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Everything posted by allishara

  1. *** PICK UP LINES - SOME OF THE BEST...SOME OF THE WORST *** feel free to add your own! You may get lucky, you may get your ass kicked.!!! 1) Let's go to my place and do everything I'll tell everyone we did anyway. 2) Hi. You'll do. 3) Is that a mirror in your pants? Because I can see myself in them. 4) I may not be the best looking guy here, but I'm the only one talking to you. 5) That's a nice dress. Can I talk you out of it? 6) Are you going to kiss me or do I have to lie to my diary? 7) Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to walk by again? 8) You may not be the best looking girl here, but beauty is only a light switch away! 9) The fact that I'm missing my teeth just means there's more room for your tongue. 10) Do you know the difference between a hamburger and a blow job? (No...) Wanna do lunch? ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  2. NIGHT AT THE ROXBURY <-- i can watch that movie over and over again.. "Emilioooooooo!" ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  3. the artists pockets dont get affected one bit through NAPSTER!.. they really have nothing to worry about.. have you not noticed a BIG ASS price difference in CD's lately!.. 22 dollars for a f'in CD?.. you kiddin me?.. ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  4. i work right across the street from Pazzo Pazzo!!!.. in headquarters plaza! ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  5. BOAVISTA??????... im so there! ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  6. i work in one of the towers (not sayin which one.. never know whos listening.. ) my company just moved out here a couple months ago.. we used to be in Jersey City so i dont really know anyone else that works around here except the plaza security guards ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  7. i talked to him last nite.. he said hes not going to be on today.. i think he had to go to Conneticut with Zoey for work.. ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  8. ARIES (March 21-April 19). It wouldn't hurt to bargain hunt; that impulse, by habit, can easily be curtailed, and you'll be proud of your practical achievements. Your solid effort at work strengthen possibility of receiving a promotion soon. Say thanks to a helpful Taurus. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The spotlight's on you; you look terrific, and you're vindicated on some recent debatable point. It's nice to be both right and gorgeous. Tonight, celebrate quietly with a cozy meal for two; you've got the upper hand in the relationship. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Rest up, because you've got a big weekend coming up! Your boss wants you to work overtime, but is willing to pay for it, for a change. Catching up with your bills avoids a potential problem. Cater to that big Sagittarius ego nearby. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your true love is also your best friend; hard work is easier when you have a partner you believe in. It's time to assess a work situation; if you're unhappy, the right job is out there, so consider a change that will make you happier! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Get ahead now by serving faithfully; organize and think of the big picture. Delegate the most qualified person: you. Do what you do best. Enjoy the evening with mixed generations for the most pleasure. Someone nearby looks up to you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The special charms of a Libra catch you off-guard; don't overcommit to anyone -- or anything, for that matter. Credit for your past efforts will be given to you. Consider a course that will advance your artistic skills and enhance your confidence. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your specialty is talking others into helping you with personal projects; however, expert aid must be compensated accordingly now. The evening hours may be work-filled, and you'll make much progress. Take a break. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Talent surrounds you; use it by asking for expert advice and doing research. Express your appreciation for past favors, and you'll win the loyalty of good people. Tonight, pay the bills and watch for the return of lost objects. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Routine may be boring, but getting it done sets you free for fun. Errors in bills or paperwork requires attention. Mix fun and a health program; play a water sport. A wish comes true by way of the least expected source. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your strong will helps you follow through on a particularly arduous task. A romantic interest is watching admiringly from the sidelines. Doing it yourself works better than appointing someone else to do it for you. Lucky days are ahead. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Home fires burn; fix up your castle just the way you want it. A group looks to you for leadership; your boss looks to you for extra effort. A demanding mate may not be the right one after all. You feel comfortable in your own domain. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). New friends bring stimulating new ideas. Sign on the dotted line; time to quit vacillating. A change of scenery helps clear your mind; take a walk, watch a movie, or read a book from a genre you've never explored. You'll feel renewed. ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  9. Of Course!.. and EvilJav will be the bouncer ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  10. Soo.. Ehhh.... whos DJ'in?????? here we go! ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  11. haha.. thats how i felt!.. i didnt really understand the majority of the crap that was comin out of his mouth i just kept smiling and nodding my head like i knew what the hell he was saying.. ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  12. or just Allishara wearing nothing but a smile ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  13. umm... quick question.. Why are you still here? ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  14. wanna hear something that would ONLY happen to allishara!!..... one of my girlfriends husbands is a caterer and he drives the trays over to wherever he the party is held so we went for the ride.. we get to the house and who is standing on the porch?.. LO AND BEHOLD... BEATLEJUICE i almost shit my pants! he was having a party at his house in Jersey City.. it was the funniest thing i have ever experienced!.. my girlfriend goes "Beetlejuice, you talk a lot better than you used to.. you sound good now!" he in return goes .."yea, cause now i speak American" and i go "really?, what were you speaking before?" he goes "Russian" i almost fell out of my chair ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  15. If from Bayonne and i know what place your talkin about Trikk... i cant think of the name.. its on broadway though.. it sucks.. its an inexperienced psychic woman that reads out of a How To Read Palms book... like those 5 dollar reads on the Seaside boardwalk... if you know anyone that practices Wicca ask them where to go.. ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  16. Ahhhhh!.. SunnyG!!!.. im emailin yo ass rite now!! ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  17. Happy V-Day back at ya!.. and THANKS for the bear.. at least now i have SOMEONE to spend tonite with ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  18. i dont remember the name of the street BUT.. i know its rite by Persing Field in JC.. if you go past his house you see the car.. it has all dwarf shit written all over it.. ya know what.. go to JollyDwarf.com thats Beetlejuices website.. why i know this I HAVE NO IDEA i know too much useless information ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  19. i thought this was cute! "Those who judge don't matter and those who matter don't judge." The Top 15 Mafia Valentine's Day Greetings 15. My love for you... it came and went. so your feet are now in wet cement. 14. I'm here to fulfill your fondest wishes- Now that your husband sleeps with the fishes. 13. Come to me- It's my final offa, Or you'll be lying wit' Jimmy Hoffa. 12. I picked up this card from a slim selection, But that's all they offer in witness protection. 11. I've waited so long for you to be mine! Now that Sinatra's dead, be *my* Valentine. 10. Be my Valentine... or else... 9. Cinderella got her fella, with a slipper made of glass. So please be mine, Valentine, or I'll have to whack your ass. 8. Violets are blue, roses are red. I blew up your car- So why ain't you dead? 7. The day we met, my little pet, I knew with just one look, You'd bear a son, and now that's done, So shut your mouth and cook! 6. Hey, how you doin'? 5. Youse da greatest. Youse da best. But you're untouchable Like Elliot Ness. 4. Lust is fleeting, True love lingers. Be mine always And you'll keep your fingers. 3. Hope da chocolates is good, but y'know, dis ain't really what a guy's heart looks like. 2. Valentine, dear, I'm a luck fella, you're even better than mozzarella! and the Number 1 Mafia Valentine's Day Greeting... 1. When a goon makes you die, cuz you told him goodbye -- that's amore! Happy F---'in Valentines Day !!! ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  20. Give up eh?... I WIN ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  21. NOW YOU KNOW IM KICKING MYSELF IN THE KIESTER FOR CANCELING MY GODAMN TRIP.. ugh.. but maybe some of you could use this.. i got this email this morning... Read On.. MTV has contacted SpringBreakTravel.com about a new college TV show that they will be shooting in Cancun during the week of March 10-17. MTV needs any college students who are interested in being on TV, to contact them IMMEDIATELY! If you, or anyone you know, are going to be in Cancun during the week of March 10-17, please click on the following link: http://www.springbreaktravel.com/sbt/trips/cancun/mtv.asp This is serious! MTV REALLY NEEDS YOU FOR THIS SHOW! Contact them as soon as possible. Please forward this e-mail to as many of your friends as possible, as quickly as possible. If you have not made any Spring Break plans yet we currently have space available for the Bahamas Party Cruise, Panama City, South Beach and Daytona. Call 1-800-678-6386. FREE TRIP DRAWING IN 1 WEEK! We are drawing the names of our free trip winners in 1 week. If this e-mail has been forwarded to you by a friend and you are not currently subscribed to the SBT newsletter, click here (http://www.springbreaktravel.com/sbt/info/winner.asp) to register for the free trip and quarterly newsletter. Winners will be notified via email. ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  22. i like her name ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  23. thats what im screamin! phuck V-Day ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  24. Javvvvvvvvvvvvy ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
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