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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by saigray

  1. now, you all know I almost never post on the sex board, but I am literally writing this to avoid having to run around the office shouting this....and this is after all the sex board, so its the only appropriate place for me to scream to strangers that: I had MIND BLOWING SEX for the first time in my life last night! and I am still in shock/can't stop grinning/feel lightheaded...what an amazing experience! I mean, I have had sex before, what i consider a normal amount, one or two great, some good, some not so good...whatever, this is a totally different game.... So who here knows what I am talking about, cause I am in no state to put into words right now what just happened? I am still on another planet...be back later, i hope not too soon ;-)
  2. yeah, what the subject says....any info on the party there this week. Friend mentioned he thinks there is a Stuck on Earth thing going down. Who's in the know? Help me out peeps.
  3. I was gonna say the same thing!! B2B was the oldschooler I though of for the who do you miss thread.... Welcome back, sortof.
  4. ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING! (DUN Thank God for Crobra and Mist (i love u guys) for taking a little of the piss out of this pouty piss pot of a thread. Mugz, u know I love you too, but this whole thread is a little over the top.... This is a message board, and while Mugz topic reads like a suicide note written by someone on too many 'scripts (Yeah, where exactly r u going, where the sky is purple and love last forever?), he's not ACTUALLY DEAD. He will survive, just as we all have survived our personal drama's, and sometimes...now I know this may hurt, guys...people need to do that out of the range of strangers computer screens. So before I finish preparations for hari-kari over here, lets take a deep breath and repeat together.... "Its just a messageboard, Its just a messageboard..." And trancend, ignore blowflii...what we don't need is some Lord of the Flies-style power struggle for board supremacy...or maybe that would be fun...actually, yeah, that's a great idea. Who are the challengers, though?
  5. Wow, that was weird...I got one of those reply emails...and I was pretty sure I hadn't posted on a "Midtown" thread...and I know I don[t work there!! Tilly, stop trying to be me so hard.
  6. Park Ave South between 25th and 26th:D
  7. I don't know about effective (I;ve never been willing to shell out the dough) but the coolest, funniest, most interesting I've ever browsed is Nerve.com. They have a whole form, with ____ is sexy; _____ is sexier. type questions that produce great responses. Photos, mile ranges, all the good....totally fun. And you know the ppl are into sensual shit if they're at nerve.
  8. Okay, one last gush before I leave work (holy shit, what am i still doing at work?) This set just went from "Forgot about Dre" to "IT began in Africa" to traditional Indian tabla MIXED PERFECTLY with Get Yo Freak ON, which then MIXED SEAMLESSLY into "Faith" that's right, by GEORGE MICHAEL....how the FUCK does that work?!?!?! I can't stand how cool these cats are...I can't. K, I am so outta here.
  9. I don't think so....my friend lent me these CDs -her friend works for their label, i think. Do they have a website? When and where did they play when in NY last time? Okay, u and I can start the **OFFICIAL Avalanches CP Fan Club**
  10. THEY FUCKIN ROCK!!! I am sitting here at work in shock and amazement....how does this group exist without me knowing about them?? How has nobody mentioned the best music I've heard in AGES? I'm gonna have to listen to their album a couple more times before I can try and describe the unreal blend of big-beat/french art electronic/bootyshakin funk/sixties surf happy/hip-hop/bleep-happy/GET YOUR ASS ON THE DANCEFLOOR that they produce... but if you don't check this out you are DUMB, and that's all there is to it. Right now I am listening to their DJ set- sooo cool....I will research and tell y'all where and when we can experience this. Mindblowing....can't say anything more. (okay, so whose gonna be the cooler than thou music god, and tell me these ppl have been big for years? ;-) )
  11. That is the fuckin coolest thing ever.....No wonder your guys eyes open so wide every time I see you! I am your delerium fairy, once you see me you know you are in for it!! One one hand, it makes me want to hang out with you guys more and on the other, I don't want to destroy the mystery ;-) You two are the cutest
  12. See, CP, still bringing saigray and boys with cute accents together.... god I luv ya! Vincenzo, your the best! it was great seeing you at Vinyl on NYE...will you or Julio be at pseudo?
  13. Thank you for my one and only shout out (LM, r u trying to get me back for the last Vinyl shout outs....or did you really ::sniff, sniff:: forget me?)...I know I saw mad peeps, but if your evaluation is correct, I guess I just dissapear to quickly for cracked out CPers to remember little ole me. Well, I still love you all anyway...I wish I had spent more time chillin, but I couldn't really stay in the crackcorner for long stretches. Great seeing all the usual suspects (Shannon, Pete, Tif, Nathan- so glad u came down, Phuture Mike, Brklyn Mike-thanks for the totally unnecessary and overthetop hook up, JoeG, Crobra & Mists), the older heads (SK13-what timing, TrippinTrance-how do u like them apples?, Apotheosis, Petrol, Az-tec, even Wizard of Trance & Jilly McBunny-not CPers, just icons) the people I'm still getting to know, but always happy to see (Rosie, Kristy, Siceone- did we even say hi, I can't remember, DJjon, Blazin, Totallyoff-thanks for takin care of my girl) You ARE the reasons I went to Vinyl, and you all helped make it the special celebration it was for me...thanks a million to you all.
  14. Dude, is this the ***OFFICIAL AHOLE AT WORK ROLL CALL**** thread? I'm totally in!!! Hey, let's have a meet-up!! Does 2 at the watercooler in the back sound good to everyone??
