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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by saigray

  1. My friend (well actually my friend's boyfriend) just got his very own column at Nerve.com. http://www.nerve.com/regulars/quickies/subwaySex/ Check it out...its pretty funny, and you gotta admit, he has a really good job!
  2. I would def. support the loft in Dumbo idea...in fact if anyone wants to rent me a loft in Dumbo, I'll be happy to throw the CP meet-up/housewarming party myself with lots of good munchies and crunchies for all! (Bahi sounds fine too )
  3. The one point that seems to have been lost is Jenny! It seems to me that your joint custody of Jenny is going to be a serious flaw in the "move on and forget her" scenerio that most ppl are suggesting. If you feel that you are the wronged party, you might want to demand full custody or at the very least have each stay be for long periods of time (3-4mths) rather then frequently. Otherwise, you are going to have these big piles of pooh sitting in the middle of every week, just waiting to send the sensitive Mugz into a emotional mudbath which could ruin many a pleasant afternoon.
  4. I love this movie, and am basically more in awe of Kubricks brilliance every time I watch it, which is pretty incredible considering I had to watch it abour 15 times in 2 mths when writing a thesis on Vietnam War Films. This was the only one out of aproximately 30 that I watched, that, IMHO, didn't in some grave way trivialize or misrepresent the vietnam conflict. TRuly great work of art and political statement as well.
  5. How are the classes at Broadway Dance? I'm looking to take either hip-hop/jazz or African dance after work and I have a good bit of training, but I haven't taken regular classes in almost a year. I've heard good stuff but I'm curious. Is it intimidatingly professional, or is there a section in the back were the "slow kids" can hang out? I want good classes but I also don't want to be the only person without a double piroutte.
  6. There is so much to say about this type of stuff that I don't really know whether to get into it... Of course most girls don't like being treated as objects, but then again, forgive the cliche analysis, so much of society tells us that's how we are valued that it can be hard to not expect/accept this kind of response. If anyone has been to the CP homepage you'll get another great example...an article on female dj's showing Penelope not as a DJ or an artist but as a nude model posing with a record! Nice picture but ZERO respect. Excuse me, I must of missed the picture of Sasha and Digweed lounging naked on the Powerbar! P.S. notice that all the big female DJ's are physically attractive (Sandras Collins, SpaceGirl, Penelope, Mistress Barbara) Where are the pasty Diggers-look alikes, and oversized, Carla Cox's?
  7. I hear ya...but here's my dilemma, a catch 22 if you will... So if I have a full time weekday job, and have to commute (means getting up at 6 and hoem the earliest by 7:30) and it pays peanuts...and I'm thinkin about getting a bartending job to pay for partying...WHEN CAN I PARTY??? I can only bartend on the weekends because I won't make it back in time for a shift on the weekdays, and I can't really party much on weekdays because I will come down with pneumonia in a matter of days if I don't sleep. Lavender, what's your take on this connundrum, where will you put the partying when you work 90 hrs a week?
  8. So glad this was asked so we girls can once and for all let you boys know how much we DON"T want you takin off your shirts. If your doing it to impress us, please don't. ANd if you want to cause you're hot and sweaty- TOO BAD. Sharing your stinkyness is just gross and rude.
  9. I went there to drop off my bartending resume (haven't heard yet, so prob. won't be working there) but the space inside looked pretty nice, for some reason called to mind Studio 54 (not like I know what that looked like) with big wrapping staircases on either side of a circular dance space, and they were playing with the lights and still building stuff so who knows what the end product will be. However, the management is obviously horribly uncool, since they didn't hire the fabulous moi when they had the chance .
  10. So it's my first day of my new job, so what! I will be there as soon as I can get from the East Village to the West Side...so if you are meetin up, just tell me which boey you'll be chillin by and I'll come find you all. This is too amazing and free to let responsibility intervene.
  11. wow,...I actually find that picture really distrurbing. She looks so tragic and upset and vulnerable....not sexy to me at all. Just gives me chills.
  12. Yeah, some scalper just emailed me offering me 1 for considerate price of $400, and I told him where to stick it.
  13. Mikey, we all know this is your sneaky way of gettin a bunch of girls to dance around your bedroom for free!! ;-) We're u been, and how u been? havent seen u since..sniff, sniff..twilo....
