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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. You called me? And left a message? Or we actually spoke? Cuz I got nothin'! You musta called someone else...fuck-head! PVD? Why would I want post venerial disease? Either way, it's all good. I understand you don't like the pussy anymore. Congrats to your cousin! That's wonderful news....and an extremely valid excuse in my eyes. (i still love you, you sexy mo-fo)
  2. Were you up here this weekend? I never got a phone call from my favorite DC man....tsk tsk. You stood me up......again.
  3. Uhh, yea, I'm VERY aware of that. I'm just afraid of the ocean and getting eaten by a shark. It's their territory, not mine. I'll stick to the pools that are barside! That's more my scene.
  4. lol No. My debaucherous boy....DJ Mark Pappas. Besides, he's chummy with all the DJs I love....I can have my own private hotel party! ------------- lol I'm using him for his connections. (jk) And yes, I know the beach is across the street but I'm afraid to go in. So, I'll lay out on the beach and party there but I like a pool to take a nice dip. Okay, enough CP for me. This is the most I've been here in years.
  5. bwahahah You dirty dawg! Right now, my boy is looking to book a room over on Ocean & 7th --- yea, right by Wet Willies, bay-bee! I'll let you fellas know what we choose on once the dates are announced. All I know is....I BETTER HAVE A POOL THIS YEAR! ~miami, year 3~
  6. Any of you crazy cats thinking of hitting Miami for WMC next year? I wasn't going but then a friend from Philly twisted my arm. Any one considering it? Lemme know! (i know u all wanna come and stay in the same tele as me)
  7. That rumor has been around for a couple years now. No way will they ever take it out of Miami to move it to Vegas. There's just no way.....
  8. My last time in the ole gal was the DC trip when I got stuck in the back seat with wonder-boy....by the way, yeah, thanks a lot for that one. But regardless, there's no better way to say farewell than in the backseat! What a fun weekend that was......hell, the night itself was friggin ridiculous! (the ATM - that "afterhours club" - wtf were you thinkin' takin' the NY contingency to that joint!? - lol) Either way, we had some good times when Twilo (both club and car) were still in our lives. Shit, there was nothing better than bouncing around the club in an e-induced craze and bumping into Rigo. I miss those days....the better days....
  9. LMFAO MIKE! Rigo knows me....since 2000! He was just tryin' to make a funny silly boy. kAt *hearts* rigo AAF in the Twilo-Mobile Mikey, I love you too scuttle-butt! You DC men make me prrrrrrr!
  10. Or, you can go one step farther and just turn off all signatures through your profile options. Your pages will load a lot quicker and more posts will appear on a page as a result.
  11. Oh my fuggin gawd! I totally remember that picture. That shit is MAD old skool!! bahahhahaha But a great trip back down memory lane!
  12. Wow, talk about super envious! Anyone know if there's any chance of getting my hands on the set online somewhere?
  13. Terrible game. Absolutely terrible. But, the good thing is, I won a 100 bucks. No way were the Jets gonna take that game.
  14. Oooof. Let's not speak of LIITs. I had about 30 Executives last night. But, I be chillin', yo! Did Vic make you come over here? Don't you know CP is the devil? lol Vic, honestly bro, your post count is frightening. lol And I thought I was ridiculous! I don't think I have that many posts on any one board myself. You're killin' me! By the way, *mua* - I luv you DC boyz.
  15. Don't play coy with me! I'm your favorite girl from Jersey, EVA! *smooch* Whatchu doin' ova here big boy? lol This is my birthing ground! Good, ole, CP.
  16. lol It's still called Cream just newly renovated? Good to see they stay on top of things. The last time they renovated the joint was in 2001. Wonder what it looks like now....
  17. Cream on Columbus Avenue? They've always been 21+ and dress to impress. What the parties are like these days is beyond me though. Sorry I don't have any other info to offer.
  18. Drinks are $14 bucks a pop? Wholy Winter Music Conference in NY! Guess that was to be expected though. BTW, Wasn't Burridge spinning last night? Or do I have my dates mixed up?
  19. No problem at all. I've been good. Busy with school, work, and being an Auntie but good none the less. How've you been? How's Jav? The Crayons? I'm so out of the loop! Hit me up on AIM if you have it: MadamKittE. Or email me: kAtx0x@yahoo.com (since we know I rarely frequent CP these days)
  20. After you get into the club, put the ID in the bottom of your shoe. This usually only works when wearing boots or sneaks though. As for the $$, I put it where my Grandma told me to....in the ole brazere! Ain't noone going in there but me! They also make these cute lil wallet type things that you can strap on to your wrist or ankle. They hold money, ids, maybe a stick of lipstick and are absolutely PERFECT for a night out on the town full of dancing!
  21. Emerald is one of the better places to go. Check out www.maneo.com That's the main Philadelphia message board. They can answer all you're questions and direct you to the clubs that you want. Brian Nagle, the owner of the board, can most likely let you know what DJs are playing what places, etc. Hope it helps.
  22. There's a place called "Roots" on Ridge Road in North Arlington (Bergen County). They carry everything from pills to drinks to powder mixes. I used one that the salesman helped me pick out a few years back and it worked. The drink was disgusting but getting the job made it all worth it. -Good luck!
  23. OMG You're shittin' me! I just ripped down a poster in the City over the weekend for their definitive collection release. I'll pretty much guarantee my attendance that night! Definitely can't wait to see the remodeling that took place, too!
  24. Wait a minute, didn't I see you that night? It wasn't the drink that kept you going, it was the other energy stuff.....
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