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Everything posted by saigray

  1. Attention: Urgent Update Operation "Find Saigray An Apartment" has been shifted to High Priority by HQ. It is now essential that Saisha find a suitable alternative living situation by the first week in January. Due to extenuating circumstances (such as poverty), the help of a vast network of ppl keeping their eyes and ears alert for possible miracle apartments is key to a successful mission. This is were you come in. If you should hear of anything that you think might be valuable, please contact mission HQ immediately so we may act swiftly. Together WE CAN SUCCEED!! The Stats: the most basic criteria is a $600 max for rent. More than $500, and you won't see me out very often, but I'll probably post a whole lot ;-). I am very happy to share in almost any situation, though I'd like to find a place where I do not feel like I must tip-toe whenever I'm home. Ideally I would also like to be within 30 min of work (4th and Broadway) so Downtown is choice, up to early 100s and nearby Brooklyn/Queens is fine, but further than that becomes a bit of a hassle. Other than that, I will figure it out on a case by case basis. Feel free to pass this on to anyone you might think would be well positioned to help too. I appreciate any help or ideas anyone may have. Thank you sooo much guys! PM or email me at saigray@hotmail.com or AIM at saigray1
  2. OKAY, I'm begining the long journey to join the line outside Cipriani's for the big night... hope to see ya'll there... FYI, anyone wants to say hi I'm a short blonde wearing silver Caffeines and a black T with lil silver thingys on the sleeves.
  3. Its funny, but thanksgiving is never a big meal for me- its always been a joke that I have nothing to eat, but I'm a veggie so turkey's out, and I dont like potatos or stuffing, I stick to salad and cranberries on bread. So hopefully they won;t notice me nibbling my string beans for an hour. ;-)
  4. about what you're gonna look like Thanksgiving day considering the types of plans most of us are making for tonight?!? I'm doing S&D, and I know that can't be a small night.... I;m trying to visualize myself the day after I go out big style, and its not pretty...add to that less sleep, a couple hours helping Mom in the kitchen, and you have a very scary, cracked out Saigary at the dinner table with 27 of my closest relatives wondering "what the fuck happened to her?" My parents are pretty wise too, so they will have no problem figuring it out. I'm curious if any of my cousins have seen those 20/20 specials. Anyone else a little nervous? what's your strategy for dealing with this dilemma?
  5. Dude, if she's glaring at you its probably cause u stepped on her toes!
  6. SO where is should we designate the POWERBAR? How bout someone (not it) makes a big Power Bar sign so we all know where to go! Not the most practical or realistic idea, but can't u just see it....3 am, and someone jumps up on a $150 table with a stadium size replica sign and old schoolers just flock to reconvene like Twilo never went away?? I'm getting choked up visualizing it...
  7. I had a feelin the 21+ was a no go....so happy for you their gonna let your underaged punkass in. I, of course, will still be up, and just like the old days, I'll be bouncin around somewhere in the middle of the dance floor- SEE YA THERE!!!
  8. Sorry to diss on the love of your life, mugz, but I just saw this last night and thought it was WAY SAPPY....and not in an enlightening, interesting sort of way. Content-wise, it was not bad, totally enjoyable, but nothing special, and a little too drawn out, dragging badly towards the end. All the little quirkiness that was meant to be symbolic and significant felt contrived and trite to me. Visually it was very beautiful, and she is adorable, but after a while I just kept wishing it had more too it. I thought the best parts by far, were when she was a child, and then it just meandered from there. Just my 2 1/2 cents.
  9. Has any body ever been to or even heard of this place?? I got invited to a friend's friend's bday party there so it would be free, so money isn't the issue, but I have my standards. I read the reviews at Citysearch and some were glowing and others made it sound like Etiole makes China Club look underground.... so Board, any hints?
  10. Just cause I'm a moron once doesn't mean that I will be a moron in the exact same way the next night.....I am constantly finding new ways to prove my inability to function like a responsible, together adult, thank you very much.... ....so did I tell u the one where the night after FUN, my friend tossed her only car key into my backpack and we spent the end of the night at the Lunaterium, scanning the floor of a 10,000 ft warehouse with lighters??
  11. AAAAAAAAAAAWwwww YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH Got to keep in touch with my Hindi ROOTS..... THis is how excited I am for this party....I am going to go all the way home (1.5 hrs.) sit through my 5th grade sister's musical (2 hrs) change (10 min) turn around and get back on the train (1.5 hrs.) meetup at Lep (time permitting) and dance my but off (time unknown) before setting off for work with god only knows how many hrs of sleep!! See the troopers there!!
