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Everything posted by saigray

  1. This is always on of the toughest questions for fans of a scene, and is especially tricky when one's scene supposedly involves some ideals such as respect, acceptance, love...being a Deadhead, I struggled to deal with the eventual influx of stoned lacross boys and sorority girls in tie-died halter-tops to what was once a really genuine scene. I don't know if this scene has ever had that sort of integrity, because I was not part of it when it did. I have no illusions that I am part of the underground- this is something that I've found, that I enjoy immensely, that I hope to continue to enjoy for a long time- but it is not something I own, or feel I have special rights to. For me, it has been about the music, the people and the dancing and I believe anyone who comes to it in that spirit at any point in its popularity curve should be welcomed with all the PLUR the veterans were showed when they found the scene. Why is everyone so down on kids- I'm proud that I found the Dead when I was 12 andit would have been sad if the old fans had felt there scene was ruined by my early enthusiasm. I'm proud that my 13 brother is listening to Dieselboy instead of Mandy Moore! Why should I want him to be musically ignorant so I can feel superior with the underground knowledge. Well this is geting a little long but there are a few things we should also remember- 1)any semblance of electronica being underground is gone in the UK and most of Europe, yet there is still an underground and there is still fun to be had, so mainstreaming doesn't need to mean death. 2) There will always be stuff that will remain underground because it is trully too weird for mainstream consumption, so if you're really concerned listen to avant-garde electronica and you'll be safe. 3) Don't forget the dangers of being too concerned with "the underground" The effect can be the same limits as trend following: ie if I only listen to what others don't then I'm still allowing others to control my tastes, and am a mindless twit in my complete oppostion to the masses. PPl trying to prove their uniqueness can be very boring as well.
  2. General malaise or hurt/regret, I highly recommend The Cardigans -Grand Turismo- a very smooth ride down the dark side of the emotional spectrum. FOr deep inner pain of undetermined causes or wallowing in depression, I stand by Tricky's Pre-Millenium Tension, with special emphasis on track 5- She Makes Me Wanna Die (try on repeat for a while). Makes the aching so strong it feels good.
  3. I went, I went....I am in love with this place. What a beautiful environment, group of people, all around vibe. I can't believe I haven't ever made it there before. On top of that I had the pleasure of meeting u, mugz, lavendarmenace and other cp ppl. I don't just wish this party went all year, I wish I could live there- sleep on the hammock, wake up, shower in the sprinklers, work in the gallery, swim after work and then dance the night away, eating haggendaz ice cream bars for dinner! Heaven is exactly right.
  4. hey slc girl. wassup. I like chess but my 13 yr old bro can beat me at it, so its a little embarassing. Trivial Pursuit is my guilt geek pleasure (ps. When you comin back to NY? We should hit up Vinyl sometime. Give me a email shout when you're in town. )
  5. homemade scatagories i.e. Gay Clebrities, Vices, Munchie Foods.... so fun!
  6. , thanks. It's a still from dancer in the dark (great film, if u haven't seen it) To add another muscial suggestion, I just got Everything but the Girl's BACK TO MINE CD and it is perfect!! Just perfect, and specially crafted for the post party faze of the evening. Laid back but with beats. It's schmoke up, make-out, drive home, come down, wake-up with a smile on your face musak for the whole family!
  7. I know this is a little odd, but the other night I felt just that way, but I couldn't stand any pop-shite, and rock was all wrong, so I'm surfing the radio on the ride home and 88.9 had this traditional indian music- soft tablas, sitar and gentle vocals- and it was HEAVEN! (and the rhythmic patterns are close to deep house so you don't loose your beat) I;m definately going to invest in at least one CD like this for the afterhours.
  8. Hello all you drivers out there, can someone please help me get to see my man? I actually already have my tix so I will be there, even if i have to walk, but then my dancing feet will be all sore, so help a sista out. I'm small, friendly and will give neck massages to the lucky driver while we're stuck in traffic on 95! thanks and see yall there
  9. I'm going, I'm going, I'm going....I just impulsively bought a tix last night, just could't miss out on all the fun....So now the question is----> Anyone have space in their ride for 1? I'm short so I'll take up very little leg room ;-) But however I get dere, I will see you all dere!
