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Everything posted by saigray

  1. I am so excited, I can't wait. tricky is a minor god in concert. Woohoo. Now if only I had gotten more than 5 hrs sleep after Timo! ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  2. Brilliant night.. that was so good, it was the first time I had a twilo feel again in ages. Great seeing board ppl, and familiar twilo faces, and DAMN Timo was on it!! Though I have to agree that when Leon stepped it back up at 4ish, it was the best feeling, just that rush of a room going off that brought me right back. Hi to everyone I saw and met and hi to everyone who I didn't meet but shared the vibe with. ANd now to maintain conciousness... ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  3. Totally depends what town you're in...some are great straight pick up scenes and others are full of nothing but gay men,.. and their fairy princesses. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  4. I might have friends who want to come too but they won't know until like 8/9 if they can make it, but I don't want to get them all psyched if they can't get in. SO honestly is this sold out or will they be okay if they get there early. Or David Christopher, will you be selling xtra's somewhere earlier in the evening? Thanks a bunch. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  5. how much is it on the list? ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  6. I'm actually not a big fan, (not that I dislike them, their just not my thing) but I bought tickets for my little bro for his 13th bday, so me and two of his friends are all going to the Jones Beach show too. Glad to hear they are good in concert. I'm looking forward to it though, I think they'll be fun, and I'll relive my punk youth. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  7. Just thought I should bump this up in case anyone didn't see it and was planning on going...Talked to the promoters jsut now and it is definatelly cancelled, and while i don't know the details, they said the cops not only revoked their permit but came to their store to threaten them if they tried to carry on. So sorry, transcend, but I think just showing up anyway probably won't help the situation - This is what, the third free party cancelled this month??? It's almost as if the cops are more opposed to the philanthropic aspect than the drugs- I guess ppl are scared of what they don't understand, esp. the police. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  8. Oh yeah! I was in europe for the whole 1994 world cup, and I was hooked!! For sentamental value I have been a Brazil fan since- The party the Brazilians threw in Amsterdam the night they won was insane! But after a year in Florence, I might have to join Msoprano in rooting for Italia. I have to admit though, its still a little early for me to get too psyched ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  9. I say go for it! ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  10. sounds like a definate possibility. A meet up would be awesome, as it sounds like a chill on a blanket, dance around with friends, type vibe- perfect for a cp gathering! (still a hippy at heart) ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  11. Hey, I'm just about to buy tixs for me and my friend, so if I get them, and you wanna meet up, that'd be cool. drop me a line at saigray@hotmail.com. He's amazing in concert, btw, just so intense. Definately worth it. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  12. I've been dieing to check this out. So when exactly does it start? ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  13. hey guys, I'm going to be in the montreal area for the first week of july and really would like to check out the scene there, as I hear great things. Any recommendations or places to get info, parties that must be attended? my email is saigray@hotmail.com, it would be so appreciated if you could help. Thanks ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  14. The weirdest night EVER! NYE, this year, in a isolated house in vermont with all these dreadheaded hippies, (okay phish played for a while), but people just wandering around all night, sitting staring into the fire, watching, I kid you not, CB4 at dawn! Eventually I had to grab my walkman and listen to PVD to come down. Interesting, but not to be repeated. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  15. How much is it on the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> for Timo? and is it Cove or Cove toy's list ? Thanks ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  16. Very helpful -- (didn't you evr see Pump up the Volume!) ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  17. Oh honey, I'm sorry, but you've got to know that things like this come and go. Sometimes the blues just come and that's when you learn how to be strong. When you are not in the mood to be social, you can't force it, but it doesn't make you a bad person, it just means you need time to yourself to be with yourself and sort some stuff out. Give yourself that time, and just let the people you have to deal with be like water off a slick surface..they're there, but they can't touch you. If music still makes you happy, use that as your medicine, but if that is too tied to drugs, (and the drugs can wreck your happiness), then you need to find something else that can make you feel excstatic high. Focus inside and all the little details on the outside will work out in the end. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  18. The time has come to send our love and goodwishes to Weyes as she heads off to the West Coast and LaLa land. Always smiling, a dedicated raver and the official board baker (those meet-up brownies!), she will be missed. Have a great time in your new city darlin, I hear the trance scene there is rockin, and check the board occasionally to say hi and let us know what's up. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  19. you buying? ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  20. I'm back on the Island. Grew up in Roslyn Hts. now in Old Westbury. I can't stand this place. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  21. A place called "Space Electronica" in Florence...so bad it was funny though. We are talking 16yr old and 50 yr old eurotrash, tom jones "sex bomb" 3x in one night and a fake spaceship that rose out of the stage surrounded by smoke. Not to mention cameras that would film girls butts, freezeframe and then show it on screens around the dancefloor. Unbelievable! a LEVEL of bad we just don't have here. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  22. Technically, I';m having a boring weekend, as in I had such a crazy thursday night that I'm fucked for the rest of the weekend, Can barely walk, let alone dance. SO Yeah since friday I've had to lay off the partying for the week. Sucks. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  23. I was wondering this too- its a great deal but I don't see it on the typical <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> listing. ANyone know the scoop? BTW saw him last time at Hammerstein and he was unreal..not to be missed. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  24. I just saw him last night at this crazzzzy party that nerve threw and I really liked his stuff (he;s nice too), but they kept interupting him, so I want to check him out in a real club. Anybody know if he's spinning anywhere else? BTW anybody else at this shindig? ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
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