for Modern Art Theory is still the same as when I was 6- Sandro Botticelli followed by Fra Angelico. Fra Angelico's work in person almost converted me to catholicism!
  11. Yeah, now I remember why I'm so proud every time some one goes "You're from Long Island???..Naw.." Overall pretty on target, pretty much why I have given myself exactly 3mths to move somewhere else after graduation. Two corrections I would offer: 1)The North shore of Nassau is if anything worse than Suffolk in it's imitation of Clueless/Cruel Intentions. Suffolk has it's share of sketchy towns, and quite a bit of hick country between huntington and the hamptons. 2) You left out the catagory of kids who went reverse on the system and either became dirty phishheads (maybe touring on mom's credit card, but unhsaven nonetheless), black eyed metal/goth/grungers, punks, e'd out "ravers" (even if their weren't actually any raves), or just those kids who shopped exclusively at the salvation army all through high school in a refusal to see a mall from the inside. While each type was fragmented, together they count as a catagory and the intensity of their devotion to their outsider status/sub group is a DIRECT result of growing up in a place as warped as LI.
  12. Pleeaseee oh big bad INS, let our friend come over and play!!! I, of course have my fingers crossed, but I dont think I'll believe it till I see it. Once you hit the ground, then we can start talking about where to celebrate!
  13. When I was in sydney, my Dad had just joined this band, the Witlams-- boa had you ever heard of them?- and I got their old CD. Well one of the songs was this melancholy tune with the chorus "It's hard to see a friend go down- You're goin down down down, it's one hell of a way to go out, Out with a bang.." sung by the sweetest guy, the bassist, who I really liked. A year later my dad called me to tell me Stu had shot himself in the head and the band broke up. I still love the CD and that song haunts me every time. P.S. Its raining here too.
  14. Umm..well before I got to the drama part, I was just thinking that, suprisingly, this thread made me more comfortable to go to the meet up on Friday. While I will be more alert of possible creeps, I'm also impressed by how much you all genuinely care about each other's well being. Not typical for an online "community". And thanks Majestic for putting the word out there, and I'm glad everything was okay.
  15. Why should one have to choose? Besides its all about context, company and quality if ya ask me...
  16. Actually far less than half fell for this bull shit, which is what makes it even harder to bear. Considering Al won the popular vote, Ralph got 3% and aprox 1/4 of elegible voters DON'T (maybe cause the choices suck), we have a very un-democracy at work. Interesting fact: only 9% of African Americans voted for W. Talk about bringing people together- right.. ppl like Cheney and Ashcroft!
  17. That's super strange- I'm from ny, haven't been to LA in 5 yrs and have no connection to their rave scene...curious..I was gonna check it out if it was in ya know brooklyn or somethin.
  18. I actually don't know the name, but track 10 of the Pi Sountrack is the most mind twisting, breathtakingly complicated buildup I've ever heard. Definetly not a club song, but unbelievable on headphones when you get home. If you've heard it you know what I'm talking about.
  19. Strange, I went there almost by accident last Wed. cause there was no cover, and we were sick of lounge hopping..and thought this place would be really cute if the music didn't suck so bad. However as I've done on many a night, I enjoyed myself despite bad music with a couple drinks and great company. Side note, the bouncer asked my friend, who does look young, where she got her licsence. When she said the DMV, he laughed and said, "No really I'll let you in, but how much did you pay, this is the best fake I've ever seen." It was absolutely real.
  20. I got this random email about a party tonight by this group FAMILY, which I've never heard of, but I assume they got my email from here, so thought maybe one of you out there might know of them. I'm curious- its seems like a dub/funk house emphasis, and had no details, just an info line after 10pm. That's almost as intriguing as map points.
  21. I was thinking the same thing..
  22. J/K, it just came up- nevermind. You guys are so cute. I'll be sure to say hi at the next meet.
  23. Unbound, the pix didn't work, and I'm a newbie- how will I know who to say hi to?
  24. Such a nice, non-(straight)-meat market, just there for the music, do your thang crowd. It's also cheap for such a good time (low cover, and I can't spend money I don't have on drinks). When I went there, it did seem to get gay-er as the evening progressed, but the boys were such beautiful eye candy it was totally enjoyable.
  25. Wow, this sound like waaay too much fun. Especially the hot tub/corona/djs/woods combo. keep the info coming, I'm definetly listening!
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