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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by allishara

  1. Soo.. im headed there on Saturday.. rumor has it theres some type of lil party going on.. will you be there? ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  2. anyone going this friday? ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  3. Hey ya horses ass-- what the F is wrong with ya brain ova there?.. HONESTLY-im totally convinced you have some sort of chemical embalance simply because of these posts you conjured up from.. wait.. gimme a sec...... ok.. from 10 in the AM till.. hmm.. hold on... ok.. 3:30 PM??????? You put your heart n soul into each.. for what reason?.. seriously.... All Joking Aside: WHAT IS YOUR GOAL HERE? to prove that all the WOMEN you stated in the above post are indeed BITCHES?.. is that all babyhead?.. is that all you want?.. Ok then.. well then I -allishara- hereby claim that I am truly.. ya ready.. A BITCH.. No, No, No.. wait.. im THE BITCH.. or wait.. #1 Bitch.. el numero uno B-Otch.. and if im driving my car then im A BITCH on wheels.. and if im eatin candy im a SWEET BITCH.. and if i fell in the mud then i am ONE DIRTY BITCH.. and when i go out on the weekends im a SEXY FUCKING BITCH.. and when i tell a joke im a FUNNY ASS BITCH.. on Monday im a BITCH.. on Tuesday im a BITCH.. and from Wednesday through Sunday... (say it with me sweetie).. IM A BITCH.. So.. ehem.. Mr.Darkhorse.. just like the song.. "a horse is a horse".. well.. i guess "a bitch is a bitch" You can sugar coat the word anyway you want.. it all goes down the same pipe well, now that we got all the way past 100 posts i hope this solves this lil issue youve been having on CLUBnyc and will help you to sleep better at nite.. NOW GET BACK TO WORK! ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  4. everyone should go.. im going! should be fun ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  5. ARIES (March 21-April 19). A Sagittarius has important data for you; he or she may also serve as a go-between with your boss. Good relationships make the difference all day; go about a task alone some other time. Ask for advice from an expert you highly respect. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). In the midst of those routine chores from which you derive such strong feelings of security, someone may please you with unsolicited attentions. You owe at least one letter to one who is waiting and waiting. Get in touch; feel connected. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Cancers hold the keys to your success today. Struggling pals need favors and know you have the soft touch; be canny, and give what works for you. Self- sacrifice is not necessary this time. Stories told tonight will echo eerily in the near future. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Impractical dreamers are drawn to your magnetic and reassuring presence; sort out the freeloaders and send them packing. Enter contests, and add to collections. Intentions of your mate should definitely be examined. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A special connection to a power mogul might supply a break, but not at the expense of a colleague or friend. Put in a good word for a cousin or a new friend, and subsequent gratitude will bring bountiful rewards. Don't exaggerate though. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Not everyone shares your values. Include all of your friends when organizing plans for an event. True love seems too much to hope for; your standards are lofty, and romantic potentials are merely human. Learn new business tricks. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). A fellow Libra is your best confidant; you need a sympathetic ear regarding the return of an old romantic flame, just when you were feeling healed. A problem with a child can be solved now, with gentle but firm honesty. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your fears about your finances will dissolve when you clearly focus on facts and figures. Criticism from you is unlikely to change a family member or mate. Rest and relax in beautiful outdoor surroundings; you need spiritual nourishment. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Good news: The easy way out is just around the corner! You've not been your carefree self lately, but you can't pinpoint what's bothering you. Being the team leader brings real progress; inspire your colleagues to do their best. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Stubbornness in those around you is really a reflection of your own; through our behavior, we teach others how to behave. Shop for something spiffy; you'll find bargains in the cool, elegant style you love. Indulge tonight. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Libras are irresistible today, and one of them wants favors from you. A friend offers to pick up the tab for a get-together, since you're supplying the great ideas for the group function anyway. Practice your leadership skills all day. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Brilliant solutions pop into your head as if they were whispered by an angel on your shoulder; perhaps they were, so keep listening. Expend less energy on worry and more on practical action. Your punctuality has improved. ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  6. ummmm..... what? ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  7. Sundays?.. smoke weed.. alllll daaaaay looooong then eat like a wildabeast at the diner ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  8. Thank you!.. my brother and his girlfriend were going to go on friday nite and tell me how it was.. but it was $10 for guys and it was too packed so they went to bar Miami.. im from Union County as well.. i moved here recently from Hudson County so i dont really know too many people from around here.. but thanks for your help.. i think we're going to stop there on friday nite.. we need a local place ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  9. Thanks!.. are you from Union County?? ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  10. Ugggh..theres soo many cheezy flicks i luv Drop Dead Fred Dead Man On Campus <-FUN-NEEEEE Big Man On Campus <--anyone heard of it? Goodfellas Godfather (only I & II) My Girl Young Frankenstein Billy Madison Dont Be A Menace To South Central Without Drinkin Your Juice in the Hood Pretty in Pink <--all time FAV Muppets Take Manhattan Tommy Boy Sleepers Ghostbusters Scream (only the first one) The Graduate i can go on and on.. BUT.. last nite i saw SNATCH .. it was sooooo goooooood i highly recomend it people... go see it!.. it was really funny ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  11. alright.. someone gimme the dirt if ya got it.. has anyone heard of the place KARMA in Elizabeth?.. ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  12. as for the question on the bmw 330. get it! it's a phat ride... handles like no other car i've ever driven... well at least not ones under $80 grand. i have a 740 myself, but the 330 definitely handles better.
