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Everything posted by saigray

  1. I leave when the reasons to leave outway the reasons to stay...for example you r tired, and sober, but the music is banging, and your friends r still going despite the rising sun= stay till the lights go on! (THAT"S U AND ME AT TWILO BABY) its hot, your friends wants to leave, the music is petering out, but the guy u were mackin is still on the dancefloor= go home and chill(after saying goodbye to the boy of course) Weyes, do u have IM? We need to chit-chat, love ya
  2. R U KIDDING?? Its gonna be nothin but block rockin beats till your feet fall off
  3. The freight elevator totally makes it...the passage between the world and the "other world". JUst out of curiousity, were u also at the party there the week before? I met a kid that fits the above description (but that's not sayin much) who was headed to vinyl...was that u?
  4. Listen, SBJ, I've met u, and u ain't no glam goddess yourself! Just because no gold-chained, tightribbed t-shirts are chasing your tail around the dancefloor doesn't mean the party is wack.... Just because they let ppl in whether they are wearing Armani, Salvation Army or Army/NAvy doesn't mean the party isn't full of beautiful, sexy bitches who could rival you any day of the week....and just because the DJ's compilation isn't available at tower records doesn't mean they can't hold it down...so come on, SBJ, come out of your fancy dog house, free yourself from the leash of high-fashion and give the mutts and Mugz a chance.
  5. But the real question is... Is Trancend actually Dave's secret raver love child? Look at those smiles, I swear, I'm on to something here...
  6. There is a great moment in this weird movie called Dream with the Fishes, when the girl is tatooing herslef and the guy says that and she turns around and goes... "Of course it hurts asshole, I'm bleeding. A more interesing questions would be 'Do you like the pain'. Then we'd have something to talk about."
  7. So yeah, who's gonna be there? Anyone privy to reliable sources about what time they'll be coming on, how long they'll play for, etc?
  8. True as that may be, if I hadn't been bored and sleeping on the back couches of Centro, I wouldn't have met Loch, who wouldn't have dragged me to Dumbo the next night, when I would have missed the ultimate cohesion of the DUMBO gang, which represented soo hardcore on Saturday. So even in when we take a wrong turn, it is often the right one in the long run...says the lil ole man on the mountain.
  9. HEy man, I've never met u, but u seem to know when u've missed something worth crying about, so when u finally get back from London, u definately have to come hang with this crew...we do it right.
  10. Only a party this good could leave so many of the regularly articulate, descriptive posters have been completely unable to capture the overwhelming mind-fuck that this party was...while lists of the bizarre happenings and hat-tips to vibes, and music genres can give a vague idea of what Mythos was filled with, none of this can give a fair explination of the experience of wandering in the fantastical world that was created on the 9th floor of a warehouse in DUMBO last night. When the frieght elevator full of bizarre charaters of all ages and shapes opens to reveal the cavernous spaceof the loft, it is like walking into a Fellini dream sequence full of whirling faces, spinning lights and undefined metaphoric symbols....but once the primitive tribal drumming took over, and waves of fire spread over the floor while women in nightmarish masks swirled through the air, I could think of nothing so much as Mad Max at Thunderdome. What a journey into the wildside of the NY scene- from the breakdancers, to the live d&b MC, to the cheery voice of the Dancesafe kid piping "it's good...wait can we say, "its good?..sorry, it's 'safe' (wink)", to sipping absinthe and thinking of Rimbaud, Verlaine and the left bank poets, and knowing that they would heartily approve of the surrounding debauchery! Well, i could go on and still not do justice to this event, and as my eyes are dropping into sleep position as I type, i will leave it to u to come check this out for yourself- that's the only way u'll understand anyway. See ya there next time!
  11. I really can't decide- Donnie Darko had the Bunnies, but Kinki Goth chick are fun, but then I am completely tempted to check out Snoop dog, cause he is always entertaining. TOo many good choices...
