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Everything posted by melichacha

  1. Um... yes, please! Can I get an "AY, PAPI!!"... lol - meli - ------------------ "This is not political - it's just that I demand attention when I walk into the room..." -- Nelly Furtado AIM: MeliChaCha
  2. Umm... yes, please... AY, PAPI! lol - meli - ------------------ "This is not political - it's just that I demand attention when I walk into the room..." -- Nelly Furtado AIM: MeliChaCha
  3. "I'm Like a Bird" by Nelly Furtado (remixed by JV)... I love Nelly - furthermore, I'm on a hardcore Nelly kick this week, as it seems all her songs talk about something I'm feelin'! - meli - "wearingthroughthenellycdwithaquickness" ------------------ "This is not political - it's just that I demand attention when I walk into the room..." -- Nelly Furtado AIM: MeliChaCha
  4. now you know you were just asking for everyone to reply by saying... oh, you know... lol - meli - "woohooweallsoundpretentious" ------------------ "This is not political - it's just that I demand attention when I walk into the room..." -- Nelly Furtado AIM: MeliChaCha
  5. hey - great meeting you! Welcome to our little family... Will I be seeing you later on this week? - meli - p.s. try not to be TOO addicted to this thing... lol ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  6. Yep... thanks for saying it for me, Jammy! Great meeting you the other night!! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  7. A man of few words, eh spoony? - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  8. Yeh, 'club funk' - even after a shower, you can still smell it on your skin... ichi OMG - you are so right! Club funk calls for some heavy exfoliation... The worst part is though that once you shower and get it off you still have the smell in your midst thanks to the clothes you just removed (unless you're that smart in the morning to put them into the washing machine straight away!). Ugh! And I am with Eric on that "stair putty" thing -- very aptly named, Eric! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  9. Oye -- your birthday is the same as mine??? hehe.. cool - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  10. That's the idea, brain... we can all do dinner then proceed on to PVD together! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  11. Pete, like I told ya - your set messed with my head hardcore! lol I wigged outhearing all the old school stuff you were dropping! Great to be back, and that night was a great way to kick it off! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  12. Happy to help... "Eddie, please write to me (about yourself). I'm worried, I miss you and love you -- don't forget!" - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  13. Maybe we should start a support group... It's even worse when friends ans whatnot tell you they see something there between you -- like it's painfully, obviously there but you just can't see me say anything! Bah!! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  14. MeliChaCha@aol.com and Al... Fantom0680@aol.com - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  15. Bebe, that was one of the obvious things I didn't even feel I had to mention -- that's a given! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  16. Interesting, arctic... I'll add it to the list!! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  17. I dunno if I dance good... I think I dance pretty WELL though... Hell, I better -- if not, my major's pretty much all a sham, isn't it? - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  18. hmmm.. well, here we go... I'd love to find someone who - understands my passions and ambitions, how important they are to me, and how committed I am to making them happen. - is willing to deal with my sometimes off the wall sense of humor... and share in the laughter. - is passionate about his own aspirations and can relate to me on that level. - is not afraid to let go and be himself with me, however goofy/ however neurotic/ whatever random idiosyncratic condition may affect him from time to time (we're all human, and we all have them!). - realizes that I'm not one who masks who I am -- it's taken me a long time to start figuring myself out, and I've grown rather attached to the quirky little ChaCha we all know. - will be compassionate, but still able to pull me back to earth if my head gets too far up into the clouds. - can engage me in conversations that seemingly last for minutes but actually last for hours... the kinds of conversations that flow from one topic to the next seamlessly and involve the head as well as the heart. Those are the really big ones... Then there's the obvious stuff... like he has to have respect for my culture and all the different types of music and whatnot that I love (he doesn't necessarily have to love them... just respect them!)... And he should be willing tolet me teach him how to dance salsa... and let me drag him to a Broadway show or two... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  19. Last night was my first night back in action (can I get an AMEN for Spring Break? C'mon... :::AMEN!!!::: Yeah!). With my trusty sidekick, Captain Crackhead (aka Al... hehe - sorry bro, had to say it) we headed to Twirl... It was so great to see y'all again! I'm not even going to attempt to name everyone I saw/ met last night, but I do have a couple of lieele shout-out type thingies to do... Pete -- Your set totally fawked with me! Between just "Dm da da..." and "Girl I'll House You" I thought I was losing it! What were you talking about when I was leaving? Ali giving me something? I'm confuzzled -- PM me! Ben -- I am totally sticking with that promise... when shall we schedule our first lesson? Andy -- Eh, maybe I did miss ya... just a little though... talk to ya soon! Al -- 1) I'm baaaaaaaack... screw this checking in bullsh**... hehe and 2) ::wringing hands:: muahahaha! (think about it... you know that I'm talking about...) Okay... if I keep going I'll be here all day... See you all really soon -- and make sure you check out the thread for the meet-up (and tell the greated good that you want it on the 13th before PVD -- that way I can go! ) - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha [This message has been edited by melichacha (edited 03-11-2001).]
  20. YES! Can we PLEEEEEEEEASE save it for the weekend of my birthday? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease? And yes, that is Easter weekend, gut that's also PVD on Friday and DT on Saturday... where are the priorities people?! (lol... j/k to all the hardcore religious peoples out there...) - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  21. I feel your pain... had he started with my llamas, I'd be very upset and be forced to open up a can of whoopass... I got your bacjk, yo! hehe - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  22. nycetouch -- very accurate... rachel, I think I have to go more with nyce's depiction -- it's all about the shape of it... lol golden -- glad to be of service... hehe - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  23. I'm the lead singer... :::looks around::: Yep yep... I am. I'd give us a funky name, but remember, we're a Salsa band - should have some bilingual meaning! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  24. Fair enough, point taken... but for the record, I HAVE met you on a few occasions (you may not remember, but I'm Al's best friend). I was just playing devil's advocate here b/c fact of the matter is that people WILL inevitably always answer as this is a PUBLIC board. If you don't care what these people think, you shouldn't HAVE to defend yourslef b/c you know it's just drama, it's not worth it, and if you let it be it will die when the cattiness simmers down. It's just the logical progression of things. *phew* With that, may this thread be put to rest. - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  25. Beware the return of the Chach... it is on the horizon... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
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