  13. Oooooh Boy.. you know the horse? ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  14. alright wait.. im not really..umm.. understanding you.. Correct me if im wrong here Horse.. i can call you Horse, can i?.. Ok.. YOU my friend said in the above post that.. i duno.. some crap about them and they have childish comebacks and you wont.. umm.. i think it was "stoop" to their level.. and bla bla.. the level was below zero.. and bla blaaah... Am I Correct? Well.. what level can you find the terms "fat, ugly and smelly".. Geeez talk about K-head (k meaning Kindergarten, eh?)and Elephant boy lookin?.. Whaaaaaaaa? Ohh.. but YOU get "mad ladies"?..you a butta pecan rican?.. Ayyyyyy Papi Chulo.. maybe you know LatinoLoco? ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  15. i gotta keep a low profile here.. my boss thinks im on Queer.com alll day long cause of that stupid advertisment on top.. im soooo fired.. i can smell it ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  16. ya kiddin me?.. ya think im HIM? come on Bump.. you know MY material.. i act like a lezbo and that im in LuuuuuV with Sinsational.. then ill call someone ugly and make fun of the way you type and bla bla blaaaaaah.. thats ME NOT him and dont you think i had a hidden agenda here i wouldve come up with a better screename than a MyLittlePony type? ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  17. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Giving your inner voice more credit will enable you to steer clear of dead-end relationships and flaky business arrangements. Ask for the moon, and nobody will be offended. A Virgo or Capricorn is your inspiration for love. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Separate your emotions from a financial issue. You may be forced to deal with challenging personalities, but this will only inspire you to be more creative. Old problems need new solutions. A beautiful stranger adds spice to your life. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Find more to appreciate about the important people in your life. There is no reason to flaunt your talent, but don't let others forget what you've got either. Couples put sparks back into their relationships via vacations or shared hobbies. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your strength lies in your ability to form your own opinion instead of echoing a partner's views. What was intended as a brief rendezvous pans out to become a full-time deal. What you do subconsciously is ultimately for your own good. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You are trusted with top clients and leads. Rise above uncertainty by talking about what you want with people who already have it. It's a lucky weekend, so enter any contest that crosses your path, and go with your hunches. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Trying to live up to someone else's standards could be hurting your individual style. Sit back and reap the benefits of something you've worked hard for. Life is peaceful when romance also means a very close friendship. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You can change a romantic relationship by embracing a new concept: Shine your light brightly instead of making yourself small to suit others. Struggling young people deserve your support, whether it's ideas, money or a listening ear. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Take full advantage of your strong suits. Don't allow fuzzy-brained types to waste your time. On the other hand, overconfidence will distort your perception of real challenges if you let it. To win, you must strike a balance. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You think you have heavy competition, but it's really a featherweight challenge. Listen to your heart instead of asking everyone what your next step should be. You'll find love through something you build, draw or write. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). If there's not enough challenge, you'll just fall asleep. Face your fears, climb mountains, and save the weak. You'll get a rare opportunity to converse with interesting people tonight. Quiet time in the wee hours is extremely creative. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Stretching mental muscles allows you to achieve greater confidence. What feels like pressure is actually an opportunity to excel. An equally ambitious partner can keep up with you while understanding your drive to succeed. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). No one worries about whether or not you can do it -- you're on top of it. Challenge the old school of thought, even if it's someone you love who is thinking this way. Evening plans are highbrow. Dress up and live it up! ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  18. Ya kidding?.. thats probably the FUNNIEST movie of all time.. (slight exageration.. but you know what im gettin at) ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  19. cute website papichulo ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  20. wanna know what i hate even more?.. well, i dont hate it.. i just wish something else was in its place... The lil billboard type thing on top thats for QUEER.com.. the people here at work will come to my desk to talk to me and theyll take a quick peek at my comp.. and TADA!..there it is.. clear as day..... i think they think im on some queer website all day.. grrrrrreat and this is my life ladies n gentlemen... ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  21. how annoying is that little fucking screen that shoots up every two minutes when you come on the board.. i dont really know what its about but the first 2 seconds of it goes "Creation is more than just a .. bla blah blaaaaaa".. its a little box that-i think- on the top says IBM Microsomething... i fucking hate that thing... ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  22. sometimes i really wonder about you... ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  23. i know man.. i read that over and i was like "shit, what the F just happened to me?".. Ehhh.. its late... V-Day = ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  24. > Your mama is so fat: > > > When she hauls ass she has to make two trips. > > When she dances she makes the band skip. > > When she was diagnosed with the flesh eating disease the doctor gave her > 13 > years to live. > > She puts mayonnaise on aspirin. (<- clearly the winner) > > Her cereal bowl came with a lifeguard. > > When she goes to the zoo the elephants throw her peanuts. > > Her high school graduation picture was an aerial photograph. > > Her driver's license says "Picture continued on other side." > > She has to iron her pants on the driveway. > > The back of her neck looks like a pack of hot dogs. > > All the restaurants in town have signs that say: "Maximum Occupancy: 240 > Patrons OR Yo Mama" > > When she ran away, they had to use all four sides of the milk carton. > > Instead of Levis 501 jeans, she wears Levi's 1002's. > > When she gets in an elevator, it HAS to go down. > > She was born with a silver shovel in her mouth. > > She's got smaller fat women orbiting around her. > > She could sell shade. > > When she crosses the street, cars look out for her. > > People jog around her for exercise. > > I ran around her twice and got lost. > > She gets runs in her jeans. > > Her blood type is Ragu. > > When she goes to a restaurant, she doesn't get a menu, she gets an > estimate. > > If she got her shoes shined, she'd have to take his word for it! > > She has to put her belt on with a boomerang. > > She can't even jump to a conclusion. > > She broke her leg and gravy dripped out. > > She went to the movies and sat next to everyone. ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  25. Thanks chikky ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
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