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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. I expect to see some of you southern boys and girls at this: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=202584&perpage=15&pagenumber=1 Otherwise, I'm gonna raise some hell with a private road trip of my own down to you all!
  2. I'll be there - of frickin' course! It's gonna be another fun event!
  3. I'll be there - of frickin' course! It's gonna be another fun event!
  4. I'll be there - of frickin' course! It's gonna be another fun event!
  5. Been a while since I was here and just wanted to pop in and say hello! Merry Christmas to the beautiful people of DC. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday and fabulous New Year! *hugs and kisses*
  6. guido. go wax your furniture...oh wait, it's naturally shiny.
  7. lol Shuga, the only thing you're gonna be counting is how many shots you get placed in front of you! I'm buying the first one!
  8. Pfffffffffft - u told me the "had to piss story" was just so you didn't look like a chump. -It's okay, we won't think less of you. We all have a puke or two at least once in our lives during a meetup!
  9. Liar. You even admitted to me a few weeks ago that you did have to puke but just didn't want anyone to know.
  10. The only thing I wanna know is what weekends in January is Calderone going to be spinning? I know he's doing NYE but what about after that? Please, tell me......
  11. don't you two smart asses start. lol
  12. lol absolutely NO sushi this time! ---If we're lucky, Calderone is going to be at Crobar that night. Zoya wants to head there after the meetup to celebrate some more. Chu bettah come if we do.....nothing like diva'ing it out till the next morn! --besides, i need a seriously major night of dancing!
  13. Oh, it is...it is all so. But at least you didn't do a dumb thing like "show up around 3:30pm to start drinking with Mr Ichi Gami himself knowing full well that the rest of the attendees wouldn't be there until the very earliest, 5pm". Dumb, DUMB move! If it's the date you want, you won't be holding nothing but onto everyone. There's gonna be a lotta shots tossed your way to celebrate your day. I hope you're ready....cuz it's gonna be a rough night!
  14. You know what, I'm all down to challenge you but considering how little I can hang anymore, I doubt I'll win. It'll be fun trying though. And yes, all the stories you've heard of previous meetups are most definitely true. From shoes being thrown across bars, to this one throwing up on a family eating their dinner, to those people screaming "WHOLY SHIT" across the restaurant, to those doing drugs in the bathroom - out in the open - and finally, everyone being ASKED TO LEAVE THE RESTAURANT and be escorted out by NY's finest. I still don't remember the cops though. But I'm sure I was part of the cause for being asked to go. lol It was allllllllllllllllllllllllll WORTH IT!
  15. I voted for America. They make the bomb frozen margaritas!
  16. What is? The idea of arranging a board meetup? Actually, you're quite wrong. I arranged one of the first America Meetups and it went down as the best one ever. From the trouble to the memories, it was all worth it. Plus, it's a GREAT way to meet those people posting on the board that otherwise, you may not have had the opportunity to meet. I love the idea of restaurant meetups. They're in casual settings where food, and booze, and laughter are all welcome. I've met so many wonderful people, if it's seen as "gay", then so be it.
  17. Here's part 2 of the poll to be voting on: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=193790 (Since DaVe is slacking on the sticky )
  18. Hey guys, Regina and I have been working on yet ANOTHER multi-board meetup. Please, if you are interested, go to the main forum and vote on: The Venue Location: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=193786 And the Date: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=193790 Thanks everyone! Hope to see you there!
  19. Yea - can we get a sticky on this one too?! Good Job Regina! We gonna have a pah-tee...... *I really hope it's at America though*
  20. Wow, two whole minutes of silence to remember the millions who have sacrificed their lives for their country. You sure put me in my place. The only thing that I agree with is that this holiday is taken too laxadaysil (sp). It's true, most do only regard it as "another day off from work" to lay around the house or to hit the nearest mall for the wonderful "holiday sales". It's sad how the country has materialized it simply for it's own economic gain. --- And people wonder why the American public didn't want September 11th to be regarded as a national holiday. The holidays that you think only exist in DC actually exist throughout the country. It only takes on a higher precidence because you're in the Nation's Capital where our leaders of the federal government congregate. Plenty of corporations up here in the tri-state area (NY / NJ / CT) had off in recognition of the day. To say that everyone is being "lazy" is unfair. You don't know how many people in our society sit and reflect of the wartimes past. Today happens to mean a lot to me and being you are not a true American, I'm sure you can not truly understand why I find it insulting someone would make such a statement as you did. My Grandfather, who in just recent months passed away, was a Veteran and I know that today was extremely important to him. He carried with him each day a lot of pride and respect because of being involved in the war. He never had the opportunity to share with me his war stories but I know how much being a soldier meant to him. Because of that, and the many other former soldiers, the day should be respected. Stupid comments about the post man being off is unwarranted. Just because those you see around you don't appear to be reflecting on the day, doesn't mean they aren't. And Vic, I did go to work today. I knew that's what my Grandfather would have wanted. And being my Father, a former Vietnam Vet was able to get up and head out, there's no reason for me to stay home. But I think people should have the basic right to chose whether they go to work or stay home and recognize it as they see fit.
  21. It's a national holiday and unfortunately, one that's taken far too lightly considering the historical meaning behind it. Obviously, all Federal employees will have off today, including your beloved post man. I'm sure your junk mail can wait an extra 24 hours to arrive. Since you clearly are ignorant, Veteran's Day, also know as Rememberance Day, honors those brave soldiers, both living and dead, who fought for the United States and what it represents. They put themselves on the lines to give you a country where your freedom comes first. Show some respect...
  22. hahahahah That's the funniest thing I've heard all week! --Noone wants to marry my ass. I can't even get a date these days.
  23. Me? Married? LMFAO! Who the hell would marry my ass?!
  24. lol You're married, bitch. Long time no see! Zoya...I'll just excuse the above as a simple "brain fart". It happens to the best of us! And I hear ya on not seeing Oakie...why waste a perfectly good autumn night on that frickin' unappreciative prick?! lol We're on for Calderone though. I'm so excited, it hurts!
  25. You are correct sir! Calderone is trying to change his sound and style to bring in a more diversified crowd. He's said it in interviews past that he wants to get away from the circuit parties so that more people feel welcome at his gigs. Never have I ever had a problem at one of Vic's parties. The gay men there welcomed me with open arms and I pretty much always went there solo. As for Junior, I've seen him a few times and also seen him get on the mic and say, "All you fish (ie women) leave and go to Factory". His crowd generally tries to push the women out - and that's simply being said from experience. Maybe Junior is looking to "change" as well. His Jersey set kind of makes me think there's hope for his female followers but only time will tell. Either way, whoopdeedoo! I got Calderone on a bi-monthly session and that's ALL a girl can ask for!
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