  12. My mofo name is DIZZY COW??!!??! NOt very mofo, if you ask me , i feel about as tough as a turnip Thanks Mugz, for providing enough quality procrastination to last, not only all friday, but most of next week! I'm gonna bookmark these and save em for the 3oclock slump!
  13. Usually I am all up for this kind of shit- trying to bring some knowledge and reason to these discussions, but last night I had to sit in a car with my Grandpa- and listen to how black, poor people are stealing his money, how America is the most benvolent nation in the workd, and how bleeding heart liberals like me are destroying the fabric of the nation. And I had to face two realities by the end of the trip 1) people likemy Grandpa and bdinke and igloo can be faced with all the knowledge, all the facts, all the unfortunate realities that so heartily dispute the angry simplistic vision of the world that they have embraced, and they will not see- they can not see, they can not give up their stranglehold on their own supremacy and assuredness in the us vs. them mentality, wher the us is always right. 2) Once this reality is constructed and lived in, it becomes true- they make it true for themselves...If, in order to be American, one must blindly agree with everything the US has ever done, than enemies of the state arise in all places that aren't bastions of status-quo, hence the midwestern fear of NY, and racists fear of different ethnicities, And the statements made in the context of politics are reflected in their relationships with ppl as well... can u imagine the lonliness created if u demand of your loved ones-> "If you don't think everything I've ever done in my life is perfect, well then why don't you just leave" as they have suggested the "unpatriotic" do in America. Basically, I'd feel bad for you both, if I thought u even had the heart to realize how fucked up and sad your reality is.
  14. Just the same thing I am.... we are both in for a long wait.
  15. Puhlease, you are too quick to judge, my dear boy...I already forwarded this to my peeps and the party is ON! I have a couch, a costume and a serious case of the dancies all lined up for Wed. See ya there!!
  16. From the brilliant minds at MAxnews: " Correction: Attacking America is very P.C., in the eyes of the anti-choice, pro-censorship leftists who invented political correctness." So what clubs do you and Max, and your other buddy Jerry Falwell hang out at? Cause I'd love to sit around and talk about how the abortionist, ACLU and feminism are directly responsible for the the lifting of God's protection form the liberally corrupted US. I;'m sure though we could all agree that hanging out till all hours of the morning, in a scene associated with heavy drinking, drug use, womanizing, and casual sex represents the moral salvation of the world. U have another opinion, fine, but I have no respect for hypocracy combined with self-righteousness.
  17. Leave it to Mugz to save NYC nigthlife from boring itself to death!! I've been lookin to check out Fun anyway, and now that our one-and-only mugwump, CP's resident ex-unemployed artiste is on the case, I am so there. Just keep us up on the info! Congrats again!
  18. Sorry that real, well-thought out solutions don't make easy, commercial-friendly soundbites,or fit neatly onto bumber-stickers, and I find it interesting that in this hyper-patriotic moment, my voicing of any opinion contrary to W.'s plan means I am required to lay out a fully drafted foreign policy agenda for the next decade, and while I can't possibly get to all the problems with your stance, I'm gonna throw a few "ignorant" points your way- too bad they happen to be indisputible facts instead of opinions- Cause if your history went back before the Oreilly Factor and Ruch Limbaugh show you might know that if the US hadn't thrown uzzies at anyone who screamed "I hate Commies" the Taliban would still be a fringe -cult camped out in caves, rather than the well trained fighting force we made them. If you paid attention to whiny leftist press, you might know that despite the Gulf War, and sanctions and constant bombing runs, we have been completely unsuccessful in our attempt to oust Saddam Hussein, while causing the deaths of thousands of civilians by blocking their hope of aid, food or medicine. The tactics of violence we are using have been tried before and FAILED in this part of the world because we are truly proving to be their enemy. This is an important lesson for Afghanistan, considering we are strengthening, rather than weakening the Taliban's support and