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Everything posted by blackhaus1

  1. vampie, I'll be there too...i'll keep my eye out for the pants...i think i'm wearing this tan suedish shirt that ties...with these wierd jeans that have paint all over em...them or black pants...i'm like 5'8...blonde hair, blue eyes, I'll be with a really really bald guy.. Should be a night filled with good music...Guido, anyone? ------------------
  2. I can try...I think thats its b/c Mexican K comes in bottles with Yellow labels...right? White label isn't as good or something...so the shirt reference is to the bottle label... ------------------
  3. Now wheres that genius that told me that the Fed has nothing to do with the stock market...GRRRRRRRRRRR Lets hope it keeps up...i'm sure we'd all like to keep our jobs ------------------
  4. Jay Z and I have one thing in common...our lawyer... Hes making big bucks off this for sure ------------------
  5. Steve, Go to sleep... I wanna see it, however theres wayyyyyyy too much to do before my departure on sunday. ------------------
  6. I didn't graduate till 98, but my brother was 92... ------------------
  7. Cmonnnnnnnnn gimmee names! ------------------
  8. I find it interesting that theres so many Yanks fans...were there this many Yankees fans 10 years ago when they weren't winning the pennant every year? Just a curious question... Its been the Yanks for me since day one...the home opener this year was out of control! ------------------
  9. Grrrrrrr...does this mean we're supposed to work at work? ------------------
  10. I can't get back on, and its making this day drag on and on in these khaki cubicle walls ------------------
  11. Nope, I went to Walt Whitman ------------------
  12. Huntington here too Brandie and I are a stones throw away... Steve, I'll help make your stay on LI an enjoyable one ------------------
  13. I'll be on a plane Sunday morning on my way to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. This is the longest week ever....i need SUN!!! ------------------
  14. Sweets, If u need to talk, i'm here...prayers all around... ------------------
  15. Shes not the same one that was at SF, b/c thats her imposter who, from what I hear, has a real shitty voice. However, she does have two dancers...The new song is Eternity, which I think is pretty sick too...The other Castles mix won't be released b/c the song is copyrighted and that mix was only made for her to perform to... ------------------
  16. Hey, I popped into Exit quickly with Marsha, who is a sweetheart by the way, and that place keeps getting worse and worse. It was my first time on a Friday and at 20, I was the oldest one there. The guys were gross and a grabbin when I walked by, which exemplified the class for the evening. Anyway, the "Beautiful" girl really didn't sing, so I don't understand why she even got paid...she lip synced the whole time. Marsha was great, her voice is sick, and her new song is bangin as well... What did u guys think of the different version of Castles? ------------------
  17. Shes at World, DNA, and Exit in a time span of like 3 hours...now thats a performer! ------------------
  18. There is no point in arguing with you. I have my view, you have yours and thats that. Have a nice night ------------------
  19. Ok relax there buddy, I never claimed to be a financial analyst, I am a mere 20 yr old who took macroeco in college, remembers a few things, and has a solid head on their shoulders. Our GDP grew in the last quarter primarily b/c that was before we started having economic problems. The fed indirectly has to do with excess inventories specifically b/c with high interest rates, people cannot afford to make high risk purchases such as cars and home, thus yielding a poor real estate and automobile market. Had the Fed cut rates at the first sign of economic downturn, perhaps we wouldn't be stuck where we are today. If they acted at the first sign, this whole mess could have been avoided b/c no one would have ripped their money out of the market as quickly as they did. You say that most other industries are relatively stable however, I'm willing to wager that its certainly not the tech stocks that are shooting down. My family alone, who isn't that heavily invested has lost $10000 in the past 3 weeks, trying to ride out the storm, and our stock could not be further from a tech stock. I never blamed this directly on the fed, but thats where the root of the problem lies. They control the majority of decisions made regarding the market, right or wrong? When the market was up, everyones patting big al on the back...now that its down, he doesn't want the blame?? Well, he deserves it. Not one of my comments was idiotic, I was merely stating facts, and the name calling is pretty mature. ------------------
  20. The Feds job is to keep interest rates at a steady number based on the present economic factors. They kept rates so high for so long, that created excess inventories, not optimism! Car sales go down & home sales decrease with high interest rates b/c its unaffordable to pay back loans with high rates. People start to get laid off when their employers aren't making enough cash to pay them. Positive feelings about the economy are then lost. Once the general public fears economic downturn, they pull their money out of investments, which any smart person would do. If someone told you that you were going to lose 10 grand, would u withdraw your cash in the blink of an eye? I sure as hell would. If people were smart, we'd all be invested in conservative investments like federally insured bonds, REITs and mutual funds that have low annual yields but have a 1% chance of ever losing any $. I'd also like to know where you got your fact that our economy is growing at 3% a year. Fact is that we are in economic downturn and it happens. We've gotten thru it before and we'll get thru it again. Its called the Cycle of Economics. ------------------ [This message has been edited by blackhaus1 (edited 03-30-2001).] [This message has been edited by blackhaus1 (edited 03-30-2001).]
  21. I can't believe someone started this topic...i have soooo many of these... 1. People who talk with their mouths full. Chew, swallow, then speak... 2. people that can't drive for shit... 3. People that tuck their napkins into the neck of their shirt...if the food falls, its falling in your lap so why the hell do u have the napkin on your throat?????? 4. People that blow their nose in public...no one wants to hear your snots... 5. People that are unmotivated... 6. People that makes problems for themselves and want others to feel bad for them...ie People who stay out all weekend and do drugs and then complain the ydon't feel good...(we all know people like that!) 7. People that don't flush the toilet, leave the seat up, or pee all over the seat... 8. People that have no consideration for others nice possessions and open their car doors into my car, creating dings after I had $3000 worth of body work done... 9. Tuna Fish, Pickles, Mustard, Relish, Sauerkraut and anything that really smells that people injest... 10. People that speak as if they are educated, when they don't know their ass from their elbow.. Ok i'm done now... ------------------ [This message has been edited by blackhaus1 (edited 03-30-2001).]
  22. At least some people here have BRAINS! ------------------
  23. I'll say I know someone **winkwink**...every inch of someone ------------------
  24. FYI its Marsha X the original singer that will be performing that song that was ripped off of her... ------------------
  25. Don't even start by saying this is Bush's fault....this is the result of the Fed keeping interest rates too high for too long, and as a result, the economy crashes... If you wanna point fingers, The Federal Reserve or Mr. Greenspan is the way to go.. ------------------
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