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Everything posted by melichacha

  1. Word. Go sowhere you think you'll be respected... I mean hell, even if you DO get in, where's the fun in feeling like you have to watch your back b/c YOU'RE being watched? That just sucks, and you shouldn't put yourself up to that... Dress how you please and have a good time where you can relax and be yourself. After all, isn't that a big part of what going out is about? - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  2. Perfectly said.. excellent call... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  3. I have to wonder a) how old the son was... and just HOW MUCH ecstacy this kid did... Just stuff to consider... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  4. Gotta go with the P A N T S W E A S E L ... The Speedos just don't cut it -- even if we ARE on an island... they remind me of scary fat men at Seaside when I was but a little ChaCha... lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  5. It's a toss up... but I think if you piss off "The Spaniard" enough, little Willie is toast... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  6. Rock on... I'm e-mailing my piano player right now to see what's up... maybe we can hit up this Saturday and I'll go out afterwards (at long last!!)... WOO HOO for Spring Break!!! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  7. The Chachinator!!! LOL ummm... SUPER CHACH! Yessssss!! That's it!! lol... I think I'm delierious from so many people calling to ask if there are classes today... AAAAARGH! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  8. Bro, that so sucked... They are really hard up on dress code though... it's their way of keeping out the NB bar and frat hopping keg-emptying population... (no offense, it's all good -- it's just not the crowd that the owner wants to attract... sucks on one level, but is understandable on another)... Well, now that we all know what's up, we'll have to get something together for a nice night sometime... ... and the guy at the door shouldn't have been a prick about it -- I did make a complaint!! That bonehead... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  9. ummmm.... me too! Right JJ? Yeppers. lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  10. :: here ya go, D... read above! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  11. Where are you driving from? I work at INFO, and I was told that we opened today b/c 1. The snow really wasn't bad at all here in NB... 2. There's not a really big expected snowfall, whereas yesterday, NJ was in a "State of Emergency"... 3. Rutgers is a STATE university, and if the State is in a State of Emergency... well, you get the idea... ... but yes, having classes today DID suck -- I had a midterm on Douglass in the morning. Ugh. - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  12. Happy birthday to Meli, happy birthday to Meli, Meli will be 21 just in time for Dannyyyyyyyyyyyy.... Happy Birthday to MEEE!!!!! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  13. Ummmm.... okay? I guess? - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  14. Fair assumptions... another could be that the non-smiler is trying to act all "cool" and have some sort of attitude front going on -- which I think is really dumb, but whatever. I mean, I'd much rather be with happy, smiley people than with stuck up acting posers any day!! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  15. Yeha - you do that, punk... lol Yo - read what I posted to ya in the "Meli Is Famous" thread! - meli - "thechach" ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  16. Addicted to this board? NO!! lol... dude, rare (or non-existent) is the day that I sit anywhere near a computer and don't pull up the board... Lately I've been out and away from computers all day and night -- I think I'm in withdrawal! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  17. VERY cute... love it! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  18. LOL - easy there, tiger... D found out that Chach is what Al, V, and Aramis all call me and now whenever D and correspond, I am to refer to myself in the third person, as the Chach... No perverse connotation here... for a change... lol How are ya, sweetie? - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  19. Yay! Gerbils and Monkeys! But what KIND of monkeys? If you mean little spider monkeys and whatnot then cool... but baboons are tempermental, angry monkeys... I think I'd be afraid of them... though their colorful butts are funny... lol - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  20. But will you have your PARTY LIGHTS with you? lol... I just heard your voice singing the party light song in my head... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  21. Why did the Chach not see this till today... **humph** Oh, well... - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  22. Thanks, D! You didn't get to see, but later on they cleared out the front tables (incl. the one you were at) and opened up some dance space. I got to dance a couple of instrumentals with my ballroom buddies... it was a great night! I really hope more people get to come out another time! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  23. I know the ones you're talking about - those are soooooo comfy... and they feel nice too! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  24. Starting to snow a lil' heavier here in New Brunswick... - meli - "doinganancientindiansnowdance" ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
  25. Just flow with it... if it's fun just have your fun and know that's all it is... If HE goes for something else and decides to make the team switch, then whatever but till then just play the game and enjoy! - meli - ------------------ AIM: MeliChaCha
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