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Everything posted by twilogoddess

  1. IF U WANT GIRLZ TO RAPE U...GET D&G (BLUE VELVET BOX). AHHHH ITS SOOOOO GOOD! [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-09-2001).]
  2. Originally posted by petp: faith hill i thought was cool looking. not too crazy abouther new hair, but her outfit was wayy cool. ---------------- Are u sniffing glue? She chopped her hair & dyed it platnium...she looked horrible! And who wears shit-colored sequined leather pants to an awards show? Where were her stylists? I bet she makes Joan Rivers worst dressed list. & Jennifer Lopez stunk? She has amazing stage presence & she's a sick dancer.
  3. Did it ever cross ur mind that men who drive luxurious phat cars may like them & worked very hard to get them??? Rich women treat themselves & buy jewelry, men buy cars. There are exceptions..those mid life crisis balding divorced men who buy a porsche to feel young, vibrant & attract women. Dolcemimi u stereotype & generalize way too much!
  4. There are different genres of Trance...hard, goa, acid etc. Hard trance is actually faster than progressive house. Personally I think House has no feeling or emotion like trance does. I also think trance is more intelligent...house can get very montonous & boring. I love progresive & hard trance but when it comes to dancing I like HARD HARD pounding basslines (picotto, scott project, carl cox). To each his own
  5. Don't assume that those drug dealers drivin around in iced out lexus'es & beemer's are rich. They probably live in an roach infested shit hole. Don't ever judge someone's wealth by what they drive. It's what's in the bank that counts. Some of u said looks aren't important..thats the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard. Looks aren't everything but let me tell u they definately help. Our society & the Media is obsessed w/appearances & completely image driven. I don't think beauty necessarily = respect...from my own experiences I can conclude that being attractive has certain advantages. [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-09-2001).]
  6. Faith Hill is beautiful but she looked horrendous! She looked like she was wearing a wig! Toni Braxton made a major comeback...bringin home 2 awards. Jennifer Lopez did a great performance...although she was lip syncing. I was pretty impressed Britney actually sung this time! That lil kid that sang was amazing! WOW what a voice! He got a standing ovation. Overall the show wasn't that spectackular...I agree kinda boring
  7. hmmmm who called who an asshole? I run a car accessory business DORK! What do u do?! Explain how cursing boots ur ego??? FYI, I don't even listen to the radio! Radio plays cheesey popular music & anthems. CLUB USA, ARENA, FACTORY & TWILO (were) ARE CHEESEY CLUBS? where the fuck do u go? EXIT??? [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-08-2001).]
  8. Listen Punk I've been in the scene for 6 yrs.... I started goin to Club Usa & Arena Ur really fuckin annoying...get a life! [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-08-2001).]
  9. Gravity, I'm over this...its tired. Everyone continue posting your fav tracks [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-08-2001).]
  10. Mysterious, I neva said I hated silence b/c its played or old....It's still a GREAT SONG.`
  11. HAHA gravity. I wasn't explaining what an anthem is...I was responding to what someone said bout a song becoming an anthem. Just b/c u don't agree w/my opinions doesn't mean that I'm not makin sense! Check ur thread for my answer [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-08-2001).]
  12. Gravity it was a RHETORICAL question. An anthem can be someone's fav song....the question was fav song of all time. Most ppl listed anthems...the thread should have read... Post your Favorite Anthem. Are u a Taurus? U are very argumentative
  13. Exodust... I heard the Original Silence back in June 99...& fell in love w/it...(i love sarah mclachlan) before Tiesto & Airscape remixed it..now I can't even stand to listen to it anymore..its soooo played out!
  14. Originally posted by cgm: And exactly where on my post did you see Zombie Nation or Sandstorm? ----------------------- Oops My Bad. I didn't mean U persay...I meant collectively speaking.
  15. HAHA... that was funny. Gravity, lets squash this already...it's silly. With all this animosity & hatred, we are ruining the postive vibe on the board. Ok? Truce?
  16. I JUST REALIZED THAT U CHANGED, BUTCHERED & ADDED TO MY RESPONSE...all I have to say is that UR PATHETIC! Grow Up! OH & BTW, If we met up U'd be singing a diff tune! [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-08-2001).]
  17. Inspire me??? HAHAHAHA [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-08-2001).]
  18. He's taking all of Jan off to do studio work...so it couldn't have been last wk. It might be his B-day set, Berlin 12-16 or the German Dance Award's After Party, Hamburg 12-20. ???
  19. U say u don't like Trance But U like Christopher Lawrence...? Although I don't agree, he has been called the "Best American Trance DJ".
  20. I agree with u...btw I neva said I hated silence.
  21. U HAVE GOOD TASTE...I'M OBSESSED W/FRAT BOY! a PVD & Tiesto favorite
  22. How would I know that u love SF? And u assumed that I go to the cheesy clubs...GENIUS U couldn't tell what my fav club is. I'd really love to see what the fuck u look like, loser [This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-08-2001).]
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