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Everything posted by saigray

  1. Cool, so pick your venue. Check the village voice, they have a good run down. There are seminars and town meetings around the UN, there is a student summit at Columbia, and there will be peaceful rallies, speeches and performances in the green zones on Saturday. But don't go in assuming that all who preach the downfall of corporate america are crazy....Rome fell too, and there are limits to the amount of greed, violence and oppresion that one can inflict before the cycle changes...Not saying you should advocate it, but don't be afraid to look at it critically. And as far as being afraid of the protestors, be careful of the police as well. In Quebec, the police used teargas indiscriminately on EVERYBODY who was anywhere nearby...causing way more damage and injuries than the few violent protestors. (Yo Papa, check your PMs.- if your curious about going, give me a shout tonight.)
  2. You are right in one way- in the 60s the reason for protesting was very clear, it was very close to home, and it was very easy for dumb suburban americans to understand - their friends were dying by the thousands or coming home with first person nightmare accounts of how US policy was being brought to the world. Now the reasons for protesting are less, clear, more complicated and much easier to ignore....but that doesn't mean they are not just as serious and real for those outside our small corner of the world. I am not an anarchist, and I am not hopelessly idealistic and believe that we can stop everything bad by standing on a street corner. Globilization is a fact, but the policies that govern it, and the institutions that form those policies do not need to be taken as fact. They should be held responsible, critiqued and ideally reformed so that globilization becomes a positive trend for all people rather than a way to consolidate wealth and power while draining the environment, destroying indigenous cultures and "freeing trade" from pesky things like safe working conditions, child labor laws, and environmental restrictions. Okay, so now are you really ALL EARS? or did you just assume we were all as ignorant as you? I gave you an argument- can you take it? Maybe you and all the other naysayers should come to some of the events of the weekend, not necessarily to protest, but to educate yourself...if all these people are so mad, maybe they know something you don't. I'll be there peacefully exercising my rights for those who can't. Are you seriously against that?!?!?!
  3. Balanced of course by: the JADED CLUBBER fuckin candykids ruining the scene, and damn B&T, go back to Exit, ....this music is shite, not like when DJ *** ruled at Club ***, those were the days. Man, I would stay out till 6 and then after hours at ***, but now the scenes so played out and with this dude playing the same set I heard him play in Ibiza two summers ago, I could go home and go to sleep right now. (The conflict of the Jaded Clubber is sad. Despite their inability to enjoy what is NOW, they can not stop going out in a depserate hope to reclaim what they had THEN. While a display of sympathy and understanding are commendable, beware of being sucked in to thier hole. You may not be able to escape, and they will ruin whatever high you may be on faster than an UNDERCOVER with a rubberglove!
  4. Whew, good save. You almost made me pull out the "nod" speech, the "it's not over till the last record spins" line, or the police not noticing the rave going on upstairs scenes to school you! Human Traffic on the other hand played with fantasy/reality and captured the feeling, energy and mind of the kooky party set better than any other movie I've ever seen.
  5. Tricky's Maxinquay...otherwise know as: hot sex in an audio format. Your speculation is on spot on ;-) These topics are all just too much though...the whole point of the soundtrack is that it shifts, not jsut with activities, but with moods. Sometimes I chill to jazz, sometimes to D&B, I can lounge to symphonies when I'm feeling grand, and I can dance to hip-hop when the mood stikes. Even sex sometimes is better with something a little lighter than Tricky. So all in all, I can't pin any of these down. The only soundtracked moment that is set in stone is: ROAD TRIP WITH BEST FRIEND: Weezer off key sing along-LOUD
  6. Not to be the annoying feminist on this one, and in NO WAY dissing on these lovely ladies' skills, but the connection between being hot and being known may not be all that mysterious... Whereas guys may use their buddy system to break in, girls are expected to use tight clothes and hot promo pictures to get into the booth...sure once you are there you either have skills or you don't, but don't think that there is just some cosmic beatz to babehood connection....More likely the ratio of babe djs to non babe dj's is being controlled by male promoters and club owners. Mugz theory is a little like saying "wow, isn't it amazing how all the teen pop singers are size 3 waist with D-cups? " Just had to thow that in to the mix...
  7. Is lunaterium back and kicking? I had heard dark reports of doom and gloom after the bust two weeks back. I will be sooooo happy if the nightmare of a Luna-less existence is over. So what's on the platter for the best space in NY? Fill me in.
  8. Yo yo yo, dave's gonna make fun of you too now! Welcome to my underground lair, hun. Make yourself at home. That bit with Barvybe was hysterical....curly haired men unite! So what was the deal at Fun? Good? You missed out on the continuation of the CP clique, as we merged with even more board peeps at Idlewild....oh, and Peanutbutter Suprise boy came out too!
  9. Hey guys, since thursdays are turning out to be soooo much fun, I have an idea: WHy don't we move them to FRIDAY!!! Cause then "Work next day" Saisha will stop doing such a good impression of "No Work" Saisha, and "No work" Saisha will be able to stay out with all you crazies without suffering the HUGE HANGOVER that "work today" Saisha is dying from right now. So did everyone get that: Stop being so fun. (I love you all, but I hate you all right now!)
  10. :laugh: Hey, isn't this Version 3.0? If I recall a while back, the mugwump died a mysterious death, and then was reborn, only to retire, only to return again? So are mugwumpians closely related to cats? So one minute, you are MIA, and now I check the board after lunch and you've got 4 threads going. And are you back because you are afraid of being out influenced by SexxyBabyDee?