increasinf hatred of America and potential for future terrorist attacks... We are once again supporting a fringe element that has figured out that by shouting "I hate terrorists" (btw, none of them could define terrorists in an interview) they will recieve unlimited US suport. We have no idea what their agenda is, but don't seem to care, or notice that they represent a small violent minority that will in alllikelihood be just as viscious to their oppresors once empowered. So solutions that mightwork as supposed to old ones that havent'?? Well they are long and boring but include increased diplomatic ties, shared intelligence, international cooperation on the defensive side.... pro-active PR within the Islamic world, "radio-free" Afghanistan in an attempt to counter state propoganda, and agitation towards an anti-fundamentalist movement within the country, and deal with terrorism as a crime against humanity in international court, rather than make it nation-verse-nation declaration of war - nothing could suit Osama bin Laden's plans better. Well that will have to do for now...ignorance is bliss, but now its time to wake up
  19. Too cool- I thought everyone was gonna laugh at that, but that song is far and away one of the sexiest, hauntingly truthful pop songs ever crafted. ;-) nice taste
  20. Completely in love with my Everything But the Girl and Nivk Warrren "Back to MIne" CDs, and floating happily in the brave new world of MP3s and CD burners, I decided to attempt to assemble my own BTM. The results are iffy at best, and unmixed, so hardly anything to shout about...but I'm considering this one my first attempt. So my question to the crowd- If you were invited to produce a Back to Mine CD, what would be some of your ideal track selections? (JUst in case u are unfamiliar, BTM is a series of post-party, late night, chill out music that u would throw on if the afterhours moved "back to yours") On DJ Sai's 1st try, some of the highlights are: Seeland-Neu!; Noone Said It's Gonna be easy- Kruder and Dorfmeister; Nature is Ancient (Rabbit in the Moon MIx) -Bjork; some plaid song I can't remember the name of; and odd but soooo good Wicked Game-Chris Issac. What about U????
  21. yeah that Twilo shirt brought back memories- but more than that seeing u, (paristexas), orchid and whateverArthur'sboardnameis, and mysterious, and then meeting a whole bunch of other new people- and having CP commandeer a whole corner of the club- well that really brought it all back- Thanks again guys!
  22. Being the responisible, working girl that I am (hehe) I had NO intention of going out last night, so I felt confident in my descision to wear "the wrong shoes". However, after much begging, pleady and peer pressure (more like a beer, and Mugz saying, "hey why don't u come out?) I found myself in the Pinky Room of CF, having a ball. I would like to formally say that the GBH crew redeemed itself, and then some, by throwing a fantastic, intimate mid-week bash, bringing the talent, and creating the best vibe I've felt yet at Centro-Fly. It was a great call on their part to have this downstairs- it was just the right size, the loungy setting worked with the music, and allowed for great chilling and chatting, before the dancing took off. And boy, did it take off...its a good thing I had to leave early, because thanks to BT playing a great set, and demanding my ass represent on the dancefloor despite "the wrong shoes", I can barely walk today. My feet are almost just two big blisters with toes (eewww, too graphic). Lastly, I would like to say how ab-fab it was seeing CP folks there - old friends, new friends, brand-new friends- You all made for an almost house party feel that still has me smiling at work,
  23. yeah, Xpander's right here...you are going to have to be a little more specific...are were talkin quality R&B stylin or z100c rapy R&B and just how freaky is this offer... A girl needs details, can't just jump on every freaky love-style that gets thrown her way ;-)
  24. honestly, good or bad promoting style, these events look fuckin awesome (but maybe that's for freaks like me). Come on ppl, don't you ever think, during those highs at a club "now if we could just be in the middle of nature right now"- whether its a desert or a wild field, Jungles in Goa or the badlands of Burning Man- if u could take that euphoria and trancendance and step it up with a good dose of glorious mother-nature...that would beat anything dropping from the ceiling of some shiny club and streamers and junk.
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