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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. Oh I absoultely LOVE LIMELIGHT. Its never overcrowded. The people are friendly...lts of Europeans. The drinks are slammin, music off the hook. It sucks that it closes early but I NEVER have a bad time there. The place just gives off this vibe which makes me go back again and again.
  2. Ok I personally have never tried it but thats just because I never wanted to waste my pill. Yet, I do know some people who have done this and they have said that it hits you wayyy faster than taking it orally and it also hits you stronger.
  3. OMG...I cant believe you people....how can you forget Laetitia Casta????? The Victoria Secret model? I mean they even have her pictur hanging up in Exit by the bathrooms...lol And for guys, Oh by FAR ..... Sean Connery and Brad Pitt. Yummaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  4. Last time I looked down I was a girl....lol
  5. I read on one of the webstites a while ago that the only true way to die is if you take 70 PURE hits of MDMA. Thats supposively the only way you can die from E. Yet you can also die from heat exhaustion but thats if you dont at least take a 15 minute break from dancing and dont at least drink one glass of water. But thats the media for ya...making it sound worse than it really is. And I always that heroin or crack were some of the most dangerous drugs. At least E isnt addictive.
  6. 19 for girls 21 for guys. There is even a tally <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlist</A> at the door. You dont need to call ahead and reserve which is the good part. If you go ask for the Dynamix <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlist</A> and get reduced admission. Saturdays only. And no this isnt my <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlist</A> or a friend of mines either. Just one I go on
  7. I was sent that in an email over a year ago and wrote to my senators. I dont really know how legit it is but it figures they would put a tax on emails too...
  8. Why dont u just drink a bottle of robitussin if you wanna trip? lol
  9. Umm I thought it was supposed to be only ONE word???? Oh well...heres mine.... Wack EXTREMELY outgoing Carefree
  10. Anyone know if its this weekend? Friday or Saturday night?
  11. I have done it in the past just by taking ripped fuel or vivarin and drinking loads of water
  12. Ok you are COMPLETELY WRONG! My article hunt is not for amusement, its because Im interested in knowing what has taken place since I go to many city clubs. I want to know if there will be changes taking place at many of the local clubs which I avidly attend. Yes his death is said and Im not trying to slander the memory or name of James Wiest. I have much empathy for him and his family. I know the pain of loosing people to drugs, alcohol, and other deaths both stupid and natural. I wasnt posting anything for people to try and say things about him and if they feel he was stupid for what he did or what not. Its not amusing to me, but it is interesting to me. We learn from others mistakes like someone else pointed out. If I was to die from a drug overdose, I would want people to read about so maybe they can avoid the same path which I fell victim to. This is something that affects many of us and I think it is a sin and hope he will rest in peace. Its sad how many of us clubbers go out and push the limits of what our bodies can handle yet we cannot hold everyones hands and tell them not do it. Yet, unfortunate things like this do happen. And if it continues to happen, those who club many weekends can lose out because of these deaths. The media is making ecstacy appear as a bad drug and Im not agreeing with them nor am I opposing that opinion. But drugs are made to appear bad and when that is said and people young and old hear it on the news and they know nothing about it, people panic. They panic and government and law enforcement take steps to suppress the drugs in loacl areas. And this means close the clubs down where many of the clubs are used illegally I dont want to see this happen and Im sure many others do not want to either. I just want information so I can know what happened. If you feel I am being disrespectful then that is your opinion and you are entitled to it. But this is called NEWS....ever hear of it. Did you have any problem with the articles being written or the television news reporting about? Probably not. So whats so wrong with me wanting to read on it!?!?
  13. Ok I found the link thanks to everyone. If anyone else wants to check the article out here it is.... http://www.nydailynews.com/2000-07-23/News_and_Views/City_Beat/a-74182.asp
  14. Hey TRK NO problem! I have been crazy about Studio 54 for years! I even got in a huge arguement when she told me she walked by one night and they told her to go in even though she had her German shephard with her and she said no! I wanted to kill her!! Oh well. If anything Ill check up on it and get back to you. Hey maybe we can even meet up somewhere since Im almost positive Id be foreced to go all by myself...boo hoo
  15. Ok my purpose of posting this was to find out information for myself. Not to mock or hurt anyone over this death. Yet, if he was stupid enough to ingest G and E without realizeing the consequences, what can I honestly do about it?? NOTHING! I want to know about articles to more iformtaiona nd find out what the police are planning on doing, what club owners plan on doing and to find out if they know what his infortunate death was from. I know MANY people who have dies from drugs in and out of clubs so I know how it feels to lose someone close to my heart. I would never want to inflict pain upon those who lost him yet I have every God given right to try and find out if they are ARTICLES WHICH i CAN READ. Then maybe we can post something up in his memory. As of now I have basically NO KNOWLEDGE on what has happened. But I dont see anything wrong with me asking if someone can point put an article!
  16. Well when I watched CH 4 News right after it had happened, they said .."Police are unsure if he died of ecstacy or another drug". I believe if anything it was a mixture of G and maybe E. The only thing is, the media will sit there and tell us its E so that it seems as though its bad drug and harmful when it truely isnt the one which can kill.
  17. Oh yea Im not sure but Tunnel might still have Mecca nights on Sundays. Limelight also has its own Hip hop room and So does Exit and most clubs.
  18. I know of one In New Rochelle NY called Club Hollywood. There is also a place thats opening in the city soon which I think is going to be called Mecca or Back to Mecca. Ill get back to you tomorrow on it. I have all the info at home. Otherwise, check out this link and just look through all the bars and clubs it has to list for hip hop, rap, and funk. http://www.digitalcity.com/newyork/bars/search.dci?vtid=3&stid=129&type=venue Hope its what your looking for!
  19. STOPPPP TALKING ABOUT CHEETAH AND THURSDAYS!!! Please!!! Its only Tuesday I cant take it. ...sorry just a little early week stress goin on
  20. I totally agree with Crystalmeth
  21. Better to be cute....but I really dont know what the difference is..lol
  22. Oh yea?? Can we get pictures of them? Are they single? Nah just playin'
  23. Ok first off, Twilo isnt my favorite club and Im not worried about that place closing down personally. Yea he died but thats because of his OWN MISUSE of the drugs which he took. I dont think E is good or bad. I personally dont have much of an opinion on it for omyself. Yes I have done it in the past but I havent done it in over a year. I do feel bad that someone has died but it was not my fault nor anyone elses and in my opinion it is not fair that clubs may close down because of his screw up! Dont argue with me anymore. Im allowed to my opinion as you ar yours but obviously YOU keep dragging this further and further and YOU will be why this turns into a disgraceful post. Now take a deep breath and calm yourself down.
  24. Hey I dont mind joining. My AOL sn is Kissinkat79 and my AIM is kissinkat20 or hey its kitkat. Toodles!
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