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Everything posted by melichacha

  1. - double major dance and english - historian and competing member of the RU Ballroom and Latin Dance team - sing with OrphanSporke co-ed a cappella - sing with a salsa band - work at campus information - spread joy!! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  2. Cucharas Verdes? Where did THAT come from? Though I appreciate good randomness when it comes around... lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  3. aaaah collegiate obligations, boy do I miss that maybe u can complete ur collegiate obligations and then join us at our postdinner venue...I'm thinking that at least one person will have a cell phone I have to provide housing for outside dancers... and I'll be competing at 8:00am the next morning.. BAH! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  4. Umm... you said in the first post that you ARE a racist.. to quote : "Yup, I'm racist...although 1 of my good friends is chinese." Now you say you're not... Are you retracting to please the board? Or did you not think the first time you typed? That's not the sort of thing you randomly goof about... just a thought... And I don't think the racism question is petty -- I'm just curious. Oh.. and for the record, each time you tell people to "mind their own business" it's an excercise in futility -- this is a PUBLIC messageboard. If you don't want other people commenting 1) think before you type 2) carry on your drama in PM's, IM's, or some other private forum 3) (here's the easiest of all the options) STOPPOSTING IN RESPONSE! If you genuinely don't care what these people think it shouldn't bother you; you should be able to ignore this thread and let it die with all the other drama threads (like all the other ones where you and someone else have argued for an extended period of time... they HAVE happened, and we all know this). You may not "care", but just my $.02... I'll go back to "minding my own business" on the public forum now... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha [This message has been edited by melichacha (edited 03-10-2001).]
  5. Generally, it's a bubble butt, like that which is typical to african american women and my fellow latinas... I posess some ghetto booty... and I'm damn proud of it! lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  6. melissa (no middle name) merida (pronounced "MEH-ree-dah", and the R is rolled... ah, to be latina) Maybe I should ofcically make my middle name "ChaCha" -- lol... more people call me that than they do melissa! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  7. LOL... Rhythm Section -- that's not bad!!! Though I'm partial to "Chach and the Boys", Chach may not translate too well... lol Erm, I had a dream last night about what we discussed... oh, boy... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  8. Noooooo! I have to help host an intercollegiate ballroom dance social that night (it's the opening night of the RU Intercollegiate Ballroom Competition)!!!!! ChaCha is upset... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  9. Word. And let's not forget the nastiness of a big sweaty dude randomly rubbing up against you and assuming it's okay... ::gag:: I like guys who can DANCE and who know how to have a fun time (and not necessarily have to have their shirts off to show that they know they look good. We're talking confidence over arrogance here. ) - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  10. Hey guys! My band's next gig will be ther evening of Friday, the 23rd of March. Nova Terra 78 Albany St. New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Same deal as last time, we'll probably go on around 10:00 and play 3 sets (45 minutes each). Sooooo... maybe you'll want to do dinner, hear ChaCha sing, then go to Twilo! Soundslike a plan to me... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  11. I realllllly want to, but we'll see... sketchy cuz I have a gig that night which EVERYONE SHOULD COME TO BEFORE TWILO!!!! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  12. BOOMING VOICE FROM ABOVE: **ENTER, HIJA DE LA GRAAAAN PUTA MAAAAAAAADREEEEEEE..... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!** lol... ::smacks Albie with a trout:: HA! :::running out of the computer lab (arms outstretched airplane style) with such a quickness that she drags 2 IMacs with her... causing chaos and looting to break out all throughout the College Avenue Campus::: whoops! lol talk to you soon as I get to my room... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  13. Maybe one day I'll open a latin club and call it "Meli's Casa de ChaCha"... lol I'm keeping a list of all these names... I think the guys are gonna have an attack when they see them... lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  14. I think you should meet up w/ Meli (depending on what time you are doing dinner) at some point or another, since manana she comes home for break! But that's just my opinion... Luv ya, bro!! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  15. Umm.. dude, no need for attitude... In case you haven't noticed from reading around the board, we do tend to have the occasional random conve, and it's all good b/c we're all friendly (present newbie company excluded). If the topic doesn't interest you, here's an idea: DON'T REPLY TO IT! Novel idea, no? The theory there would be that if nobody is interested the thread will die... get it? Until then, happy posting... as for this thread, may you build a lovely bridge and get over it! And Orchid, I like tropical flowers of all types -- bright happy colors! And roses with the edges of the petals in a different color -- once was given really pretty peach ones with pinkish edges... ::sigh:: flowers... spring... hehe... hugs! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  16. hmm.. that could be taken many ways... LOL ya never know what's gonna umm.. "pop up" on this board... (pun VERY intended.. lol) - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  17. OMG... so so true... lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  18. masitas de puerco y yuca con mojito! lol tengo hambre... carajo... LOL - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  19. Visors are cute depending a) who's wearing them 2) how the visor is being worn (is he being jerky and wearing it backward and upside down ala Kenny "Special K" Fisher, or just rocking it normally) and III) is it a nice one or is it as nasty and dirty as can be... These are determining factors in visor wearing... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  20. :::booty bump::: hehe.. can't let this one die... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  21. Bro! Call me at work! (732)932-4636 - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  22. Marcella, you are too much!!! ROTFLMAO The Chochas, huh? Umm.. no. CNYC's Finest would be great, but I'd have to get them all on the board first! This is gonna be a trip to explain to the guys... lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  23. I think it has a lot to do with the frame of mind that I enter the night with... Sometimes I'm in a vinyl pant mood, and sometimes I'm not... I think like Mikey said, in his post (and as I noted in my first one) the issue here is not the outfits but the personalities that tend to (note I say TEND TO -- I'm not dissing, I'm addressing the stereotype) come with them. What I mean is confidence vs. arrogance -- for example, the fact that most of the "juicehead" population (the reallllly big scary type in particular) is terribly arrogant and assumes that they must look really great rubbing themselves is a bit much for me. Give me a guy dressed however who will have a good time and not just ogle himself all night over a stereotypical juicehead any day! Hell, I don't ask that he be the greatest dance that ever lived, I just want to dance and have fun... in the end isn't that what it's about? Personally, I wouldn't want to be stuck in one little stereotype or another -- where's the fun in that? I'd much rather be full of surprises... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  24. Did I ever tell you all how much I love you? Yep... yep I do. - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  25. All the goths I ever knew did the stereotypical thing -- shiny black vynil was a staple in their fashion, as was black leather and anything with big silver studs on it... I always did like all the pretty velvet dresses and whatnot though... one of my best friends throughout HS was like "the" goth chickie of our school... she cruised all in black and I went through 2 phases: little gap tee and khaki girl (junior and senior years) and great big jncos and lil' baby tees with little cartoons on the front (freshman and soph. years) ... pretty unlikely pair, but we were pretty tight! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
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