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Everything posted by twilogoddess

  1. Oh my bad... ur right Petp...but its the same exact staff. Ask Missdiva she worked at Life for 2 years. Kenny Kenny does the door, he also did the door at Life. [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-11-2001).]
  2. Why the hell did they kill of Adibisi? He was the man & a great actor. btw Did anyone else catch Beecher & Hoyt say "Van Dyk"??? I flipped...lol -------------- Madness, Power, Domination!- Way Out West
  3. If ur not on a list or don't have a hook up, it's pretty tough to get in. But if ur attractive, decked & with no guys u shouldn't really have a problem. It's a scene so the ppl at the door do have an attitude. The bouncers vary, some are nice, some are assholes.
  4. HBO rules! Oz, Sex in the City & Soprano's are awesome shows...cause they're so realistic. OZ: BTW I'm so upset they killed off Adibisi!
  5. David Marvisi doesn't own Spa. The owners of Spa owned Life...Life closed so they moved the party to Spa. Basically its the same staff.
  6. now HOT to me would be...bitchy (i love women with strong personalities), confident..almost to the point of being cocky, and also some who is quiet and smooth, has a certain style/presence to them that you just notice. ---------------------- U described me perfectly
  7. The magic spot to makin guys cum is the perenium....the area from the balls to the ass. If u apply pressure to that spot while ur suckin their head & jerkin them off into ur mouth...WHOA! I've had some guys yell like a banishee! hehe I'm a pro
  8. Misskittie, Half way thru ur post, I thought to myself "Y am I readin this, I give amazin head!" Tying the guy up is good but how bout pouring hot honey all over his cock & licking it off? mmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy -------------- Madness, Power, Domination!
  9. I went to Spa last night...it was packed, yes even on a tuesday. I was pretty impressed... good-lookin friendly crowd w/out the attitude. It wasn't a fashion show like how Life used to be, everyone checkin out ur jimmy choo stiletto boots & christian dior bag Everyone was boppin to phat hip hop. It was very chill....a good time. [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-10-2001).]
  10. go to tracklistings.org & search his sets. I think he's played it in several sets. --------- Madness, Power, Domination!
  11. This beautiful song touches my soul. I started tearing when pvd dropped it back in july. I love slacker's remix but I just discovered the Thrillseekers Hard Trance remix. Awesome!!! I don't think its the same vocalist though. Binary Finary's remix is aight -DJ ---------------------------- "Madness, Power, Domination"
  12. thats easy CRACK....1 time & ur addicted! ppl throw their live's away...its very sad
  13. so sorry lol [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-09-2001).]
  14. [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-09-2001).]
  15. I'm tryin to delete all these quadruple posts.....its not working! fuck! [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-09-2001).]
  16. sowwie [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-09-2001).]
  17. Andy Have u heard the thrillseekers remix? It's faster. If not grab it. I'm surprised u've heard it out...when pvd played it I was in total shock...literally cryin on the dancefloor Daphna [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-09-2001).]
  18. Vampie the first part ur right about. I made a valid point stressing how happiness is subjective then I was merely defending myself.
  19. Marijuana legalization! Good 1! Bratnik, Twinkies are disgusting, Fool Stupid post? I was curious...at LEAST THIS POST MAKES U THINK! Un-like other posts, "whose as bored as I am" or "I'm sooo Tired today"
  20. ok, ok, ok I'll drop the happiness thing. I'm surprised all these guys are wishing for true love....very sweet. Spheric, I made the bum statement to Emphasize my point. It may have be extreme & harsh but... shallow? I don't think so
  21. Listen Ignoramus, WHAT MAKES 1 PERSON HAPPY DOESN'T NECESSARILY MAKE ANOTHER HAPPY! Happiness to a bum is a blanket & a bottle of whiskey. Happiness varies..everyone defines thier own happiness. Bratnik u may think 1 of my wishes is dumb...but u must very unhappy,sad, & depressed for ALL OF 3 UR WISHES TO BE HAPPINESS! [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-09-2001).]
  22. C'mon, U can't wish for happiness. Happiness is too vague & totally subjective. It's a state of mind. DJ
  23. U CAN'T WISH FOR MORE WISHES!!!...just 3 My 3 wishes would be: -For eternal Peace btwn Israeli's & Palestians/All Arabs -10 Billion $ -to eat whatever I want & never gain weight --------------- "Madness, Power, Domination!"- Way out West [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-09-2001).]
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