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Everything posted by csumaylo

  1. I'm not sure, do you mean crystal? Actually, I think I rememeber a friend of mine telling me that glass was like crystal, but twice as potent??? If this is it, nope I've only done crystal.
  2. sinergygrl is right, if I'm going out on a Saturday night, I'll eat lunch about 12 or 1 in the afternoon, then that's it. I hate that feeling of just having to drop a bomb (I know, it's sick but true)......
  3. Hey sabre, Taking any drug is a risk. But if you're gonna risk doing anything, I recommend Candy Flipping. A close second would have to be hippie flipping. Have fun and be safe
  4. I'd have to say my favorite thing to do is dance. It's always great to meet a girl or two and make new friends while rolling!
  5. I used to smoke a lot of weed about 10 years ago, but since then I've had a bowl here and there and hate the way it makes me feel. I fall into a catatonic trance. E is for me.
  6. This is quite possibly the funniest thread I've ever read on this board. You must be loaded!
  7. Damn, dropped two blue tweeties last night at Giant. These things were so damn good, I had a good 7 hour roll, and never stopped dancing! One of my new favorites. By the way. . . I'm ALWAYS hearing of people getting bunk shit, like all the time. Damn, I must have gotten lucky with my hookups, I've never had a bad hit and I've had a lot. [This message has been edited by csumaylo (edited 09-17-2000).]
  8. Nope, I've never been to the Viper Room. I hear it sucks lately anyway. Why do you ask by the way? And yes, these were the best I've ever done. BTW, I hooked up with some blue tweeties from a very reliable source. He says these things are gonna knock my socks off. I'll just have to wait and see.
  9. Anybody dropped triple stacked green nipples in LA or Inland Empire lately? Best e I've ever come across!
  10. Damn, some of you are paying a lot. Now remember, I DON'T DO THIS SHIT...NEVER WILL. In LA, $40 a g for good stuff, $60 a teenth, $120-130 a ball. I hear back east everything is more expensive....
  11. trancenergy, I'd like to meet your dealer!
  12. Damn, how about when you party hard on it and do a ball or more in a night, start hitting bottom when the sun comes up, laying around for the next 24 hours trying to recover, then having a messed up nose for the next week? I'm sure some of you have done this, and for you that haven't . . . don't. If you've done E already, you've done the best. Besides, Coke will grab you by the balls and never let go.
  13. I've candy flipped, but not hippy flipped. Anyway, if you hit too many shrooms, you could definately get too f**cked up. I'll tell you my first experience. I ate 5 stems and 4 caps. I saw my lawn grow, saw a ghost on my ceiling, while laying on my bed I thought I was sinking into it and jumped out of it (that was funny), went outside for a smoke and the cigarette crumbled in my fingers, the street lights in my neighborhood were pulsing and looked like they were about to explode, and I kept hearing voices in my head, people telling me to do things. At one point I was looking at everything through a kaleidescope, with millions of different colors. It truly was a different world. Kind of scary, but it also seemed to open me up to a new world. ------------------ I started a new online community! C L I C K H E R E
  14. I just had a buddah last saturday, speedy. This is the Hollywood area. My girlfriend dropped a Millenium and had a dopey high, no coordination, but she said it was still very good. ------------------ I started a new online community! C L I C K H E R E
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