  15. As New Years Eve approaches, I think it's only natural that we reflect on the past year, and as I began down introspection lane, I found an interesting pattern...a huge percentage of the many great ppl who have come into my life and important events in my life this year have in some way been connected to some silly online community, called Clubplanet. It was a full year ago, in mid-January, that I decided I would no longer allow my lack of clubfriends to keep me from going out, screwed up my courage and went alone to a CP meet-up at Apple Bomb. There I met many cool ppl, found friends to go to PVD with, and met a boy with a cute accent. Within two weeks, my life barely resembled its former self....I had my first serious boyfriend, went out every weekend, was learning to beatmatch, had a whole corner of Twilo full of smiling familiar faces, or at least screennames, and was having a blast. Then the downhill came, Twilo closed, me and the boy parted, I finished college, and had to face "the real world", my grandma died, Weyes moved to LA. I was alone and without a dancing partner for July. But the end of a hard summer thawed things, and back at work on a computer, I began posting again....and once again ventured to the world of CP. Met Barvybe and hacker, went to PS1, met Lavendermenace and Mugwump, started going out again....kept up with the posting, till the America meetup where I met so many of you, into The Dumbo Troopers (doo-da-doo) and then next thing I know, I have a whole gaggle of buddies, all these places to go, with good ppl I know and who put smiles on my face whenever I see them... I even got to help out with CP promotions, hang out with CottonCandy Dreamer, the CP diva par excellence, and proudly sport my technics baby-t. So all in all this thread is really just a long thank you letter to everyone on CP that I have met, everyone I look forward to meeting, and the people like Lainey and Dave who work hard to make this board a place that brings good ppl together... I have had more fun this year, thanks to you, than I probably deserve. AND BEST WISHES TO YOU ALL FOR MORE GOODNESS IN THE NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Al, now I know your going to be bombarded by a lot of women around 4, and its gonna seem overwhelming, and your gonna want to give them your all....but you must hold back and remember to save your best for last, cause me and SK13 are coming later, and you better still be in top form, or else there will be serious consequences!!!
  17. I am so excited I don't think I'll be able to sleep, which is just silly, cause logically you know it probably won't be that big a deal, but at the same time, maybe just maybe it'll live up to the hype.... and I'm all 7th grade right now, cause the boy I wanna kiss at midnight just "randomly" decided to change his plans and come to the loft party I'm going to....fingers crossed, wish me luck. And then I'll see y'all at Vinyl!!!
  18. HIGH: PRESIDENT"S DAY AT TWILO....being first in that room, with Carl Cox already spinning, grining uncontrollably at the boy I was with, going starry-eyed, falling hard for him, and Carl Cox, and Twilo, all at once....the sunlit taxi-ride home knowing my life was shifted by that night completely. LOW: I don't believe in lows, so take that!!!
  19. My all time favorite, which my british friends imitate mercilessly, is the classic guido prance, that I have re-named "Step-in-time" after the Dick VanDyk number from Mary Poppins. This is a combo of the "start the lawnmower" arm, then stepping lively with legs turned out, bring the knees up, and sort of prancing, chest puffed out, in search of females who might be impressed with their odd mating dance. For this, the guido must also press his lips forward tp make a serious, "toughguy", duck-impression type face.
  20. There is almost nothing that has made me feel as loved, or at least fun to dance with, as my valiant attempt to NOT go clubbing on NYE. No, no, i said, I will not pay inflated entrance fees, brave crowds of tourists and sweaty kids, and freeze my ass to do what I do every other weekend for cheap...and I set myself up with a nice loft party in Brooklyn, no hassles, no fee. AND THEN ALL YOU HAD TO START IN....at first it was just a few ppl that I love to see, asking nicely, and being politely told I wouldn't be there, then it was another wave of ppl I see less often, demanding NYE kisses, and then it was the whole fucking world telling me I'd be a social leper if I didn't come to Vinyl.... so FINE, YOU WIN!! I will keep my self in a conscious and semi-ambulatory state till about 3 or 4 and hop a cab to see all my lovelies and Mr. Howells and dole out kisses to the lucky ones. With that in mind is there going to be a meet-up for the late arrivals???
  21. I was totally gonna put weyes (my club buddy), apotheosis (my first connection), etc.... but I didn't know if that was appropriate ;-), but you were absolutely one of the best hosts ever that night, taking me around the whole bar. Much appreciated, darling. Why weren't u at pseudo last night?...It was rawkin. Well, next time baby, next time.
  22. Yeah, we are SLC girls....we know fucked up cinema when we see it!!
  23. OMG!!! I am soooooooooooooooo sorry. Please, please forgive me (if its me your sad about, if not, i"m still really sorry that I didn't remember your birthday sweetheart) I am the absolute WORST WORST WORST date rememberer in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD....to a large degree because I never know what day it is to begin with, to a second degree because I never know anyone's birthday by heart except for my mom- I swear, everyone else needs to remind me a week in advance. I do hope you had a special day, fantastic gifts, and great company...and I miss you and want gossip ASAP. Kisses from NY!!!
  24. Uh-oh, you boyz r about to be schooled.... just got word that my favorite DJ (and I'm not just saying that cause he's my friend), Devin de Veaux is going to be coming down with two masters from DC to show how its done.... get ready for the sexy house! I'll be late as I have to go whirl with the Dervishes, but hopefully I won't be too dizzy when I get there.
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