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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. I'm single. Gina, I wasn't there that night. lol I dunno what you're talking about. :angel:
  2. ahahahhahaa I forgot all about this. Gina, even my ass likes to hold the LIITs
  3. lol Not *that* Miami pic but one that shows why I just won the LIIT Superlative!
  4. *gasp* Wha about me? Kittie? You no luva me, Gina? Whatever happened to Space? On the roof? The moments we shared! NEED I POST THAT PICTURE LITTLE LADY?!
  5. I like Peter too but last time I heard him was at Maze in Miami over the WMC. He was terribly boring....even the crowd's vibe was scoring a low 2. Calderone is number ONE for me....Pete, he's a bit further down the line.....
  6. lol What's with all you CP cats thinkin' I'm in retirement? I'm just slowin' it down a bit...I have school, work, and a new wittle niece to pay attention to. I'm down to go out whenever you want. You wanna do a titty tour, I'll polish mine up and head on ova! lol We should get a bunch of peeps to come with --- I miss all you guys. ----I'll shoot you an IM in a bit. Add me to your list (madamkitte)
  8. In that case, wanna meet up randomly? Have a couple drinks...few shots... Last time I saw you was Centro I think....Cox? ----- And back to the topic: Cellar Bar does pull in some of the "famous area people". The last time I was there was for a VIPGuestlist party arranged by Donny and Tina. The cast and crew of "Oz" was there celebrating something in the upper table area. CMB1975 on the board even got to sit down and have a chat with Gary Sinese. The place is nice but there's a billion other places in the City that are MUCH more worth it. Everyone should go at least once though and come to their own conclusion.
  9. lol ya like that, right baby? -More women should be like me!
  10. ha! Retirement? Who, me? lol I always say that and then somehow get pulled back in. I've been around though. Not so much in the City but still gettin' mah jammy-jam on. Where the heck have YOU been? I rarely see your booty out on the town.
  11. lol yuppies! Yea, pretty much! I remember when we went, there were a bunch of wrinkling old broads with their droopy tits pushed up in their maden-form bras. We had fun but really, it's not the place for me and my friends. It's nice, but not worth it.
  12. The gorgeous women are all in NJ.....You know, that funny, butler-looking state that you have to drive through for about 3 hours to get to NY. I'm probably staying home on Friday to hang with my niece on her first Halloween but maybe I'll meet up with you on Saturday -- lemme know when you know.
  13. Cellar Bar is actually a really nice place. It's more of a "sit and drink or eat" place than anything. They have a tiny little DJ booth and yet, I don't recall there being a dance floor. If you go, be prepared to pay for the drinks. If I remember correctly, we paid around $18 for a long island ice tea. But if you like a nice, upscale enviornment, it's definitely the place to go. Crowd is a bit older....say 30's.
  14. Eggy, you're supposed to reciprocate it. **miss kittie is feeling randy lately! Vic, where on Friday? I wasn't planning on going out but if you're gonna buy me some drinks, why the hell not?
  15. misskittie

    Hi Hi

    Just droppin' in to say hewwo to my wittle DC friends. What's goin' on this lovely Monday afternoon in your neck of the woods? Vic...where you going this weekend? Mikey (Jamiro).... You ever hit Lush? Egg....get yo ass up heah and see yo pussy kAt Gina.....Hi baby! *mua* I miss anyone?
  16. ha ha They're bustin' your glowballs, baby. Crobar's NY address is 530 West 28th Street. Just go to their website if you wanna check in on what's going on: http://www.crobar.com/ And hon, don't listen to your friends anymore.
  17. Absolutely not. Where do you come up with this stuff, honey? The old Tunnel, from what I hear, is now a banquet hall of sorts. Crobar has another location but I forget the address.
  18. Will you talk dirty to me in Spanish? Cuz if so, I'm on that like the condom on your dick! *that shiet is tight*
  19. Buttercup, that's Boston Avalon...not NYC. You should just take me out and see where it all goes from there. *hey now*
  20. I'm not sure what's going on next week. Go look at the Ezdreamer.com calendar. I've updated it as much as possible.
  21. Why would you want to see PVD anyway? He's sooo last year. Hawtin + Wink = today's hottness
  22. The party to be at this Saturday is without a doubt Hawtin & Wink @ Avalon. They're gonna blow the steeple off that place!
  23. That literally made me chuckle out loud!
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