  14. Sold out in fuckin 10 min!!! I was shut out too. I almost started crying. Fortunately, I found myself a bjork-angel who had extra's,so keep trying, and good luck to you too. There are good ppl out there, but if you can't find any one, there is always the dreaded free market, though I hate supporting the evil ebay scalpers since they r the ones who bought all the tickets we fans should have had and are taunting us with ridiculously over-priced tixs. I wish you the best and hopefully I'll see u there.
  15. More like a Deadhead in remission. But I don't do as much crack as you, so I find it hard to control my trippy dreams.
  16. Oh yes. Its on. Please join us for the next installment of CHEEKY LEOPARD at the infamous Filter 14. (Corner of W14 St + Washington) Big Fat Progressive Booty Shakin Free rolling papers for the first 100 punters! Thursday 8.23.01 10pm-4amish $4 beers and $5 vodka drinks until 11pm. DJ's Dave Turov Dale Shaw Pete Sinclair $5 Password at the door for $5 admission: 'Progressive Booty'
  17. Too bad, we could have met at the back bar and done Kamakzies with all the Boa Queens!
  18. I had such a dream last night..... I am on my way to undesignated warehouse club, and the line is all long and shit, when I look across the street to see Bright Pink and Blue crazy lights swirling around the new, side entrance of the REOPENED TWILO!!! So me and my buddy run across the street and cut the line by walking up to some bouncer type she knows, who lets us in a small door which leads down to.... the secret beach house on a cliff overlooking the ocean which happens to be the VIP house for the new TWILO. (bet none of you guys ever got into THAT VIP room). So we go down there and chill with Paul, as in Oakenfold, who was not nearly as stuck up or passe in the dream, but was really cool and looked strangely like my italian ex, who looked strangely like Elvis Costello, and then we wondered around the house party which was strangely like a Fellini movie set, and then snuck out to go dance our little buts off upstairs (BTW, the new Twilo had a pink theme, which in turn attracted a large number of Boa-wearing queens and candy-ravers, but it was all good cause it was the same vibe). Don't you just love the surreal but crystal clear epic dreams?? So here I am at work, trying to concentrate with visions of queens and candy ravers dancing in my head. Anyway, wanted to share that, since only u ppl would appreciate and enjoy the silliness of my subconcious. (PS I am not actually obsessed with any of the following: the demise of Twilo, Paul Oakenfold, my ex, or Elvis Costello) Don't you just love dreams?
  19. I just have to say that I was HUGELY dissappointed by this dude's set at Centro-Fly. It was honestly the most boring house I have ever heard out clubbing. Sorry to pop your bubble, but NOT worth going to Florida, or even 20 blocks, for. And this wasn't just me, everyone I was with (except my Aussie step-bro whoes never hit a club) thought that the music was dissappointing. Just my 6cents.
  20. Awww, thanks bro. And I just wanted to add one,slightly less gracious point. Anyone bitching about the "mainstreaming" of a song by Melanie C, AKA SPORTY SPICE (Cough**codiac**cough) needs to check themselves. Don't even enter a discussion of underground if you think this is the underground. Blowing up Exit before entering rotation on KTU is exactly what this song was manufactured to do. This doesn't mean you can't like it. Pop has it's guilty pleasures but don't make a fool of yourself. And don't be down on others for their ignorance when you should be begging for an education.
  21. 1st Club: A reggae club in the basement of a pub in a small town in Austria- I was 15, first night in Europe, and couldnt' believe I was in this underground cave, drinking stiens of beer, with my parents a million miles away. 1st TRUE CLUB EXPERIENCE: Cream in Liverpool- I wanted to go clubbing in London, but my friend was commited to go on a bus chartered for her friend's birthday all the way to liverpool. Only later did I realize this was the best club around. That night started at 4pm, leaving london on a bus full of big brits, and didn't end till 3pm the next day as I sat on the tube, still hearing the music. Best night.
  22. Noticed the flyer says all virgos will be comped till Sept. 22nd. Will Libra's be comped Sept 22nd-Oct 21st? If so thats a sweet idea.
  23. UNCLE MOE"S - Best Biggest Burritos and Tacos in NY! on W19th and for a huge meal spend about 5-6 bucks.
  24. she rocks the crowd... seen her twice, lovin every minute of her introverted fuck the crowd, I'm just gonna smoke and rip shit up, performances. Plus its good to see girl dj's really being musically innovatitive and kickass hard at the same time.
  25. I'm sick too- sneazing my head off, yuck. ANd completely falling asleep at the computer.
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