  12. I'm with you alby- I'm sticking to the perimiter from now on.. Risk, edge, uncertainty, exploring the unknown- these might be the very antidotes needed for the boring, bullshit, club crawl of manhattan that seems to have everything backwards- Or maybe that's not fair...but basically, my idea of a "good time" is not being met by the attitudes, crowds, and snobery that is overly represented at Centro-fly and the downright MEAN staff that seems to have no interest in making their client's nights as enjoyable as possible.
  13. Oh and I'd also have the ability to regenerate all the fucking braincells I've lost partying, so I knew which FUCKIN DAY IT WAS!! (That wasn't just a slip up- i just spent 10 min. trying to figure out how I spent 3 nights in the city, when its only WEDNESDAY?!?!)
  14. 1) Be more courageous with my own life- dare more, challenge myself to do the scary, the exciting, the unthinkable, the fantastical. Handle my path with less delicacy so that often I would wake up, look out the window, and shake my head in disbelief and marvel at the crazy adventure I found myself a part of. 2) Be self-confident in the true sense of the word, so that it isn't even a trait, or a question, but just an undeniable solid center that everything one does eminates from, thereby making every choice, every action of the self motivated from honesty and actuated in completeness. 3) Be more motivated and creatively dedicated, bringing the act of creating, and the excitment, passion and will of that process, back into a central role in my life. Wow, that was actually very helpful...a little too much to deal with on a busy wed. morning, but that gives me a lot to think about. Self reflection is tiring....
  15. **Le Mystere Des VOIX BULGARES I ** The Beauty of the human voice in chants.. PURE emotion without true dictated lyrics
  16. Yeah, I'm glad u shared with CP....The gender-identity mystery just makes it even better.
  17. Oh man, what did I miss? Sounds like it got good (or really entertainingly bad) after I left. LM, what did u do?
  18. Its so interesting how different ppls perception of the same evening can be. Well, u know how I felt. Who came on after CB, btw...was that liquid todd? Or was he before? As far as clearing out....they threw on go home music, and then switche back, so I think a lot of ppl left when that happened.... It didn't "pick up" crowd wise after that, but it was fun to have more dancing space and a lot of the ppl who stayed were really into it.
  19. Now, I have been going out quite a bit this year, and since Twilo closed I have been exploring the other clubs, seeing good DJs, meeting cool people, having fun wherever I go, and its been great. But last night at Centro-Fly with the Chemical Brothers, for the first time since my last night at Twilo, I had *that* feeling. The surging energy of a crowd going off it's face in love with the music, smiling uncontrollably to each other, every pair of eyes exchanging the "Can you believe this shit?" look, every peak being met with unadultered screams, whistles and almost tears. The banging beats overwhelming the room in waves and washes, the assured belief that this was a room of friends- and for me it was....I ran into my old buddies, and 3 kids I studied with in Florence (none of whom had come together!) BUT the ultimate truth of the evening, is that my feet COULD NOT leave the dance floor- not for one second did I budge from my frenzied dive into the mass of moving bodies....not for water, bathroom, air....not once. Then they tricked us into thinking it was over at 4, went to get my bag and rush to my train...but OH, it was back on, so I said "Fuck U" to the 4:22 train, tied my backpack on tight, and danced for another hour, till the closing DJ (also fantastic) finally released my from the spell at around 5;15....I was dead set on closing it out, but there were only a couple ppl left, and I didn't know if I was really down to say hello to the 6:35 just for one or two more tracks.... So riding home on the 5:29, with the biggest smile on my cracked out face, listening to CB's first CD, which started me on this whole journey into "electronica", I wanted to say "thank you" - i don't even know to who...thank you to the Chemical Brothers for bringing the music, thank you to the crowd for bringing the vibe, thank you to the twists of life that bring you to these moments of absolute satisfaction in the most suprising and unexpected of ways. Well I guess I just needed to share. Anyone else there? I didn't see any CPers, amazingly, but then again, like I said, I didn't move from my spot
  20. I am going tomorrow too, and am planning on going to FUN first for some drinks, good music and crazy visuals, and then heading over to Centro....if u wanna join you are welcome. If not, see u there !
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