  10. Well put, thank you for keeping me from feeling like the only boardmember with commie leanings! But seriously, when you think of how much money there is in NY, the poverty that is balancing that is huge. And CT, 2nd richest, has the richest suburbs in the US (mostly NY businessmen) and the POOREST inner cities! Talk about class wars waiting to happen. What r the taxes of the 2nd richest state doing- beautifying Greenwhich's mailboxes?
  11. I actually did make it, though I missed the open bar from 8-9. realy I just needed to know if there was a cover. But yeah, very scene-y with the music in a back corner and no dancing (the bouncer made us stop when four ppl started moving in front of the booth). My gimlet was perfect though, so that's somethin. We moved on to guernica to get our groove on. And I knew I recognized some actors- but I wasn't sure from where though.
  12. Anyone have the details on this? I saw an event listing them at the Tribeca Grand, but no cover info, venue info, etc..Anybody got the down low? I heard they seriously rocked the boat party last night and I might want to check this out if i can find out more. Thanks.
  13. Based on the websites listings seems Liquified is the name of the party/promoters cause there are three other DJ's in other cities listed at "Liquified@ X-Club" and PVD is Liquified@TBA in NY which is awsome if it happens but they obviously don't have a set place yet. But When they do, paaaaaaaaaaaaarttttteeeeeeeeeee!
  14. Me too, me too! I miss hash sooo much. Can I come as well? :
  15. Been a while since I've been to a meet up,-- I'm sooo down. And I look forward to meeting newbies as well. Thanks shuga for setting it up.
  16. After years of people telling me I must see it, I finally remebered to and now its definately a favorite...Parker Posey is the best, I love everything she's ever been in. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  17. Nothin to do with clubbing, but I saw this 50+ businessman in a tan suit, tie, all acceptable, but the pants were WAY too short (just above his socks) accentuating his brand new florescent blue/silver/black Nikes- the new flipper kind with no laces that look ridiculous on 13 year olds, but are just incomprehensible on this businessman coming out of a meeting in midtown!!! ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  18. So DT started off with this house number and kept coming back to it all night, like 3 or 4 times. Anyone, anyone? It has a woman singing "Time takes it's own time" something "you came along" something something etc...can't remeber more right now. Anyone, anyone? ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  19. Yup, that was me...what I won't do for 50 bucks. At first I wa embarassed but then I got really into handing packs of flyers to Japanese tourists and business men and 5th Ave shoppers. But Billy was the nicest porn star, he took pictures with his fans, let us drink all their soda and vodka, smoked us up in the limo,.. they even offered to take us to dinner afterwards! Such a nice deal. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  20. Most of you don;t know me and I feel a little weird asking, but I believe that anonomous prayer can help, so if all who feel the same could please take a moment for my grandma who just came out of surgery for a brain hemmorage and is in a coma right now I'd really appreciate it. I have a great big loving family, but more good energy can only help so thank you. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  21. I was the cute blonde handing out flyers for a gay porn star, chilling out in the limo, and dancing my ass off to cheesy house tunes the whole way...no really, I was. Hope everyone who was there had as much fun as I did. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  22. Sounds great, I'm excited. And thanks for the tip, I might just enhance a little. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  23. I won tix on the radio last night to this performance in brooklyn at the anchorage art space that's multi-media electronic music and video stuff. I;ve heard about their existance but was wondering what it was like, if anyone had been before. Looks pretty interesting from the website.Thanks. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  24. There is a section in a Sinead song with a jig..this song was on a party mix my friend at college had, and without fail (as long as there was drinking involved), the dancefloor would literally get jiggy whenever it came on and people loved it. SOOO fun to break from grinding to do a little drunken irish jigging. ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
  25. Parlo italiano. Ho studiato in Firenze per otto meise. Perche? ------------------ In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma
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