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Everything posted by eggmok

  1. Aoccdrnig to resraech at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. amzanig, huh?
  2. exactly, crank will be on channel 7 news with his analysis . . .
  3. fine, let the outside of the eye hit this dam place . . .
  4. i want the eye of the storm to touchdown on this office . . . wipe this place off the face of the earth because we're moving into a new space next month . . .
  5. hangover cure, i heard it on the radio and became extremely curious . . . check it . . . buzz - hangover cure pgiddy, buy a bottle, test it out and give us a full report the weekend after hurricane . . .
  6. phone w/ cameras . . . boo . . .
  7. so, you went where the hot girls went, smart very smart . . . so do you have some hot co-workers that dress up in the business skirts and matching blazer, with high heels:jawdrop: . . . if you do, i'm comin by there one day . . .
  8. so does that mean you're in the higher ranks . . . ok, as an undergrad at umd, the hottiest girls were in sociology and/or psychology, is that the same for the workplace . . .
  9. even if there were that few guys sharing a bathroom, i still wouldn't use it . . . shit, 80% are women, where the hell do you work . . .
  10. nope, mortgage bankers and they're a bunch of fat sloppy ones that love goin to the "office" as they call it . . . i just hold the cleanliness of my ass in high regard that's all . . .
  11. damn straight, you should see the disgusting fuckers in this office, there is no way in hell that i'm using the same toilet that these guys crapped on . . . luckily for me, i have the keys to my cousins place who lives on mile away - shitbreak . . .
  12. jamiroguy1 and tinybutterfli can't be the only ones on here, i know there's more, join the revolution . . . see vic, you're just a dirty, germ carrying bastard, no one here will ever shake your hands again . . .
  13. no you don't . . . every person on the board has some form of ocd, in my case i'm germphobic . . . i know there are some germphobics on here besides myself, where are you, you know who you are, come out of closet and unite . . . we shall overcome . . .
  14. a trashcan right next to the door, all you other germphobics like myself know why . . . here's the order of operation: only go #1, never #2, in a public bathroom. when finished, first grab a bunch of paper towels. use one of the paper towels to turn on the sink, wash your hands using plenty of soap, dry hands with the paper towels, turn off the sink using another paper towel and lastly, open the door using the paper towel and throw it away in the trashcan right next to the door . . . if the trashcan isn't there, sorry mr. janitor, toss it on the floor . . . therefore, every public bathroom should have a trashcan right next to the door . . . dilemma: what do you do when there are only air dryers or if there are no paper towels (that's when i freak out) . . .
  15. so how bad is it estimated to get . . . i def. want it to be strong so i can call in . . .
  16. wow, i'm really, really impressed. i have to find the name of the track, but it's pretty phat. i had no clue shady was so talented, given that all he talks about is takin a dump in vicman's living room . . .
  17. last night i downloaded your "shuffle along" cd on my new mp3 player. it was a pain in the ass cause i had to convert the cd tracks (cda) to wav to mp3, but well worth it. question for you, the track by "shady", i forgot the name, is yours? you did that? if you did, i'm really impressed. good shit. anthing new comin out, let me know . . . lastly, where the fuck are you and why haven't you been posting, i need to see what the weather is going to be this weekend . . .
  18. thinking of you casey, there can only be one blueangel . . .
  19. she was actually the very first person i met from cp and it was at my first time at twilo. she was by far the nicest person on the nyc board.
  20. we'll never forget one of my favorite cp'ers, blueangel . . .
  21. when i'm drunk and hungry, anything i eat tastes like it's gourmet . . .
  22. hey millie, remember dottie, she lived in those condos right by ben's chili bowl 2 years ago. she sold her place in a year and got double what she paid because the place is boomin. we used to go to bens all the time. ben's is such a famous landmark for dc and u street is comin back.
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