  11. Trying to be gentle with you, but your cockyness to ignorance ration is a bit alarming, and you don't like being bashed, yet have no response to mature arguments that show you up. You continue to blur words and meanings, and while you started the topic, you seem to have no idea what the question IS. I repeat, popular and influential are two different things, and on a message board where it is about language, and the ability to express and share ideas in a public forum, looks are not important. People caring about a friend that's sick is also not a sign of influence....just cause I care if someone is sick doesn't mean I care what they think. In terms of influence on this earth, that all depends on what you are trying influence...the last time someone changed history on looks alone was probably Helen of Troy... people who shape history are influential doers and thinkers. Ghandi, Marx, Einstein, FDR were all known for their stunning looks and sex appeal...thank god they were soo attractive or noone would have listened to them, right? Models and screen idols affect the way people dress, big fuckin deal.
  12. Defensive aren't we? Dude, she put little laughies in, she's making lite of it, but if/when you have been a the boards for a little longer you realize a few things about the scheme of things and may gain a better sense of scope. Your group is just a part of the CP community. No offense, but being influential on the board is different than being at lots of meet-ups, or being popular. Not to mention that being in lots of meet-up pictures that she has posted doesn't mean that SBD (who I btw really like, so this is not personal at all) has been to the most meet-ups. CP compromises a large group of people, who divide up into smaller groups accourding to style, musical taste, friendships etc. I have been to many meet-ups and hang with lots of CP heads, and yet, when I went to Roxy I didn't know a single boardmember. The sphere's of influence are totally different in the real world.....board influence should be based on either posts, or the ability to bridge the different CP gangs and maybe bring them closer. With that in mind, I would nominate the Late Mugwump and his side kick SBJ, for riling the masses, jumping between the poses, and having lots of opinions and effect on what is discussed.... ANd Clubkat for being the sexboard goddess and NY board connect, bringing the horny kids together, and popping up at various venues, always in her element.
  13. I got these two paragraphs too! Wow, are we all a bunch of phonies? Well at least we are charming, go-gettum phonies- that's why we're friends.
  14. ::music:: Go to sleep, go to sleep, gooo tooo sleeeeeeeep, little Tiiilly. Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleee-ee-eeep, my dear.... Sorry, can't call and sing to you while i'm at work, but i'll give you some sweet soul sounds later, k? Feel better.
  15. I just had this conversation with my friend last night...and I guess my question is: Are you my friend? Or is this just a popular topic right now?
  16. That's funny, I thought that was Smooth Xpander- with a "I'm so cool it hurts" face. But the other picture is nice too, you photogenic freak you!
  17. What did y'all think....i thought it was pretty uneven, but some of the sections- Lisa Carver's Sex Survey, and the photographer interview - were fun. For me though, the highlight was seeing the party, cause me and a bunch of my friends went, so I was spotting for what debauchery made it into the premiere. Was anybody else from the board at that party? It was crazy, as was fairly evident from the show. I'm actually in one of the shots off ppl making out but you can't really see its me cause this guy's, umm, face is in the way ;-) It's funny though, cause I remember kissing a girl/guy combo...but a completely different one. I have no recollection of the shot that made it into the show. I would have liked to see how shagfest compared (I was out of town). Was it similar? Maybe less nudidty because of the family restraunt, or maybe not?
  18. John Selway rocked my world at Shine...I will definately be there to welcome him to Baktun! You should all come with...
  19. OKAY gang, we need to give a big welcome cheer to my dear friend and favorite foreign fire-fighter, DAFUNKADELIC...all the way from holland, he has found CP all by himself, and proudly informing me today that he had found "a great site for club stuff", as he researched his NY trip... One of the best souls you could hope to interact with, he'll be a great addition to our forum, with insights from across the ocean. Welcome to Clubplanet!!
  20. Unfortunately there are about ummm three famous female painters that ppl can name, so no conspiracy theory is necessary.
  21. MMMmmm, details.... Well Barvybe arrived at my door with a bottle of cabernet and a rose in his teeth, and i knew right away that....JUST KIDDING!!! Well the boy in question is the key...to start, he is an amazing soul. Of course the sex was mindblowing cause every word out of his mouth was too... when your concept of reality is as "alternative" as ours, finding someone who understands the language you speak is monumental.... On a more physical note, he studies Caipoera, a brazilian martial art/dance form, so he has this most amazing body and graceful movements, flexibility, stamina...and rhythm ;-) (Boys, I highly recommend trying this at your gym next week) So everyway, over the bed, off the bed, until we were done, for the second time, at which point we both started giggling uncontrollably, and I stammered, and he fell off the bed... and then he just climb back on top of me, looked into my eyes, and said "Hello", and it was so right...we had just REALLY met!! so are those the type of details, or was I supposed to give a play by play?
  22. I have two birthday parties that night, but I never let that stop me....so yeah, round three has me hopping over to Dumboluna around 12;30-1. Hope to see the usual suspects....and glowgirl, it would be nice to meet you too- you always seem to be pushing the good parties.
  23. that's crazy tilly, cause if u left at midnight, that means i didn't even head to W8th til around 12;30....and now I'm at work and I feel like a crackhead!!
  24. Gee, thanks guys.... So, umm, now I'm sort of embarassed, I can't believe I posted that...
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